Sunday, May 12, 2024

JACE - I Would Have Been Disqualified

May 6, 2024

Hey Everyone!
In case y'all didn't know, it's my birthday today! Hard to believe I've already spent almost 4 and a half months in the mission field. I've been able to meet so many cool and awesome people, and I'm excited to keep it going. As a gift to myself, I asked my mother if I could go golfing for my birthday. I ended up buying cheap tees, cheap balls, and a few clubs from goodwill. It was a fun time, and the course was full of hills. Definitely got my work out there.
We have zone conference this week, so they dropped transfer boards last Thursday, and I will be officially moving out of Ashland. I'm going to Andover, Minnesota which is about an hour north of the cities. I'm also going to be trio-ing for the first half of the transfer before one of the Elders goes home. It'll be an interesting time being in a more busy area and being able to see missionaries a whole heck of a lot more. 

Gotta be honest, there's only a couple of things worth mentioning for the last week. The first is when we decided to try and go to the college for our comp study one day. We were heading to the library, but it was somehow closed, so we just walked around the campus talking about what we needed to. But because of that, we ran into Ben and we were able to have a small conversation and get his number. We got to have a restoration lesson with him later, so hopefully he stays interested. We also decided to get frisbees and play around at the college that has some disc golf things, and a dude named Max came out and threw around with us. As we were throwing, we were able to have a beliefs talk and a restoration lesson. He was so cool to talk to, and we were able to give him a Book of Mormon, too! Funny how changing one small thing makes something big happen.

So here's my invite to y'all. Look for those small things you can do different that could turn into big miracles. You never know who you could help or what you can find that helps you come closer to Christ and Heavenly Father. 

Have a great week everyone! Love y'all!
Elder Buchanan

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