August 17 2015
Hola Familia y Amigos from here in TALARA!!
first off, i need to apologize. i cant send photos this time because i didnt know that thte computers dont have SD card readers, so i will hv to send some next time...
Well, i finanlly made it to the field! We left The CCM at 2:45 AM and our plane left around 6:30. we arrived in Piura around 8:30 and Presidente Rasmussen and Hna. Rasmussen and their secretaries greeted us. Its all so real!! i have been thrown into some very hot water...its been quite the roller coaster ride. My trainer andor ¨´mom¨ is Hna. Salazar and she only has 4 months here in the mission. so in reality, we are both still pretty new at this. but shes a real sweetheart! shes from Lima and she is a convert to the church. She tries to help me as much as she possibly can through the language barrier, and she is very kind and loving. We struggle to understand each other a lot because she ony knows super simple stuff n English and my Spanish is pretty limited to Church vocabulary and Church discussions. But its been good!
Heres a few little bits of info from my last week at the CCm since i ddnt get to write last week to you all...
- I received my official Peruvin ID!! I am now an official resident here for 5 years if i want...dont you worry though i will be back in 18 months LOL!
- Also, i got my first written letter the last Friday in the CCM! THANKS MOM!! it was such a blessin to receive that! I did some hard core crying when i read it just because i was so so happy! Oh, if any of you want to send me written letters, i would love it! If you need my mailing addres, please ask my Mom at :) thanks for Mom for the help, in advance!
- My district took goodbye photos with Hna. Loayza! it was way fun! it was so hard to say goobye to her! shes become such a good friend! i am definitely going to have to viist her again, and next time we will be able to talk totally in Spanish!
-our district also had a sing a long to Primary songs before we left, and it was fantastic! i missed music! its so nice to be able to listen to it here in the field!! :)
- Also, i realized something really big in our leaders meeting sunday. i realized that the challenges i faced with my comp. in the CCM were to allow me to be able to help other missionaries. its hard to except something like that, but i know those trials were a blessing in disguise!
Alright now onto this past first week in the field!!!! :)
-I absolutely love Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen!! they are such kind, fun, spiritual people. I especially love Hna. Rasmussen because she is such a good mother. since i need a sub. for my own dearest mom being so so many miles away, its nice to have somene to love and care for me.
- on the tuesdAY we arrived, they sent u on splits with some of the missionaries in Piura to go proselyting! I ended up being with with Hna. Parks! i actually talked to her through Facebook before our missions!! she went out the transfer before me, and she is wonderful! she gave me some awesome advice and she helped me understand!
-while proselyting that Tu. we taught Carlos and his family. Carlos lived in Indiana for many years and his oldest daughter was born there, so they knwe some English! its was helpful for them the be able to speak more clear to me when i gt lost, but for real i didnt get too lost! i was able to follow most of the conversation! of course, i still have a long way to go, but i feel like i know a lot more than t be expected!
- but, me being me, i have super high expectations for myself, and ive been pretty hard on myself with the language. i need to learn faster! LOL i only have 6 days out in the field, and i feel like i need to undertand everything!" talk about unrealistic expectionats! :)
- Tues night, all the Hna.s spent the night at the mission home. let me tell you, its like a little oasis in the middle of Piura! its beautiful and i felt so safe!
- so heres some info about Piura, and specifically my assigned area of Talara Bajo...SAND! this truly is a desert! I feel dirty all the time because there is so much sand! however, the food really is delicious and the people are so wamr and kind! Its hot now..and its their going to die when it hits summer! LOL but i will acclimate...i hope!!
-I ve been trying so hard to be healthy, but its such a difficult task here...our PEnsionista Hna. Sobrina is very sweet and her food is yummy, but she gives us giant helpings of rice and at first she didnt serve us any veggies...i had Hna. Salazar help me ask her for Veggies because i need them in my diet or im gonna die! Luckily, she ws willing to help us out! the first day she made veggies, she included avocado and radishes, which i dont normally like. however, i was so excited for veggies that they all tasted great! :)
- Ok here are a few cool experiences from these past few lady amed Hayde actually leaned out her door and called to us as we walkd to pst towards another appoinment. we went in a taught her and she been so excited! that whole day we hdad had no succes, so it was a little miracle to come across her! she came our activity friday even! another cool moment came after we received a new mission rule: from 6-8 PM we aRE ONLY ALLOWED TO KNOCK ON DOORS, NO Scheduled meetigns with families. its hard becaue that is the time many peole are home, but we have had so many new ontacts because of it! one girl in particular sticks out! we knocked on her door yesterday! her name is Karen and she 17 years old. she loved the idea of finding the truth! she took the restoration pamphlet and a book of mormon! she agreed to read both and pray to know if they were true! and she agreed thaqt if she received a confirming answer that she wouold get baptized!! all this on our first visit because we knocked on her dooR! wow such a cool moment, and the spirit was so strong in the lessn! Im so excited for her, and i know that new rule is an inspired one!
-Friday night we had an activity for members and investigators! we went on a photo scavenger hunbt, which apparently isnt a thing here, but our sisiter leader Hna. Ziegner is from Oregon and put it together. it was a blast!! we ran around the city like maniacs and the investigators were so happy! we had quite a few investigators come, which is always a blessing!
We also had our first zone meeting Sat morning. it was a different experience, for sure. but it was fun! all the missionaries in my zone are such dedicated people and im glad i get to work with them my first area!
- yesterday while we were proselyting, an old man missingin lots of teeth leaned out his door to talk with us and he gave us each a sucker. LOL it was kind of weird, but he was nice and had a real conversation with us. I guess my being a Norte has its perks because people are always interested in talking with us!
- and finally, today! today ws my first P-day in the field, and i had a good day! We went to the capilla at 10 and played fun games with our whole zone! we played cature the flag, which apparently isnt a thing here either, and we through water balloons at each other, and we played some volleyball! it was really fun! i definitely got sun burned LOL but that was my first time! Oh, and afterwrd we went and made pizza and brownies in a microwave with the sister leaders! it was so fun and yummy! Hna. Ziegner is such a sweet girl, and its nice to be able to talk English with someone every once in a while!
- tomorrow, im going on splits with Hna. Ziegner! im so excited!!
- oh, Hna. Salazar and i got locked out of our house today...TWICE! we have our key, but for some reason the lock is blocked from th inside...ya, thats fun! LOL
But, ya! thats my new area and all my first experiences! I love you all!! the gospel is true! even through trials, change, all of that, that is still a powerful statement. THE GOSPEL IS TRUE!! :)