Sunday, June 2, 2024

JACE - May We Remember

May 27, 2024 

Hey Everyone!

This was such such a quick week. We had our district council meeting a day late, so that didn't help. But there was some cool stuff that happened.

Monday- Ended our P-Day with a hike in the Whitewater Campground. Or something like that, I can't remember the name. It was a nice hike. Definitely reminded me how out of shape I am. But it was a good time with the district. I gotta say, outside of the MTC, this has to be my favorite district to be in so far. Sorry, Duluth. In our working hours, we found 2 new people through a referral and taught them the Plan of Salvation over the phone. It was pretty cool.

Tuesday - The cool thing that happened today was when we went tracting, we didn't know where to go. So, we decided to do the mind meld game to think of a street number to go knock. We did it and we both said 4. So we went to 4th avenue and started knocking. We had some not so "Minnesota nice" people actually slam doors on us. By we came across and house and they let us in and we were able to share a restoration lesson with them. We gave them a Book of Mormon with our number. It'd be really great if they gave us a call, but they were both a part of another religion, so we'll see.

Wednesday - We got to go do some service for a lady who acts like a member. We spent a couple hours helping clean up a viney tree that got way out of hand. Towards the end, I started talking with her a little about God and about why I was there as a missionary. I think if we keep trying with her, we can give her the opportunity to experience all the gospel has for her.

Thursday - Today was our late DC. The Zls and STLs came and gave a training on pretty much what Elder Wong talked about last transfer at Zone Conference. There was some good insights, but I liked Elder Ockey's training better. We're trying to look for ways to street more people, and he gave us a training comparing the streeting opportunities to a traffic light. There's a difference between people if they would be open to hearing something from missionaries or not. It was helpful, considering I'm still trying to get better at that.

Friday - The best part of today was getting to go to lunch with one of our recent converts. Audrey is a pretty cool person. And Sister Fieck was the one to introduce her to the church. They took us to Arby's, and I didn't realize how much I missed curly fries. They are the best fries, and no one can tell me otherwise!!!

Saturday - We actually went out and did some service for Audrey today. Her lawn was super tall in the front and the back, so we gave a good mow down to size. I actually kinda enjoyed pushing the mower, too. It almost has a bit of a nostalgic feeling to it. But I bet I won't be saying that when it's my house and having to do it every 2 weeks minimum!

Sunday - the Sabbath is always the best day! We had a great church service with some really good talks. Brother Hale gave a talk on the Come, Follow Me for the week, but he focused on Mosiah 18:9, where it talks about the covenant "to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..." He brought up a training he did as a missionary about being a AAA missionary. He also compared to members. I definitely hadn't given much thought to that before, but as a missionary I'm supposed to be the ultimate example of that covenant. And it is a part of the covenant we make at baptism, so it was a good reminder of how I should be acting as a missionary, and for when I'm back home.

That's kinda all the cool things in a nutshell! My invite to y'all is to think about how you can better be a disciple of Christ in all those ways. I hope you guys have an awesome week!
Love y'all
Elder Buchanan

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