Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Jaxon - Service Mission Time!!!

Mon 4/15/2019 8:36 AM
Hey Everyone!!

Sorry it has been a while since I've sent out an email. I just felt like I didn't need to send out any more being that I was home and not much was happening with my life anymore. Well, now I can say that I will de doing something and my life won't be a boring waiting period anymore! I will now be serving a Service Mission at the Church Office Building from Monday-Friday just like an 8-4 work day. Then, I have the opportunity to work at the Jordan River Temple on some Saturdays! Is that cool or what?
Just this past weekend, we were actually taking tours of the Church Office Building, Bishops Central Storehouse, and the Family History Center in Riverton, UT. The cool thing about the service mission is that I get to choose which place I get to serve in and I get to choose what I am doing in these places!
We're just getting things started, so that doesn't mean that I'll be able to start serving super soon. I still have to be released as a teaching missionary, I have to get sent another packet in the mail from HQ (I guess you could say that), I'll be getting a new name badge, and so forth before I actually become a service missionary. Plus, I have to get a little membership basically for UTA so that I can just be able to use the buses and TRAX stuff when I need to. Right now, we're just waiting on an email from the service mission leaders answering some questions we had about things like serving in the temple and what kind of attire I would be wearing.
One thing about this service mission that isn't necessarily the greatest thing to have is being up to date on technology and entertainment here. Temptations are obviously strong being back home and I know that I'm going to need to keep working hard to keep those temptations away. However, I am going to be staying with some family and I can actually be able to go to things like family reunions and so forth!
I hope things are going good for everyone else, wherever y'all may be or whatever y'all may be doing! I'd like to be able to get more emails next week so that I can talk with more people. I hope everyone's staying safe as well! Don't want any accidents to come up about anyone. Alright, well, that's all I've got for this week, so I hope to hear from y'all next time!

Elder Buchanan