Wednesday, July 24, 2024

JACE - Exchanges and Crazy Lessons

July 22, 2024

Hey Everyone!
I know this is a bit late for my email, but we just were having too much fun today dieing of heat in the south church building. Just had to make sure to send something for y'all so ya don't think I'm dead or something. I'll do just a quick recap!

Tuesday - We had exchanges with the ZLs! I got to hang out with Elder Marks and we had a really good time and it put some perspective on my reasons for being here. Been having that be a constant thought that I'm trying to push past, but we're here and still going. We had a lesson with a dude named Larry that they had put on date, but he lives in our area. So the exchange was also time for a pass off lesson. So we have somebody on date again. We lost our other one for special reasons, so I guess this works.

Wednesday - We had another exchange! This time, I got to be in Spanish land with Elder Norman. I read a part of the BoM intro in spanish and even helped set up a lesson with somebody by reading a script. It was fun, but Spanish land twice in a transfer is a lot.

Thursday - The biggest thing that happened today was a lesson with our friend Justin. When we first picked him up, we were warned he was a kind basher. But he genuinely just wants answers to some questions. He asked lots of questions about deep doctrine, so we brought along Brother Vogl, who is the high councilman from our ward, and they had an amazing, spirit filled conversation. It was weird that Justin brought up things like the King Follett Sermon and God having a body of flesh and bone, but we just hardcore redirected him to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon, so hopefully he can stick to that.

Friday - Today was a big service day. We went and did some service at 10am for our friend Vicki, who is also slowly progressing. The weeds we were pulling were as tall as I am or taller! But it was some good fun. We had a good lesson about centering on the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost with her as well. She's such a great person!

Saturday - Not really much happened Saturday. We found somebody named Jason who's had some kinda awful experiences with christianity as a kid. He's been around to a lot of different beliefs just to look for something good, but we taught him a restoration and testified of the goodness and healing Christ can bring. It'll be a slow burn, but hopefully something happens there.

Sunday - The Sabbath is always a good time. Being able to go to church and partake of the sacrament is always a highlight. There was an amazing rendition of "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" performed by a few of the members. It was soooo good! I was super impressed. And a missionary who just recently returned home. She gave a great talk about her experience in the Illinois Chicago Mission, and it did inspire me a bit to keep my eyes looking forward to how I can help others!

That's about it! For a quick spiritual thought, a lot of my studies this week have been on repentance and the power the Atonement plays in our lives. I've now read each account of the Atonement, and each one tugged so hard at my heartstrings. To remember that Christ did all that for me and all of us brings me both so low for the pain I added to it, but also some of the deepest joy to know that someone like Him exists. He lives! I truly do believe! And He knows what's best for me, that's why I'm here!
Don't forget to look for miracles. and be a miracle!
Love Y'all!
Elder Buchanan

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