Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
¿Cómo están??? hopefully all is well and this week was a good one. My week was full of lots of new things w}as I got to know my new area. Here is what went down...
- Monday night, Hna. Sucari took me to go meet the Branch President, Presidente Valverde and his family. His two kids are both returned missionaries, Hna. Katy and Hno. Manuel and Hno. Manuel is our mission leader.They are just the sweetest little family of four and they work so hard to help us as missionaries! Truly, eeryone in the Branch works so hard here in the area of missionary work! It is awesome! Just in this first week I have been able to see their desires to move the work forwar d. They are actually trying to work out a plan for us and the two Elders in Tambogrande to go to a neighboring town, an itty bitty pueblito, to teach like 7 people that want to hear the Gospel. It will be the first time the Church goes to this tiny place, and we might get to be a part of it! Woo Hoo!! :)
- Tuesday and Wednesday I learned that here in Tambo grande, the mornings arent empty. We actually have morning appointments! That like never happens, just so you know, so for me it was a little miracle. This area has like 7 recent convert that have all been baptized in the last year, more than my other areas and it takes a ton to go and track everyone down while also searching for and teaching new people! Lots of work to be down here in the area; I love it! :)
- Our Pensionista is also wonderful! That was one of my big worries, but it is all good. Her name is Hna. Angela and she is also super willing to omit the rice, give my vegetables, and give me water instead of their sugary juices. WOO HOO!! Oh, and she sews skirts for the sister mnissionaries at like 5 soles a piece. That is like less than $2!!!!! So I will soon have some new clothes :D
- We found a new family this week on Thursday. They are awesome! A mom, dad, two kids of age, and a 2 year old toddler! It was super exciting to teach them and to feel the Spirit there in their home, in spite of the toddler who just wanted to chat with me LOL it was the cutest thing. And she was amazed by my hand sanitizer! I am pretty excted to go to our next lesson with them tomorrow!
- One of the converts in this area was baptized just in May, but he is amazing! his names is Moises and he lives alone because his wife passed away and his kids live in other areas, but he is crazy faithfully. He is restarting the Book of Mormon already and he has been called as the YM president in the Branch. Oh, and after every appointment he has food for us :) LOL Another convert who was baptized ni October is also amazing. His name is Luis and he suffers from Parkinsons disease. Even with his disablity, he is crazy strong, too. He is also about half way through 2 Nephi for the second time and he comes to church every single Sunday. Hna Sucari told me that when he received the A-OK to be baptized he cried and said that he had been waiting 18 years to find the truth. He is amazing!
- Friday we had our Zone meeting. It is a smaller zone, the Zona Miraflores! But we have awesome Zone leaders, Elder Cloninger and Elder Ballero, awesome sister leaders, Hna. Dionicio and Hna. Parks, and a bunch of other awesome missionaries. We put zone goals that are pretty crazy high, but we are all super excited and also pretty darn hard workers , so I believe we can do it! LOL Also, Friday was Hna. Laing´s Bday, so while takn}ing our Zone pic, A few of the Elders smashed eggs on her head! LOL we all sang Happy Birthday in Spanish and it was great fun! OH and our Zone meetings are in Piura, that long hour trip back and forth that costs way too much money...for that reason we got back to Tambogrande late as we took a taxi with the Elders. We finally ate lunch around 3PM and I was starving! LOL And our District meetings every week are also in Piura, so more traveling! But its ok.
- Saturday was our first correlation meeting. Saturday nights at 8PM. O}Hno. Manuel is an awesome m ission leader! He works hard, knows our investigators, and he does all the talking in the Branch Council meetings! That makes we super excited! And Sundays Council meeting came right after church and it was super efficient and everyon paid attention and assignments were made and everyone wants to work. Love it!
- Sunday, the power was out from 8 AM until 4 PM LOL so church without lights and no piano since it is an electric piano. But we continued anyway. The attendance was down this week, sadly, only 43 people. I was told Saturday night that I had to give a 15 min talk as the new missionary in town LOL so I talked about Gods love for all His children and his desire for us to go out and track them all down, help them fill His love, and bring them to the church. Everyone understood me! LOL They all mentioned that the previous gringa here, Hna. Thomas, still struggled with the Spanish, so it was good to hear that they understood all that I said. Another great thing is that after the meetings, everyone works together the clean the house chapel. The house chapel is kind of like a warehouse, Sharps Tarps style, but done up really nice. It is super clean too because they clean like 2 times a week! Love it!! :)
- Today, Hna. Sucari onc eagain had to come to Piura because Hna. Sucari needs to go to the dentist. So that s fun LOL we made a trip to the grocery store, ate in the food court there. Lots of other missionarie were there and We sat again with the Zona Castilla LOL with Hna. Apeña and Hna. Ruiz, the Castilla zone leaders, and the Elders from the old District LOL it was like we went back in time! It was so nice to see Hna. Apeña!
So that was the week! I will work harder to take more photos! Love you all so much!! Be good! Hasta la próxima semana!! :)
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