Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Baylee - July 25 2016

July 25 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

I hope this week was another wonderful week! My week just flew by. Here is what happened...

- Monday night we taught a less active who is one lesson and an interview away from be reactived. He and his family are all coming back and it is so great to see. His name is gregory and he is a youth, I think he is 14. He understands really well, and he remind sme soooo much of Jace! :)
- Tuesday monring we went ot go teach one of our new investigators, Hna. Makarena, and we found her cooking lunch. Oddly enough, she still let us in! We didnt teach but we helped her and chatted. She is really wonderful and has some real srong interest in the message we bring. LOL Wednesday night we came back for a real lesson and we brough a member Makarena knows named Henry. We had planned to give her a Book of Mormon and teach her more about it, bnut Hna. Sucari gave away the last one we had in our room!! LOL so we did an improv lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. It turned out ok!
- Tuesday afternoon we went back and taught the second lesson to an investigator who listened to the missionaries a few years ago, Amparo. We talked all about marriage and family since she is having some rough problems with her husband. the spirit was super strong in the that lesson! Amparo got reallt thoughtful and told us that she knows all that stuff is true and that she wants to apply it in her life. Then Friday night we went back and were finally able to meet with her and her husband, Jessi, together. They are still on a little bit of some rocky soil in their relationship, but they are btoh trying more now. They are ready to come back and listen. The Spirit also reigned in that lesson as we mostly asked some questions and let them talk it out and tell us more about their needs.
- Wednesday we had our first District meeting, those are the pics! It is us four from Tambogrande and then the four missionaries in Chulucanas. LOL we are both an hour from Piura, so we do lots of traveling every week in order to go to our meetings! But it was a really good meeting all about talking to as many people as we can about this amazing message. LOL and when we do that kind of taveling, we are always late to go eat. So the whole day was behind schedule!LOL
- Thursday at 1PM, lunch time here, we had another appointment with Hna. Saira. She is taking tiny baby steps forward, but she is relaly wonderful. She always makes us laugh. This week we read part of the Book of Mormon with her to help her understand a little bit better. It is amazing how the Book of Mormon really brings in the Spirit!
- Thursda afternoon, we had an appointment with Tambograndes eternal youth investigator, Osmarilin. She has a really hard time paying attention, but she has a testimony. She is so dependent on her parents though. Her mom is a less active...We are working with her though. I know one day she will finally be able to take the next step and be baptized, I know it!
- Thursday night was pretty awesome! We had a Family Home Evening out on the ranch of a less active family. The branch got a truck that we all road in to go. We road in the bed of the truck out under the beautiful stars in the open air! Love it!! The ,lesson was given by me and Hna. Sucari followed by some food then another gorgesou return trip! On the return trip, Hna. Sucari and I sang Hymns! It was awesome! :)
- Saturday was a very interesting day. the 28th of July is Peru`s independence day, but they had their little parade celebration Saturday. Hna. Sucari and I passed by there and got to see all the school kids in the uniforms and costumes of peruvian culture, marching like wooden toy soldiers, all stiff! LOL that is how they march here. With marching bands too that made me miss Western Thunder!! LOL Such a different and cool experience! They did traditional dances too! Neat stuff.
- Sunday, the lights were on! So I got to play the piano! And after the meetings, in Ward Council, the branch proposed that I give piano lessons....Wow they have way too much faith in someone who knows the basics....but I am going to try. Every Sunday at 5PM I am going to give classes. Wish me luck!
- Today, We left early and made the trip to Chulucanas. With Elder ^Plata and Elder Cachura, we traveled half an hour in one car, changed to another and traveled another half hour. We met up with the missionaries here and us Hnas went to the mercado and bought a whole ton of food to mke chicharrones de pollo, salchipapa, platanos fritos, and ensalada. Before cooking, we went and played volleyball!! First Hnas versus Elders, then tambogrande versus Chulucanas. The Elders won the first, but Tambogrande won the second! Then we cooked and as we cooked we watched Big Hero 6!! Love that movie! LOL in Spanish. We ate a ton!!!! and as we ate, we watched Megamind! in Spanish LOL. We are still here in Chulucanas writing home and we have to make another long journey back.... LOL but it has been a fun day!! 

Well, there is my week! I love you all so much! Keep being good, doing all that you know you are supposed to do. Sè que Dios nos ama y tiene un plan por cada una de nosotros. No estamos solos! Sigan adelante con firmeza, nunca duden de Cristo, nuestro Salvador. Les amo tanto!! Hasta la próxima semana!


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Baylee - First Week in Tambogrande!‏

July 18 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

¿Cómo están??? hopefully all is well and this week was a good one. My week was full of lots of new things w}as I got to know my new area. Here is what went down...

- Monday night, Hna. Sucari took me to go meet the Branch President, Presidente Valverde and his family. His two kids are both returned missionaries, Hna. Katy and Hno. Manuel and Hno. Manuel is our mission leader.They are just the sweetest little family of four and they work so hard to help us as missionaries! Truly, eeryone in the Branch works so hard here in the area of missionary work! It is awesome! Just in this first week I have been able to see their desires to move the work forwar d. They are actually trying to work out a plan for us and the two Elders in Tambogrande to go to a neighboring town, an itty bitty pueblito, to teach like 7 people that want to hear the Gospel. It will be the first time the Church goes to this tiny place, and we might get to be a part of it! Woo Hoo!! :)
- Tuesday and Wednesday I learned that here in Tambo grande, the mornings arent empty. We actually have morning appointments! That like never happens, just so you know, so for me it was a little miracle. This area has like 7 recent convert that have all been baptized in the last year, more than my other areas and it takes a ton to go and track everyone down while also searching for and teaching new people! Lots of work to be down here in the area; I love it! :)
- Our Pensionista is also wonderful! That was one of my big worries, but it is all good. Her name is Hna. Angela and she is also super willing to omit the rice, give my vegetables, and give me water instead of their  sugary juices. WOO HOO!! Oh, and she sews skirts for the sister mnissionaries at like 5 soles a piece. That is like  less than $2!!!!! So I will soon have some new clothes :D
- We found a new family this week on Thursday. They are awesome! A mom, dad, two kids of age, and a 2 year old toddler! It  was super exciting to teach them and to feel the Spirit there in their home, in spite of the toddler who just wanted to chat with me LOL it was the cutest thing. And she was amazed by my hand sanitizer! I am pretty excted to go to our next lesson with them tomorrow!
- One of the converts in this area was baptized just in May, but he is amazing! his names is Moises and he lives alone because his wife passed away and his kids live in other areas, but he is crazy faithfully. He is restarting the Book of Mormon already  and he has been called as the YM president in the Branch. Oh, and after every appointment he has food for us :) LOL Another convert who was baptized ni October is also amazing. His name is Luis and he suffers from Parkinsons disease. Even with his disablity, he is crazy strong, too. He is also about half way through 2 Nephi for the  second time and he comes to church every single Sunday. Hna Sucari told me that when he received the A-OK to be baptized he cried and said that he had been waiting 18 years to find the truth. He is amazing!
- Friday we had our Zone meeting. It is a smaller zone, the Zona Miraflores! But we have awesome Zone leaders, Elder Cloninger and Elder Ballero, awesome sister leaders, Hna. Dionicio and Hna. Parks, and a bunch of other awesome missionaries. We put zone goals that are pretty crazy high, but we are all super excited and also pretty darn hard workers , so I believe we can do it! LOL Also, Friday was Hna. Laing´s Bday, so while takn}ing our Zone pic, A few of the Elders smashed eggs on her head! LOL we all sang Happy Birthday in Spanish and it was great fun! OH and our Zone meetings are in Piura, that long hour trip back and forth that costs way too much money...for that reason we got back to Tambogrande late as we took a taxi with the Elders. We finally ate lunch around 3PM and I was starving! LOL And our District meetings every week are also in  Piura, so more traveling! But its ok. 
- Saturday was our first correlation meeting. Saturday nights at 8PM. O}Hno. Manuel is an awesome m ission leader! He works hard, knows our investigators, and he does all the talking in the Branch Council meetings! That makes we super excited! And Sundays Council meeting came right after church and it was super efficient and everyon paid attention and assignments were made and everyone wants to work. Love it!
 - Sunday, the power was out from 8 AM until 4 PM LOL so church without lights and no piano since it is an electric piano. But we continued anyway. The attendance was down this week, sadly, only 43 people. I was told Saturday night that I had to give a 15  min talk as the new missionary in town LOL so I talked about Gods love for all His children and his desire for us to go  out and track them all down, help them fill His love, and bring them to the church. Everyone understood me! LOL They all mentioned that the previous gringa here, Hna. Thomas, still struggled with the Spanish, so it was good to hear that they understood all that I said. Another great thing is that after the meetings, everyone works together the clean the house chapel. The house chapel is kind of like a warehouse, Sharps Tarps style, but done up really nice. It is super clean too because they clean like 2 times a week! Love it!! :)
-  Today, Hna. Sucari onc eagain had to come to Piura because Hna. Sucari needs to go to the dentist. So that s fun LOL we made a trip to the grocery store, ate in the food court there. Lots of other missionarie were there and We sat again with the Zona Castilla LOL with Hna. Apeña and Hna. Ruiz, the Castilla zone leaders, and the Elders from the old District LOL it was like we went back in time! It was so nice to see Hna. Apeña!

So that was the week! I will work harder to take more photos! Love you all so much!! Be good! Hasta la próxima semana!! :) 



Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Baylee - TRANSFERS - from Ramon Castilla to Tambo Grande 2‏

July 11 2016

Hola Mi familia y mis Amigos!

How was your week?? I hope all is well! Here is what happened this week here  in the mission....

- Wednesday we had our monthly meeting with Stake President Gomez, Presidente Rasmussen, and the Zone Leaders. As we got to talking, the meeting rounded out that our ward, Ramon Castilla, needs some help. The numbers in our area have been the lowest and Hna. Apeña and I have been working super hard. Presidente Gomez and P¨resident Rasmussen agreed that the members needed an intervention! They made plans to come and visit our ward council and do a bit of training. Hna. Apeña and I are both so grateful for the help they offered. 
- Thursday came our final District meeting of the transfer. It was all about recognizing the Spirit and I learned a ton! There was one scripture that I really liked in D&C 9:7-9. I encourage you all to go look it up, ponder, and apply it in your lives! :)
- Thursday night came ward council. Hna. Apeña and I had to do divisions to go to an appointment and attend the council. Presidente Gomez and Elder Iglesias (Zone Leader) were present with the sole purpose of observing and then teaching t}how to make it better. Wow Presidente Gomez gave an amazingy}ly inspiring, correcting lesson on how to help real people and be effective. I felt the spirit and had even more desires to get out and work, and he wasnt even talking towards me!! I sure hope the ward applies what he taught!
- Friday we went seeking out people because the ward had to cancel the Noche Misional. The Lord had a hand in our acts because we randomly dropper by the visit an invesetiagtor, Daina, and she was actually home! She received us and once again the lesson was super spiritualy. She is afraid to come to church just yet, but both Hna. Apeña and I feel the spirit so strong with her that we are sticking with her, we are going to help her lose her fear and make the decions that she needs to in order to help her cute family!
- Saturday the Lord gave us a miracle! We had a member with us in the morning, a miracle in and of itself, and we wanted to make good use of her time. our appointments fell through so we were stuck. Hna. Apeña felt like maybe we should look for the reference that we received from a member the ote}her day. So thats where we went. She was amazingly home and let us in. We taught her and her mom and her niece and they were wonderfully attentive! Esepcially the 14 yr old niece. I know the Lord directed us there to their house at that moment besuace the day before, Hna. Deysi the reference was in a motorcycle accident with a moto and was ready to hear what we had to say. It was a good experience!
- Saturday afternoon, We showed a recent convert, Hno. Arturo, how to reserve his family names to do the work in the temple. We were helping him with his family tree on FamilySearch and he asked how far back goes my family tree. I told him that we should go look. We opened up my account and I started going back, following the paternal line. Want to know just how far back it goes....? 940 A.C.!!! Some queen or something that died in 940 A.C.!!!! Hno. Arturo and Hna. Apeña and even me we were all shocked! Truly family history work is inspring and so super importnant!
- Saturday night came the big reveal.....CAMBIOS!!!!! Now I am Tambo Grande 2. Talara was beach, Ramon Castilla city, and now Tambo Grande is the country side, fruit farms and all that. Every differnt life style possible, thats my mission! My new companion is Hna. Sucari. She is 25 and has 6 months in the mission. She is from Lima and actually finished culinary school before coming the mission! She is a licensed chef! Tambo Grande is a branch, but a strong, growing branch. Our room is nice and simple and we live in the home of a member. I am super excited for this new change!
- Sunday night, after taking tons of photos after church and being pretty content, Hna. Apeña took me to a surprise party put together by the ward and Hna. Apeña! It was super sweet and I felt the great love from and for each of the members there.the ward showed such love and helped me realize more and more that it isnt the baptisms or rescued members or any other number that counts. It is the people one impacts and loves. It is the example one sets and effort one gives. Now I feel more prepared to keep working hard, even when it seems impossible and sometimes uneffective. I am eternally grateful for that lesson. It is always hard to say goodbye.....but the Lord sends us where He needs us!
- Today we had to be at Eppo at 8AM. I have sooooo much stuff...It ws a real sturggle getting it all down the stairs...but we made it. I always love seeing all the other missionaries!! We then took a giant van to Tambo grande, an hour away. I unpacked and got myself settled. As I did all that, Hna. Sucari was doing some cleaning and then used some brown bananas to make something called jugo de platano con leche. IT was my first time trying it and it was good. Super different but good! Then guess what! We had to return to Piura so that we could use the internet because the internet in Tambo Grande is crazy slow. So we made the return trip. To be honest, I am a little carsick and nervous for another ride back to Tambo Grande!! LOL But it has been a good day!

Well, that is my week! Went by fast! I love you all so very much and hope you have a fantastic week! Be good! Hasta la próxima semana! 
PS the photo is of me and my new comp!!!



Tuesday, July 5, 2016


July 4 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!! 

Espero que todos han pasada una semana muy buena! My week was a bit of a roller coaster, but a good one! Here is what happened...

- Monday night that Lord gave Hna. Apeña and I a little miracle. We where knocking on doors, talking to tons of people, when a young lady opened the door. Probably about 27 or so and really well put together, so I was worried that she wouldnt listen to a word we said. But it was the contrary. We talked about our families and asked her about hers and she wanted to hear more. She let us in and we were able to visit with her and her partner (they arent married) and their two year old daughter. They are passing through some rough times as a new family, only 3 months living together and they want to find something better. The Spirit filled the room as we talked about Joseph Smith and his desire to find the truth. They are super intererested! We planned antoher appointment and as Hna. Apeña and I left, we both agreed that we could easily see them in white in the temple! .:)
- Tuesday we were able to teach our progressing investigator Hna. Tatiani. She is facing lots of struggles right now, and we are working hard to help her feel the Spirit and make these important decisions in her life. We talked a lot about the need to read the scriptures and then we began with the PLan of Salvation. We are going slow to make sure she understands. Please pray for her and her cute four year old little boy Adriano! 
- Wednesday I went on Intercambios with Hna. Huanca in Sechura! We had a great time! Our main focus ended up being there investigator named Araceli. We taught her Wednesday afternoon and then Thursday morning we went and back and did some service, helping her close up her house from the strong Sechuran wind. We also cooked there in her home and ate with her and her cute 9 year old daughter Ashley (so named for Ashley Simpson LOL!)
- Thursday we had an amazingly spiritual lesson with Hna. Sulema, the little sister of a YSA member who is now taking the lessons. We talked about the Spirit and how it works as well as the Restoration and prayer. Sulema truly wants to fnd the truth. In her closing prayer, she even asked the Lord to help her find the peace and joy she seeks!! :)
- Friday night we had our weekly Noche Misional and this weeks activity wasa nother sports one. As always, the main Peruvian sports, Soccer and Volleyball. However, they always start with soccer and it always gets to late for me to be able to play volley...But ya thats ok. This time, Hna. Apeña and I went for it and played soccer in our skirts!! LOL it was super silly and fun and our team won!! :)
- Saturday we went and shared an FHE with the f. Pascual Chero. They are passing through some rough moments and the mom, Hna. Sabina asked us to come and help them a bit. Our lesson was on how to be a happy, successful family. We found an awesome chapter in Galatians that gives us many good points on how to keep good relationships. Galatians 5! Go read it!! :)
- We had 5 investigators at church yesterday and 3 were new people brought by members! I love when the members are sharing the Gospel and inviting their friends to learn about Christ! :) 
- Today, Hna. Apeña and I enjoyed a chill tourist day and went to a touristic town called Catacaos to looked at all the cool souvenirs. I bought myself a new shoulder bag, something smaller and less attention grabbing. It is purple and cute!! :) LOL then we went to that same awesome restaurant we went to at the beginning of the transfer and this time I brought my camara, however, I havent been able to pass the photos from my SD card to my USB, so you will all have to wait until next week to see the good stuff! Sorry! 

Well, that was my week! I am so grateful for each and every one of you! You all keep me going, and please know that I pray for you all every day! :) Keep on keeping on! :) Hasta la próxima semana!! 