Sunday, December 29, 2024

JACE - It's Been Quite A Year

December 9, 2024 

Hey Everyone!

Well, it's kinda weird to say, but I've been a missionary for pretty much a year! It's been a crazy time for me and I've definitely been able to have some reflection. I'm so grateful I've had this chance to serve!

Anyways, this week has been an eventful one. We had transfers and I'm back in Rochester! Gotta be honest, the drive back was so weird. I left in the summer when things were green, and then I come back and things were dead. But it's neat to be back! I already know all the good stores, too!

I also came back just in time for the Nativity activity put on by the stake. As missionaries, we got to help by watching the little Nativities that people had set up on tables, just to make people feel welcome and make sure things weren't stolen. I got to see a lot of the members from Roch 2, so that was the best part of my week.

I also met some of the people we have to teach. We had a lesson with Sheritha and Tony, and they are amazing! They're pretty much ready to be baptized, so we'll probably put them on date in the next lesson. I also met LeShaun and Mo and their 2 little kids. We haven't had a lesson with them yet, but they came to church and seemed to enjoy it! So be sure to pray for them to keep wanting the good things!

That's pretty much it! This transfer gives me a little old, a little new, and a whole new perspective on time. It's weird to say I've only got 1 year left, but hopefully I can make the most of it! 

Don't forget to look for and BE miracles for others! 
Love y'all!
Elder Buchanan

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