Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
I hope this week was another wonderful week! My week just flew by. Here is what happened...
- Monday night we taught a less active who is one lesson and an interview away from be reactived. He and his family are all coming back and it is so great to see. His name is gregory and he is a youth, I think he is 14. He understands really well, and he remind sme soooo much of Jace! :)
- Tuesday monring we went ot go teach one of our new investigators, Hna. Makarena, and we found her cooking lunch. Oddly enough, she still let us in! We didnt teach but we helped her and chatted. She is really wonderful and has some real srong interest in the message we bring. LOL Wednesday night we came back for a real lesson and we brough a member Makarena knows named Henry. We had planned to give her a Book of Mormon and teach her more about it, bnut Hna. Sucari gave away the last one we had in our room!! LOL so we did an improv lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. It turned out ok!
- Tuesday afternoon we went back and taught the second lesson to an investigator who listened to the missionaries a few years ago, Amparo. We talked all about marriage and family since she is having some rough problems with her husband. the spirit was super strong in the that lesson! Amparo got reallt thoughtful and told us that she knows all that stuff is true and that she wants to apply it in her life. Then Friday night we went back and were finally able to meet with her and her husband, Jessi, together. They are still on a little bit of some rocky soil in their relationship, but they are btoh trying more now. They are ready to come back and listen. The Spirit also reigned in that lesson as we mostly asked some questions and let them talk it out and tell us more about their needs.
- Wednesday we had our first District meeting, those are the pics! It is us four from Tambogrande and then the four missionaries in Chulucanas. LOL we are both an hour from Piura, so we do lots of traveling every week in order to go to our meetings! But it was a really good meeting all about talking to as many people as we can about this amazing message. LOL and when we do that kind of taveling, we are always late to go eat. So the whole day was behind schedule!LOL
- Thursday at 1PM, lunch time here, we had another appointment with Hna. Saira. She is taking tiny baby steps forward, but she is relaly wonderful. She always makes us laugh. This week we read part of the Book of Mormon with her to help her understand a little bit better. It is amazing how the Book of Mormon really brings in the Spirit!
- Thursda afternoon, we had an appointment with Tambograndes eternal youth investigator, Osmarilin. She has a really hard time paying attention, but she has a testimony. She is so dependent on her parents though. Her mom is a less active...We are working with her though. I know one day she will finally be able to take the next step and be baptized, I know it!
- Thursday night was pretty awesome! We had a Family Home Evening out on the ranch of a less active family. The branch got a truck that we all road in to go. We road in the bed of the truck out under the beautiful stars in the open air! Love it!! The ,lesson was given by me and Hna. Sucari followed by some food then another gorgesou return trip! On the return trip, Hna. Sucari and I sang Hymns! It was awesome! :)
- Saturday was a very interesting day. the 28th of July is Peru`s independence day, but they had their little parade celebration Saturday. Hna. Sucari and I passed by there and got to see all the school kids in the uniforms and costumes of peruvian culture, marching like wooden toy soldiers, all stiff! LOL that is how they march here. With marching bands too that made me miss Western Thunder!! LOL Such a different and cool experience! They did traditional dances too! Neat stuff.
- Sunday, the lights were on! So I got to play the piano! And after the meetings, in Ward Council, the branch proposed that I give piano lessons....Wow they have way too much faith in someone who knows the basics....but I am going to try. Every Sunday at 5PM I am going to give classes. Wish me luck!
- Today, We left early and made the trip to Chulucanas. With Elder ^Plata and Elder Cachura, we traveled half an hour in one car, changed to another and traveled another half hour. We met up with the missionaries here and us Hnas went to the mercado and bought a whole ton of food to mke chicharrones de pollo, salchipapa, platanos fritos, and ensalada. Before cooking, we went and played volleyball!! First Hnas versus Elders, then tambogrande versus Chulucanas. The Elders won the first, but Tambogrande won the second! Then we cooked and as we cooked we watched Big Hero 6!! Love that movie! LOL in Spanish. We ate a ton!!!! and as we ate, we watched Megamind! in Spanish LOL. We are still here in Chulucanas writing home and we have to make another long journey back.... LOL but it has been a fun day!!
Well, there is my week! I love you all so much! Keep being good, doing all that you know you are supposed to do. Sè que Dios nos ama y tiene un plan por cada una de nosotros. No estamos solos! Sigan adelante con firmeza, nunca duden de Cristo, nuestro Salvador. Les amo tanto!! Hasta la próxima semana!
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