Monday, February 26, 2024

JACE - 1st Transfer Down!

 February 19, 2024

Hey Everyone!

I've officially made it out here in Ashland for the first transfer! And we're staying for another. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here, because it feels just like Pinedale! The town, the members and I even get to stay on Lake Superior!
Ok, this week has some fun stuff to it. For P-Day this last week, we went and spent the last P-Day of the transfer with the district in Virginia! The only other time the district had been together was Zone Conference, so it was a nice hang out. We went to a member's place in Virginia. His name is Jim, and he is so freaking cool. He took Elder Parkin and I for a ride in his side-by-side around his property and maybe a little bit on a frozen lake...shhh. Then when the rest of the Elders made it there, we played a new card game named swoop a lot, had some bonding in the sauna, and then Jim made us pancakes. It was a fun time and I'm glad we had the opportunity to have at least one p-day together.
One super funny thing that happened this week was a less active member invited us to dinner. Actually, it was a little seminar thing at the clinic on the reservation about clinical trials that they were cooking for. So we got to go and have some spaghetti, learn info on clinical trials and diversity, and then we got a $25 Walmart gift card for doing the surveys for the thing. Needless to say, we went and did some "streeting in Walmart" afterwards. We also got that member to join us for a lesson with Charmaine, so that was great.
Best part of the week is always Sunday. We had Charmaine and her kids show up, and they had one of their cousins with them. That was so cool. Then a dude we've been talking/teaching for a while named Walker came to church, too. We were super happy to see him, but he had also brought his dad along! And they really liked sacrament meeting, even though they couldn't stay for second hour. But the best part happened after church. Charmaine had learned about blessings last week in relief society, and they had told her to ask us about them. She was super busy this week, so we were only able to see her once this week. We offered one to her, with the help of Brother Wilbur, and she also had her kids brought into the room. They sat in a circle and held hands, which was interesting, but I think it added to the Spirit. After we gave Charmaine her blessing, little Elijah said, "Me next!" We ended up giving blessings to all the kids, too! My chest was on fire the whole time, the Spirit was just so strong.
Again, I'm so glad to have been able to make it through the first transfer. I know I'm only just off the starting block, but I know if I hold to Heavenly and Christ I'll keep doing good things. I invite you guys to look for the little ways you can strengthen your relationship with Christ, whether it be remembering to pray more often or looking for the ways he blesses your life every day.
Love you guys!
Elder Buchanan

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