Flights and the MTC!!!
Wed 1/23/2019, 11:06 AM
Hello everyone!! I know some of you may be at work being it's almost 11:00 in the morning back home. It's almost 8:00 at night here!!
The flight to Atlanta was pretty cool. There was a total of 49 MISSIONARIES on that plane alone! Of course not everyone was going to be on the Johannesburg flight being that most everyone had a mission in some other country. There was about 10 missionaries in the first flight that were going to Johannesburg as well, and there were 5 other missionaries that were already at Atlanta when we got there. I have found that there is a total of 5 (including me) going to the Uganda Kampala Mission.
In all honesty, the flight to Johannesburg was pretty horrible for sleeping. There was turbulence almost every 20-30 minutes and I couldn't find a position to be in where I was comfortable. Plus, the person in the seat next to me decided they needed more room and moved the arm on my right up so that she'd be more comfortable while also making me more uncomfortable. One thing that was hard to do on the flights was not watch other people's screens. There were so many screens that had new or good movies and it was so hard not to look. However, I pushed through and tried to force myself to sleep (which didn't happen).
When we landed in Johannesburg, it was so nerve racking because we all kept saying to each other to basically latch onto our luggage once we got it. The moment I stepped off the plane, the heat was already hitting me. It is SO HUMID HERE!! I was sweating within minutes! Going through customs, I heard so many people either speaking in different accents or a complete different language. When we got loaded into the vans that we were taking, it was so weird because the driver was on the right side! The roads didn't feel too different from the freeways in Utah. The driver we had told us that he doesn't like to lose, so he tried really hard to be the first driver back to the MTC. It felt like we were going 90 mph a lot of the time. The driver tried taking a different route to try and get there first, but it ended up being the slower one because one of the vans beat us there.
Once we got out of the vans, it was starting to rain and little did I know it would turn into a downpour eventually. We were greeted by someone, whose name I can't remember, but I could barely understand him because he is from Cape Town! And there was an MTC counselor there from South Africa, but I could somewhat understand him when he interviewed me.
Okay, that's really all that has happened since I left! I will send out another email to everyone once it's my P-day, but until then, this is Elder Buchanan signing off!!
"I bless the rains down in Aaaaaaafricaaaaaaa."
Elder Buchanan
Another passenger on their same flight from Salt Lake to Atlanta took this pic and sent it out in a text to all of the parents of the missionaries who gave them a cell number. The passenger was on their way to London for business and also has a son serving in France.
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