Sunday, August 11, 2024

JACE - My Last Day in Rochester

 July 29, 2024

Hey Everyone! This week hasn't been too interesting. And, as the title says, today is my last day in Rochester. Transfers has been moved to Tuesday now, so I'll be heading to Faribault, MN. Luckily, I'm with a missionary I already somewhat know, so this next transfer should be fun! Now, onto the week recap.

Tuesday - Not really much happened today. We had a couple of lessons, one with someone who still just needs to get over the fact that him being baptized is up to him, not his family and one with someone the ZLs gave us that they put on date. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and challenged him to read it. While testifying of Joseph Smith and the truthfulness of the book, he almost went bashy for a sec, asking us if we believe the word of one man. But he accepted our challenge and hopefully can start actually getting his own testimony. I don't think he should've been on date yet, but Elder Timothy will get to work with him more.

Wednesday - Today was Elder McKone's last DC. It's kinda sad that he's going home, but all good things must come to an end. After that, we ended up doing a little bit of service for a lady. She wanted us to mow her "yard," which was barely anything there. I was getting frustrated because I kept finding rocks with the mower and I didn't need her blaming me for breaking it. It's funny how one of the most prominent lessons I've learned just being in Rochester is how I want my yard to look when I have my own home.

Thursday - Today we made our way out to Audrey's house to mow her yard. It was fun to go out there for one last time. Before that, we went to lunch with her and another lady in the ward named Sister Fieck, and we were just having a grand time and getting some good laughs in. Audrey is definitely gonna be one of the people I miss the most here.

Friday - Today we went out for one last round of service at Vicki's house. We ended up doing a lot of digging so she could build a retaining wall near her garage. Her property is in a constant state of projects, so at least Elder Timothy and his new companion will have somewhere to do some work. I also made sure to teach her about the temple and that because of the temple our families can be sealed together for time and all eternity. Her husband passed around 8 years ago, so I thought that would be a comforting thing that could bring her closer to the church. We did have a few lessons today as well, but the best thing was having interviews with Pres. Gochnour. Both him and his wife are so awesome, and it was great to be able to get some of the things I needed to get off my chest. Just pretty refreshing, especially right before a new transfer.

Saturday - We ended up doing service for Vicki's mom this morning. She's a sweet old lady. We just did some weeding for her and picked up some branches that were in her yard. Again, not really much happened today. We had a good dinner and did a bunch of calls. Had to do Weekly Planning today too because of all the stuff that was happening yesterday. At about 10pm we got the T-Board drop, finding out that I'm leaving and Elder Timothy was staying with a greenie. They'll have a lot of, but it will be a learning experience for him, considering he doesn't do a lot of talking at member meals and such. They'll do great, though.

Sunday - Oh, Blessed Sabbath! Always the best day of the week! It was kind of a sad time letting people know that I was gonna be leaving, but at least this time I could tell people. We even got Vicki to come to church because we told her we'd tell her there who was leaving. But hey, whatever gets people to church.

So that's pretty much my week. Nothing too big besides finding out I'm leaving. I'm hoping I left a good enough mark here in Rochester on the people I've been able to teach and serve. But now it's on to Faribault and new people to learn and serve!

Don't forget to look for miracles and be miracles for others!
Love Y'All!!!
Elder Buchanan

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