Wednesday, July 24, 2024
JACE - Exchanges and Crazy Lessons
JACE - A Carnival of Lessons
July 15, 2024
Hey Everyone!
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Keep Looking for Miracles and Ways to Be Miracles for Others!
July 14, 2024
Mom's Sacrament Meeting talk
Keep looking for miracles and ways to
be miracles for others!
From his First letter:
I would like y'all to ponder something. When was the last
time you felt the Spirit? I pray that we can all find the places we need to be
to feel Christ's love for us. I say these things in His name, Heavenly Father's
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
From this weeks letter, 7 months later:
On our way back from the library we got to talk to a lady
named Regina. We asked her how she was doing, and she gave the answer of
"that's a hard question." So we talked a little bit about life
and taught her about the Book of Mormon. … we were able to get her number
and set up another time to meet with her. She seems super cool, so I'd like
y'all to have prayers for her in the back of your mind.
He and his companions have
had many gifts of being in the right place at the right time.
is serving in the Minnesota Minneapolis mission with President & Sister
Gochnour. They call it the 1M mission, One in purpose, One in mission.
first area was in Ashland, Wisconsin in a branch of 30 really committed members
about 4 hours north of the mission home. He felt really comfortable there
because it felt like home, having grown up in little town Pinedale, WY. The
area is right on the borders of Minnesota, Wisconsin & Michigan and includes
the Bad River Chippewa Native American reservation. While in Ashland, Jace and
his companion were driving down a snow covered road at night and hit a deer. No
one was hurt and the car had only cosmetic damage. Jace explained in his letter,
“We made a joke out of it, because our zone is
trying to focus on "inspired knocking." We inspired knocked him into
the next life.” They had some
amazing highs while in Ashland as well. A single mom and 2 of her 3 children
chose to be baptized and the next week another friend was baptized as well! Such
an exciting time!
is now serving in Rochester, MN, home of the Mayo Clinic, with his MTC
companion! Jace wrote, “Rochester is such a
party! It's so weird being sent from a huge, spread out branch to a super close
city where you see at least one other set of missionaries every day.”
Having a missionary serving
from our family is a blessing.
With Jace, we have had 4 of
our children choose to serve missions.
Brielle served in the
Dominican Republic, Baylee in Peru, Jaxon started in Uganda then finished at
Church Headquarters and now Jace in Minnesota. Each had their Highs and Lows.
Bri left for the MTC in the
Dominican Republic in July of 2014 and spent the first 6 months of her mission
the way most missionaries do – getting used to the area, learning the language,
finding friends to teach. February of 2015 Baylee received her mission
call. March 15, 2015 we received a call
that Bri had been injured in an accident. She spent a week in the hospital in
The Dominican Republic then Sister Douglas, the mission presidents wife flew home
with her, where she spent a couple of weeks in the UofU burn unit. She
recovered well enough to return to her mission July 15, 2015. Baylee left for
her mission in Peru on July 1, 2015. She also had the usual highs and lows. She
even experienced Dengue fever but failed to mention that to us until she
returned home. So, we had 2 sister missionaries serving from July 2015 to June
2016. Almost a whole year! In the middle of that year in February of 2016, we
had a fire in our home and moved a few times before our new home was completed
in December of 2016, days before Baylee returned home.
Jaxon left for the South
Africa MTC in January of 2019. Things had started changing in the way
missionaries communicate with families, so we were able to call and message him
through WhatsApp. It was quite a challenge to send an 18 year old all the way across
the world! He loved the MTC but struggled with the crazy life in Uganda. He
returned home then began his service in the Church Headquarters mission in the
Global Services Department working on the Gospel Library app and the Area Book
app in Mission Support. We were still living in Pinedale at the time, so Jaxon
lived with family here in SLC and commuted to church headquarters M-F. Until
COVID.. and Jaxon went home to Pinedale. Because his work was already on the
computer, he was able to log in from home and continue his mission through May
2020. Highs and Lows for each.
Having a missionary serving
from your family is a blessing, but it isn’t always easy. We all have grown
from the experiences we have had along with our missionaries.
10, 2019 - Master the tempest is raging
On March 10, 2019, I
wrote the following letter to Jaxon while he was in Uganda struggling with the
decision to return home:
This past week in the
Come Follow Me study we read Mark 4:35-41. You may have read it too. This is
the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the sea in a ship and a great
storm arises. Being afraid, the disciples rush to find Jesus and He is asleep on
a pillow in the back part of the ship. Of course, they woke Him and asked,
"Carest thou not that we perish?". The disciples were so afraid. So
Jesus arose and used his priesthood power to calm the storm by saying,
"Peace. Be still." Immediately there was a great calm.
We can incorporate this
story into our lives by remembering when life gets like a crazy storm or it
seems like everything around us is against us, (Or when we are asking, “Carest
thou not that my child is hurt or sick and I can’t get to her?” or “Carest thou
not that my child is struggling on the other side of the world?” or “Carest thou
not that my child has stepped away?”) we
only need to turn to the Savior and He will calm our storms. Things might not
be completely reversed or stopped but He will help US to be calm amid the
I have always loved the
hymn Master the Tempest is Raging. Not your average hymn.
You’re singing it now
aren’t you? “The winds and the waves will obey His will. Peace, Be still.”
There is one thing I
learned this time I studied this story that I hadn't thought about before.
Throughout the journey on the ship, Jesus was there. He was there through it
all experiencing it with them. Even before the disciples turned to Him for
So I need to remember He
is there with me, and you, in all that we are experiencing, waiting for us to
ask for His intervention. Just like the picture where Jesus is standing at the
door without a handle. He is there knocking, waiting for us to let Him
I asked my children here
at home how Jace serving a mission has blessed their lives. Baylee, who is now
married with 3 adorable little boys (I swear Im not biased!) shared some
It has been super
helpful and super cute to have the boys praying for him, having that specific
something to pray for. They each do it on their own, it’s often Eli’s (the
3year old) first thing when he starts his prayer. He says, “Dear Heavenly
Father, bless Jace in his mission” and then he will sit quietly and kind of roll
his eyes up in his head until we prompt him with something else to say.” She continues,
“ I feel like we have more opportunities to discuss missionary work since we
can follow it up with “just like Jace on his mission, right boys?”
She is right. I find I am
always looking for things to share with Jace, either from the Come Follow Me podcasts
I listen to, or from the scripture of the day that the bookshelf app sends to
me, even from Facebook or Instagram posts! Looking for these things adds light
and joy to my life everyday.
Elder Kearon gave a talk
to missionaries at the MTC in Provo on June 22, 2024. He quoted from page 3 of
Preach My Gospel and Doctrine and Covenants 79:1, “You are called and set apart
to ‘proclaim’ glad tidings of great joy, even the everlasting
gospel.” He wanted to emphasize the importance of Joy in sharing the gospel. He
said, “you are led by optimists…stop worrying so much—just work hard and be
happy.” My favorite quote from his talk was when he quoted Acting President
Jeffery R. Holland who shared the following poem from Robert Louis Stevenson:
Find out where joy resides,
and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all.
Joy. I guess you can say that is the
blessing from having a missionary serving from our family. Through the Highs
and Lows we can still find the Joy because we know who Jace is serving. Who we
all can choose to serve. Our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. I love Him.
In, His name, Jesus
Christ, amen.
JACE - Such A Quick Turn Around
Sunday, July 7, 2024
JACE - July 4, 2024 - Happy Independence Day!
July 4, 2024
Hey everyone!