Hey Everyone!
Another week is gone again. It's kinda crazy, I've noticed that sometimes the days feel so long, and then it's p-day again. Not too much happened this week, but I'll do the quick overview.
Last Monday, we were in Duluth for P-Day with the district. It's so much fun to be able to do that this transfer. We're here today, too. But that's not important right now. After P-Day, we headed to the Rusts again. I was wanting a haircut, and had remembered Sister Rust said that she used to do that. So I asked while we were at their place for conference last weekend. But we end up being there for me than just me, because Brother Rust asked us for a blessing. I gave it, and this time felt much more guided than the few others I've done. It felt really cool. Definitely lined up for that to happen.
Tuesday wasn't really much of anything. We did our normal finding methods, but we weren't able to really find anyone. We did do some service that evening for an older lady moving into a semi-assisted living place. We luckily had help from the Crowe's boy and another high schooler. They did a majority of the heavy lifting, to be fair.
Wednesday was kinda a mess. We had District Council, which is still depressing when everyone else is together and we can't. But afterwards we tried to do the job they gave us of helping to moderate the mission Facebook page. Pretty much just messaging every person that interacts with the page in any capacity. But we weren't exactly sure we remembered how to do it, so we waited for the social media Elders to help us, and that took forever! But later we had dinner with the Mikas. Our main objective was getting John's temple recommend sign, but we also got to have dinner with Charmaine and her kids. We shared a good message based on Elder Dushku's talk from Conference. Please pray for her, because she is really having a hard time spiritually. Both her, and her kids.
Thursday we got to have exchanges with the Carlton Elders. I took Elder McFarland with me to Ashland and even out to Ironwood. We did some stopbys, got John his recommend (WOOO!), and met up with our little miracle for the week. Earlier in the week, an inactive member, who is inactive because of medical and travel reasons, reached out to us saying that they were talking with someone about the church and she wanted to meet with missionaries. We were so hyped about the situation! We gave her a Book of Mormon, taught her a Restoration lesson and testified of the power of asking Heavenly Father to confirm the Book of Mormon. She seemed to be really receptive to it, so we hope she'll be a strong friend to teach!
Friday was a bit more of the usual, but we had some success in setting up lessons for the next week and had a lesson set up for the evening. But our friend William forgot about the lesson! It's all good, because we'll just set up another one with him this week!
Now Saturday was the fun day!!! We got to go to the temple with John and the branch! It's such a great experience. I was able to baptize John for his dad and his grandpa! He said he loved it. I now understand why Brother Cousineau had some trouble baptizing John. I kinda had to catch him fully because his knees don't bend so well. But I was super surprised by the size of the temple. I didn't know temple could be that small, but that makes me excited to go there for endowments next week. They're letting us go before the temple closes for 6 months, so I'm excited! Especially with the huge emphasis on temples in General Conference!
Sunday, as always, was great! Fast and testimony meeting is always a time for the Spirit to flow. I kinda always make it a point to try and bear my testimony. I bore mine based on some conversations I had in the last week with people, that say they can't/don't believe in God because of the bad stuff that happens in the world. To respond to those people, I looked in Ether 12 since it has the scriptures about "Trial of your faith" and "I give unto men weakness". But I found a new favorite scripture, being Ether 12:4, which says, "Whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world." It's a great response to people like that, and it's just a great reminder to people that we should always look forward to a better world because of God.
That's pretty much it for the week! Hopefully you guys are all having fun and the weather heats up a bit for y'all! Have fun and stay safe! Love y'all!
Elder Buchanan