Thursday, August 27, 2015

Brielle - 26 de agosto

August 26 2015

This week was good. Not fantastic but we are working on it. We have only been able to get a few lessons in each day and we are contacting like none other. We will find people. 
on Sunday we had lunch with a member named Luci and her family. They are from Peru. So I told them that Baylee was there serving and they were really excited. They have been to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole. They were really excited about that but I couldn´t talk about Yellowstone or much about Jackson Hole since I have never been to Yellowstone and I only got to Jackson for sporting events, to meet up with friends, and to get wisdom teeth out, but I tried. The food was really good.
Every Sunday night right before we go back to our house us and the elders go to this member´s house Yodirah and she gives us a good night snack. This night though we were late so she called us and we answered and the first thing she says is explain to me!! it was sooo funny. We felt like we were in trouble with our moms. 
Monday we had interviews with Pte Castillo and that went well. I was able to get a few things from the store and got  some information for two of our investgators.
Today Hermana Salazar went to Mao one of her areas and I stayed with hermana Bauyon. She is from my group. It was a good time. 
Nothing super exciting happened, just missionary life. Working hard, learning, and sharing the message of the gospel.
I know that we all have trials and challenges and that they all my seem super hard, but with the help of the Lord and us doing everything that we can we will overcome and be winners of the challenge and be even better. 
Yo sé que esa obra es important, por que yo voy a regresar si no es verdad y importante. Yo tengo esa oportunidad a hacer mi parte encontrar las personas quien son esperando y buscando. Yo voy hacer todo lo que es posible para que ellas pueden encontrar. Yo sé que la Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días es la única iglesia con toda la verdad.  

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Baylee - Another week in the field down! Heres what happened this week...

August 24 2015

Hola Mi Familia y Amigos!

Another week in the field down! Heres what happened this week...
-on Tuesday last week i went on exchanges with our sister leader Hna. Ziegner!! She is from Oregon and i love her so much! it was a perfect time to recuperate and be reminded that im not drowning! i can do this! The day went well. Her Pensionista is such a sweet ¡heart! She gave us great food and she took down my moms name to look her up on facebook and talk to her about me!! How cool huh?? That night, Hna. Ziegner and i made pasta and she shared her cool cookie from her relatives in Arequipa, Peru and the cake another member of the ward had mdae her. Hna. Ziegner is truly fantastic! we went running nin the morning and she made pancakes for us! i was sad to leave her, but i love Hna. Salazar too! i think we should just hav a trio! :)
-on wednesday, Francisco told he us he wants to be ba`tized!!! AHH! weve only taught him twice, but his family is all members and he decided its true! Yesterday, we set a date for Spt. 26th and now we are working to prepare him for that date. its so cool thta i am going to have my first baptism in my first transfer! 
- I was real smart thursday and let myself get sunburned pretty bad...LOL im healing pretty well, but the first fews days were not fun!
- i attended my first district meeting on Sat. and i have to say that i have have the best district ever :) Elders Flores and Richards, Miranda and Bradford, and Hna. Salazar and i. it was fun and they are all so willing to help! Elders Miranda and Bradford are the Zone Leaders too so that thats neat!
- This weekend was the district cnofeerence for all of Talara. Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came and spoke both Saturday night and Sunday morning. It was real great to see them as well as hard because they are like my parents out here on the mission, and it made me homesick. I will admit i miss my mommy and daddy :) But the talks the two gav were fantastic! Presidente talked about how the members can help us missionaries, and it was profound. he showed one of the mormon messages without words, and it really hit home. LOL during that meeting, Hna. Liliana a member here her daughter fell asleep on my shoulder! it was so precious! :)
- Hna. Rasmussen really takes the time to listen, and i love her more and more every time i talk to her! She spent a whole hour just chatting with us and Hna. Ziegner and Huanca after the conference Sunday morning!
- All of you should loook up 1 Nephi 21:20...this reminded me that success, joy, peace, happiness all comes after trials. Although i am facing many challenges here, all is to test me and prove me and improve me, making me become the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be. Remember that when you face your own challenges in your life. He is shaping you, molding you into your best self!
-sorry for no pictures yet again...this whole system is driving me crazy!

I love you all! i miss you all, but the gospel is still true! Yo sè que Jesucristo es mi Salavador y Redentor. Yo sè que las families pueden ser juntos para siempre por medio la Expiaciòn de Jesucristo. Yo sè que este Evangelio es verdadero. Con tiempo, y poderà hablar Español perfecto y ayudar la gente de la Perù Piura Misiòn! Te amo!! :)



Thursday, August 20, 2015

Brielle - August 19, 2015

August 19 2015

Only been a few days since I last wrote so this will be short. 
We ate at McDonalds as a zone after our zone meeting where we planned some fun activities for the p-days of this transfer.  

We had one lesson on Tuesday and really pushed to get some ward activities in our ward because there are basically none. Which makes it hard to get investigators and less actives to come to church. Last night when we were walking home the power want out and was our for about 45 minutes so we planned by flashlight because we didn´t have any candles and then we went outside and talked under the stars. There are very few stars here in comparison to Wyoming where it looks like someone splattered paint in the sky.
Today we went to one of Hermana Salazar´s old areas so she could say her last goodbye. That took forever even though she said oh it will be soo fast and no it wasn´t so next week and the week after that I am going to see if we can do intercambios with the other hermanas because it was hot and boring for me. But it was great for her to see the people who are speical for her. We also went to Calle del sol so that Hermana Salazar could buy a few things to take back home. We all got a free braclet for her purchase. 
Please be kind to everyone. Pray. And just be good. 

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Baylee - Hola Familia y Amigos from here in TALARA!!

August 17 2015

Hola Familia y Amigos from here in TALARA!!

first off, i need to apologize. i cant send photos this time because i didnt know that thte computers dont have SD card readers, so i will hv to send some next time...
Well, i finanlly made it to the field! We left The CCM at 2:45 AM and our plane left around 6:30. we arrived in Piura around 8:30 and Presidente Rasmussen and Hna. Rasmussen and their secretaries greeted us. Its all so real!! i have been thrown into some very hot water...its been quite the roller coaster ride. My trainer andor ¨´mom¨ is Hna. Salazar and she only has 4 months here in the mission. so in reality, we are both still pretty new at this. but shes a real sweetheart! shes from Lima and she is a convert to the church. She tries to help me as much as she possibly can through the language barrier, and she is very kind and loving. We struggle to understand each other a lot because she ony knows super simple stuff n English and my Spanish is pretty limited to Church vocabulary and Church discussions. But its been good!

Heres a few little bits of info from my last week at the CCm since i ddnt get to write last week to you all...
- I received my official Peruvin ID!! I am now an official resident here for 5 years if i want...dont you worry though i will be back in 18 months LOL!
- Also, i got my first written letter the last Friday in the CCM! THANKS MOM!! it was such a blessin to receive that! I did some hard core crying when i read it just because i was so so happy! Oh, if any of you want to send me written letters, i would love it! If you need my mailing addres, please ask my Mom at :) thanks for Mom for the help, in advance!
- My district took goodbye photos with Hna. Loayza! it was way fun! it was so hard to say goobye to her! shes become such a good friend! i am definitely going to have to viist her again, and next time we will be able to talk totally in Spanish!
-our district also had a sing a long to Primary songs before we left, and it was fantastic! i missed music! its so nice to be able to listen to it here in the field!! :)
- Also, i realized something really big in our leaders meeting sunday. i realized that the challenges i faced with my comp. in the CCM were to allow me to be able to help other missionaries. its hard to except something like that, but i know those trials were a blessing in disguise!

Alright now onto this past first week in the field!!!! :)
-I absolutely love Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen!! they are such kind, fun, spiritual people. I especially love Hna. Rasmussen because she is such a good mother. since i need a sub. for my own dearest mom being so so many miles away, its nice to have somene to love and care for me.
- on the tuesdAY we arrived, they sent u on splits with some of the missionaries in Piura to go proselyting! I ended up being with with Hna. Parks! i actually talked to her through Facebook before our missions!! she went out the transfer before me, and she is wonderful! she gave me some awesome advice and she helped me understand!
-while proselyting that Tu. we taught Carlos and his family. Carlos lived in Indiana for many years and his oldest daughter was born there, so they knwe some English! its was helpful for them the be able to speak more clear to me when i gt lost, but for real i didnt get too lost! i was able to follow most of the conversation! of course, i still have a long way to go, but i feel like i know a lot more than t be expected!
- but, me being me, i have super high expectations for myself, and ive been pretty hard on myself with the language. i need to learn faster! LOL i only have 6 days out in the field, and i feel like i need to undertand everything!" talk about unrealistic expectionats! :)
- Tues night, all the Hna.s spent the night at the mission home. let me tell you, its like a little oasis in the middle of Piura! its beautiful and i felt so safe! 
- so heres some info about Piura, and specifically my assigned area of Talara Bajo...SAND! this truly is a desert! I feel dirty all the time because there is so much sand! however, the food really is delicious and the people are so wamr and kind! Its hot now..and its their going to die when it hits summer! LOL but i will acclimate...i hope!! 
-I ve been trying so hard to be healthy, but its such a difficult task here...our PEnsionista Hna. Sobrina is very sweet and her food is yummy, but she gives us giant helpings of rice and at first she didnt serve us any veggies...i had Hna. Salazar help me ask her for Veggies because i need them in my diet or im gonna die! Luckily, she ws willing to help us out! the first day she made veggies, she included avocado and radishes, which i dont normally like. however, i was so excited for veggies that they all tasted great! :)
- Ok here are a few cool experiences from these past few lady amed Hayde actually leaned out her door and called to us as we walkd to pst towards another appoinment. we went in a taught her and she been so excited! that whole day we hdad had no succes, so it was a little miracle to come across her! she came our activity friday even! another cool moment came after we received a new mission rule: from 6-8 PM we aRE ONLY ALLOWED TO KNOCK ON DOORS, NO Scheduled meetigns with families. its hard becaue that is the time many peole are home, but we have had so many new ontacts because of it! one girl in particular sticks out! we knocked on her door yesterday! her name is Karen  and she 17 years old. she loved the idea of finding the truth! she took the restoration pamphlet and a book of mormon! she agreed to read both and pray to know if they were true! and she agreed thaqt if she received a confirming answer that she wouold get baptized!! all this on our first visit because we knocked on her dooR! wow such a cool moment, and the spirit was so strong in the lessn! Im so excited for her, and i know that new rule is an inspired one!
-Friday night we had an activity for members and investigators! we went on a photo scavenger hunbt, which apparently isnt a thing here, but our sisiter leader Hna. Ziegner is from Oregon and put it together. it was a blast!! we ran around the city like maniacs and the investigators were so happy! we had quite a few investigators come, which is always a blessing!
We also had our first zone meeting Sat morning. it was a different experience, for sure. but it was fun! all the missionaries in my zone are such dedicated people and im glad i get to work with them my first area!
- yesterday while we were proselyting, an old man missingin lots of teeth leaned out his door to talk with us and he gave us each a sucker. LOL it was kind of weird, but he was nice and had a real conversation with us. I guess my being a Norte has its perks because people are always interested in talking with us!
- and finally, today! today ws my first P-day in the field, and i had a good day! We went to the capilla at 10 and played fun games with our whole zone! we played cature the flag, which apparently isnt a thing here either, and we through water balloons at each other, and we played some volleyball! it was really fun! i definitely got sun burned LOL but that was my first time! Oh, and afterwrd we went and made pizza and brownies in a microwave with the sister leaders! it was so fun and yummy! Hna. Ziegner is such a sweet girl, and its nice to be able to talk English with someone every once in a while!
- tomorrow, im going on splits with Hna. Ziegner! im so excited!!
- oh, Hna. Salazar and i got locked out of our house today...TWICE! we have our key, but for some reason the lock is blocked from th inside...ya, thats fun! LOL

But, ya! thats my new area and all my first experiences! I love you all!! the gospel is true! even through trials, change, all of that, that is still a powerful statement. THE GOSPEL IS TRUE!! :) 



Sunday, August 16, 2015

Brielle - 15 de agosto

August 16, 2015

Hello world, 

Yes today is Saturday. We changed our p-day to today because it is mothers day in Costa Rica and my companion didnt talk with her family in May so she is talking as I write. 

This past week has been crazy. That is the only word that fits the discription. We finished out p-day last week going to the mission office to meet up with missionaries to do intercambios because early the next morning a group was going to Santo Domingo to get their residence card. I would have been going if I didnt go home. But we waited at the office for Hermana Grange because my comp Hermana Belvis supposedly had a doctors appointment and had to wait for her, but we didnt go to the doctors but we did get a ride from Hermana Grange. Then we met up with Hermana Salazar and Hermana Richardson for one lesson. 

Thursday Hermana Salazar and Hermana Belivs went and proselyted and I am Hermana Richardson stayed in the house until the missionaries got back to the mission office and then we went there to meet up with them. 

Friday we went to a ruta office because Hermana Salazar left a notebook in a ruta so we went to get it. We only had three lessons today.

Saturday was a better day with lessons.

Sunday we had lunch at the Vega familys house. We have pasta it was really tasty. Then we had three lessons and then had an activity in the church a night of testimonies it was really cool to hear the conversion stories of the members.

Monday we had a zone conference in Villa Olga. All the missionaries were here but Presidente wasnt yet so we opened the gate and the church since we have the keys. We had muffins for breakfast and pizza for lunch. Our zone cleaned the bathrooms. We got in trouble by our bishop because we are missionaries and the building was dirty from the conference. So he gave us and the elders the job to clean the building. That night we had a Family Home Evening with Laura and Angela investigators and familia Noble members. It was a total success!! Hope they get to church on Sunday. 

Tuesday we had transfer meeting at McDonalds and Hermana Salazar and I are staying here in Villa Olga. I am going to be here last companion because she goes home at the end of this transfer. I have great fear of what will happen at the end of this transfer. Then we had 2 lessons and went to the church to have our meeting but our ward mission leader didnt show up and we had to go to the house to get this in order because some newbies were going to stay at out house because there isnt room in the mission home. They are from California and Washington. They both know my story thanks to the internet. They were all oh youre that missionary!!! I was alll yeah Im that missionary. 

Wednesday we got a ride in the truck to the bus stop because Hermana Salazar needed to get her passport so she could get money that was sent to her. Then we went to our recent converts house named Carlos. All I am going to say is please pray for him. Then two more lessons that day.

Thursday we did weekly planning. We only had one lesson today. We walked a lot and contacted a lot it was hard.  This morning I called to see if I got a package from the UofU Burn Therapy Department and a few hours lated they called and said they just got it. So they brought it over that night. I got my new compression socks but there were wrong. I was REALLLY bummed about that because I really need them because the ones I have are stretching out a lot. 

Friday Hermana Grange came to the house so that I could call the Burn Therapy and get things figured out. I talked with the last guy I worked with and he remembered what we did. So I am having them sent back so they can add in what is missing and send the two that they didnt put in the package. Today was a hard day. We cleaned the church at 8 at night so we wouldnt have to early the next morning. 

Saturday today we went to another area because one of our recent coverts family lives there and we visited with them then we came back to Villa Olga and got the computers and came to the church to use the internet. One computer didnt have skype so we called the Granges because we had asked them earlier and they said sure if you need it. So they brought it over and Elder Grange is fixing a few things in the house as we write and she talks. 

This week has been hard. I was reading the in the Book of Mormon in 2 Nephi chapter 4 verses 17-24 it kind of gave me a slap in the face. Things will get better. I will do my best and the blessing will come. 

Love you all!! Be good!!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Baylee - Piura!! At Last!

August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015

Dear Brother & Sister Buchanan,
We are so happy to have Sister Buchanan serving in the Peru Piura Mission!  She arrived eager to go to work and we are impressed with her enthusiasm and desire to serve our Heavenly Father as a missionary.  After meeting her at the airport we had a luncheon at the Mission Home followed by a devotional and an interview.  The following day was a morning of training and the assignment of her trainer/companion.  Trainers are chosen for their obedience, patience, dedication and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.   We know that as these two missionaries study, pray and work together they will be blessed and guided in their service and find joy in teaching and sharing the gospel message. We are attaching a photo of your missionary with her new companion and us. 
We are grateful to you for sharing your daughter with us.  We know that thru hard work, obedience and prayer Sister Buchanan will find joy in serving the Lord and the beautiful people of Peru.  Please encourage her to share her experiences with you and your family.  Write to her weekly and express your love, support and confidence in her.  You will witness miraculous changes in her as she learns to serve and love those with whom she works.
We know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings joy and peace to all who will follow Him.  We are grateful to be a part of this great work and to serve with the wonderful young Elders and Sisters of our mission.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at:
President & Sister Rasmussen
Peru Piura Mission

Friday, August 7, 2015

Brielle - 5 de agosto‏

August 5, 2015

Hey all!!
This week has been up and down, but learning all the time. 
Thursday was a long day. We did weekly planning and then went and talked with Hermana Grange to try to fix some problems with her help. It was a good talk. We only had one lesson that day with an investgator named Sara. She is visiting from Mexico but is learning, understand, and going to church. She is really sweet. 
Friday we had a service project in Tamboril. The HEFY groups that had been coming throughout the summer we building a clinic in Canca. Canca was the furthest part of our area when I was in Tamboril. It was a good service project. They were done building and just beginning little touches. It was hot and I was drenched in sweat. We were throwing dirt through a big mesh board to make sand for cement. It was a good workout my back was tight for the next few days. We were sitting in the shade taking a break and I look over and I see two people coming in the enterance. It took me a second to recognize them, but as soon as I did, I ran like a little kid to give Hermana Miguelina a big hug. She was soo excited to see me!! It was soo awesome!! Then we can home got cleaned up, I was literally covered in dirt. Then we walked a ways from the house and visited with Paola. She is an investigator and she made me teach the lesson. Just me she is so dang funny, 19 years old and I don´t usually say much so that is why she made me do the whole lesson it was a challenge but in the end she understood it all. Then we had a few more lessons to finish out the day.
Saturday was a day I was afraid of because Hermana Salazar went to the temple early this morning and I stayed in our area with a member, the member who was the mini who took my place after I got hit. I was afraid that all of our plans would fall through, which most of them did, and that it wouldn´t be a good day, but in the end it all worked out.
Sunday we left church early because Hermana Salazar wasn´t feeling well. Then we went and had lunch at the house of the Bretón Family. They are awesome!! The food was great. We went with the elders and on of the elders is in training so I tend to be his translator when he can´t understand but I wait until I see the I am dying look on his face before I say what they said. Then we had a few lessons to finish the day out.
Monday was a good day we had all of our lessons and ended with a being apart of a big family home evening with the elders there were maybe like 5 or six families there. It was a good time. We talked about things that help make a happy family like faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. We shared experiences and had snacks afterwards. It was hard to share what I wanted to say because we do crazy things in my family, but memorable.
Tuesday was a great day. All of our plans worked out we got 2 references. We had our meetings with the ward and then we went to a Pica Pollo for dinner. Me, Hermana Salazar, Elder ramirez, and Elder Faalogo. We usually don´t get to do anything for P-day eve because we get stuck in the meetings for a long time. It was fun. Then came back to the house and washed some clothes and then went to bed.
Today I got up and washed some more clothes and then we got ready and went to the mission home so I could get some help with my toes. He told me to do what I have already done and know. But going to do it again and if it still gives me problems then I will got back. It was fun to see Dr. Reagan and his wife again the last time I say them I was in the hospital here. Hermana Reagan didn´t recognize me it was funny. Then we went to the park and played volleyball with the elders of our district. We have to got and clean our house because some sisters are staying at our house tonight. 
I am just going to share a quote.
Your Father in Heaven knows your name
And knows your circumstances
He knows your hopes and dreams
Including you fears and frustrations
And He knows what you can become
I love you all!!

Be Good.

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Christ never faileth

Just wanted to post the encouragement I shared with my beautiful missionaries this week.

Baylee suggested studying Charity and guess what!  We talked about that in RS at Grammy's ward on Sunday.  I was marking all kinds of scriptures to share with you, but one really stood out.  And not because of what we discussed at that time, but a note I had made from another time.  Moroni 7:46.  The note was to replace the word 'Charity' with 'Christ'.  It makes it so much more.

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not "Christ", ye are nothing, for "Christ" never faileth.  Wherefore, cleave unto "Christ", which is the greatest of all..."

I think it speaks for itself.

Lauren Sharp had a great quote from Sister Chieko Okasaki, former RS General Presidency, on her facebook post the other day. This is just part of it:

"...He knows all that. He’s been there. He’s been lower than all that. He’s not waiting for us to be perfect. Perfect people don’t need a Savior. He came to save his people in their imperfections. He is the Lord of the living, and the living make mistakes. He’s not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief.
You know that people who live above a certain latitude and experience very long winter nights can become depressed and even suicidal, because something in our bodies requires whole spectrum light for a certain number of hours a day. Our spiritual requirement for light is just as desperate and as deep as our physical need for light. Jesus is the light of the world. We know that this world is a dark place sometimes, but we need not walk in darkness. The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, and the people who walk in darkness can have a bright companion. We need him, and He is ready to come to us, if we’ll open the door and let him.”

Keep the Savior first and foremost in all your thoughts, words and actions.  Love as He loves, not only others, but yourself.  Do what he would do.  If the Savior stood beside you (and He does, constantly) what would you say, do, be?  This is truly a good thing for all of us to remember, especially me.

I also wanted to share this amazing song from the Seminary program when I was in High School.  It has a lot more meaning to me now that my daughters are serving.

Baylee - HOLA mi familia y mi amigos!!

August 5 2015
HOLA mi familia y mi amigos!!
So heres what happened this fine week...
-Hna. Hansen, Elder Hansen from the branch presidency}s wife, is absolutely wonderful! she alwayts wants to talk with us and she has such wonderful, comforting advice! she taught us a bueatiful lesson in church sunday about the Restoration, specifically focusing on the first vision! i loved it and it made me think of my dad! if you ever get a moment, read through Joseph Smith-History and look for a pattern t follow in looking for answers!
- We had a substitute last wednesday night because our teacher was sick. our subs name was Hno. Quintana and he is the BOMB!! he brought the spirit into the classroom in two seconds, and it was an amazing lesson! He taught us to have confidence in ourselves because we know a whole lot more than we give ourselvescredit for and he taught us that we have been given power as missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ. Truly, all of us were hanging on every word he spoke, and the time flew by. everyone was sad when it hit 9 and it was time for daily planning. i could have listened to him teach for a few more hours!
- I read a talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf this week entitlte ASll is Well. He said some awesome things which can be summed up as...choose to be happy, serve other continually, be willing to change to help others. Those are some pieces of guidance i have been striving to follow!
- Hna. Sandison and i had TRC last firday! TRC is where we teach a 40 min lesson to a teracher we have never met and we only have a little background knowledge. its just like contating someone for the first time! We did pretty welll, and we were able to teach about the Restoration and we felt good about it. of course, there were some things we could have improved on. But thats to be expected since we have only been here for less than 6 weeks!
- On friday, the elders in my district were quoting Frozen!! I was so happy about that and i thought of you LARAMIE!! :)
- We also played Signs on friday night! it was just like normal signs, but whoever lost had to pick right or left and whichever color it was made them say a sentence conjugated to either Preterite or Imperfect pst tense. it was so fun!!
- on Sat. Hna. Sandison and i gave some cookies and a little pick-me-up note to our teacher Hno. Janampa because he seemed a little off, and he was so happy about it! it felt wonderful to do service and help him out!
- on saturday evening, since we were all fasting for fast sunday and didnt get dinner, our district watched mormon messages. i highly recommend you all get on and watch some of them, they are phenomenal!!
- Sundays testimopny meeting was probably the best testimony meeting i have ever attended in my life! the spriti was overwhelming and every testimony was beautiful! Hna. Brotherson, Elder Cloninger, Elder Noel,  and so many others were so profound! one thing that some said really stuck out. he used a Robtos quote! he said ¨see a need fill a need¨but add a k...¨seeK a need fill a need¨that is such a profound statement! i loved every minute of that testimony meeting!
- on sunday, our district had a meeting and it was great as always. but the best part was at the beginning when we were trying to start with a song. we had a hard time decigin between Spirit of God and How Firm a Foundation, we ended yp picking How Firm a Foundation, but every time we tried to start, we kept singing it to the tune of The Spirit of God! we tried twice, finally got it for the first verse, then started the second verse and went right back to the tune of the Spirit of God!! eventually we just changed over to the Spirit of God because clearly we really needed to sing that song :)
- on sunday we had watched a video devotional of Elder Holland. he is always amazing, but this time he taught me that i need to open my mouth to speak evn in my broken Spanish,  be my own true convert, be molded by this profound experience and keep that mold for the rest of my days!
- A cricket jumped into our classroom on monday! it was hopping around as Hno. Janampa and Elder Squire tried to get it out. it hopped towards Hna. Sandison and i and i yelped and moved my feet away...Hna. Sandison screamed and was up standing on her chair in a split second! it was so funny!! i mean the crickets are pretty big...but we all died laughing for such a long time at that!
- I read another awesome article in an ensign this wek entitled Patience: more than waiting. one quote i got from the article really stuck with me...¨When it comes to serving the Lord, He cares just as much about the instrument as He does about the task at hand¨ wow...i knew He loved me, but sometimes you tend to think the missionary work is the most important part. But He wants you to be strengthened you to be healthy you to be happy just as much as He wants you be successful in your work! love it!
- we had real chocolate pudding for dinner last night!! we never have desserts like that! it wasnt ads chocolatey as in the States, but it was still super good!
- Hna. Loayza told Hna. Sandison and i that she thinks we are ready for the field! she specifically thinks i am ready for the fiekd! her conffidence in me is inspiring. im not sure she is right, but i only have 5 ish days left here at the CCM, then its off to PIURA! Wow, time flies!
- I found out how to say sorority in Spanish! LOL we have been trying to figure that out for a while, and i finally got a teacher to help me. its...Hermandad de Mujeres! Fun fact :)
- last night, we were blest to watch a live brodcast devotional from the Provo MTC. Elder Russell M. Nelson who has been recently set apart as the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to us. He gave some valuable insights! my favorite part was when he spoke of how our ancestors, our grandparents, my GRANDPA are watching out for us, pulling for our success, aiding us every step of the way! I love that thought and its such a comfort to envision Grandpa here with me now.
- today was the day for COOKIES!! We got to bake real, Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies today in Hna. Gonzalez´s kitchen! They are delicious! LOL we made about 7 or 8 dozen...we are sharing of course with the Elders in our district, our teachers, and Hna. Gonzalez and Preisdente, but sitlll that is a lot of cookies!! :) There is a picture beloW
- the other picture is of all of the Hermanas in my district! we all got personalized Peruvian soccer jerseys! How cool is that! we had a picture where we were all throwing signs and i did a throw what you know CHIO sign, but that picture accidently got deleted...

so this time next week, i will be in Piura! i dont know for sure if i will be able to email next week, but i will try! i love you all and i want you all to know that i truly have a testimony of this gospel! Even through trials, i know that this gospel is the true Church of Jesus Christ. I know He is my savior and i know that through Him i can do hard things. i am tremendously excited to head to the field, change things up, begin this amazing work i have been called to do! Thank you all for supporting me and loving me so unconditionally! I think of you daily and pray for you! :)