Thursday, August 22, 2024

JACE - Helping More People, Bit by Bit

August 19, 2024

Hey everyone! I hope you've all ahad an awesome week. It's been going pretty well over here. I'm doing this a little last second, but I'm not missing another week! 
Some of the fun stuff this week was going on exchanges with our ZLs. I got to hang out in Apple Valley for the day with Elder Wade. It was a fun time, and I got to learn the new Star Wars trading card game during lunch. It's got decent mechanics and gameplay, but it's probably not something I'll fall into out here. Maybe if I was at home. 
The best and most important part of the week was the baptism of Hannah and Adeola! They're from Nigeria, and it was a pretty quick teach to baptism from what I understand. I only got to be a part of it for a couple of weeks. But seeing Hannah's determination and willingness to accept what she was being taught was so cool! She even had thoughtful questions and answers during the lessons we had. We ended up having to give both talks in the baptismal service because we couldn't find anybody to do it. My talk wasn't bad, but it could've been better.

So yeah, those are the important things for me this week. Our finding could've been better, but we were able to talk to a couple people and give out a Book of Mormon after a doorstep lesson with someone. Hopefully I can tell you more about him next week.

That's all I got for you this week! If you want to see more pictures, be sure to follow the Google Photos!

Love Y'all! Keep looking for miracles and ways to be miracles! I'd love to hear about some of them if you have the time!

Elder Buchanan 

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