Hey Everyone!
Again, not much has happened. We were able to have some great lessons with a couple of our friends. Most notably we had a great follow up lesson with our friend Ethan. We taught him about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he took it very well. Unfortunately, his wife wasn't there, but that just means we'll have to cover it again. We were also able to have another lesson with Monica. When we first found her, she had just gotten home that day from the hospital with a newborn. We were surprised that she even let us in. But we were able to have a good discussion and this time her older son Steven was there. I don't know if he was fully listening, but he said he was. The unfortunate news of the week is that we lost who we thought was our most progressing person. In our last lesson with Sheritha, we had a member join us and he was amazing and bold about the fact of being baptized under that proper authority. Unfortunately, she didn't take it the right way. She instead made it sound like we had said her deceased family members were in trouble because they weren't baptized the right way, even though we had explained baptisms for the dead as well. But, we also figured out that she was n't looking at the Book of Mormon as scripture, but as a nice little book that references the HOLY Bible (she kept emphasizing that). So we just had to double down and make sure she knew that the Book of Mormon is scripture, and that she needs to read it for herself and pray to know about its truth. Hopefully, she'll come back around, but we'll just have to see.
Just a little spiritual thought. This last Sunday, we had fast and testimony meeting. There was kinda a theme that I picked up through all the testimonies. God will answer and lead you to the right place, thing or time for something to happen. He knows what we all need, and it might not be what we think. It's still a great ray of light in my pillar that He knew and wanted me to come on a mission. This also combines with something that was brought up in Sunday School. Don't pray frantically for an answer. When you pray, you can lay out what you think you need, but there needs to be the side of, "I'll take whatever you think is best." That's definitely something I'll be trying to do from now on.
Don't forget to be a ray of light for someone. And for your own rays of light! They are everywhere!
Love Y'All!!!
Elder Buchanan