Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Mon 2/18/2019 7:03 AM

Hey everyone!!!
Sorry it has been so long before I emailed again. Last week was traveling week from the MTC to the Mission Home then to the apartment in my first area. Well now I'm back and boy do I have a lot to talk about!!
So last week on Tuesday was the departure day for everyone, but the first flight for those going to Uganda wasn't until 12:10 pm. AND THAT WAS AFTER BEING AT THE AIRPORT SINCE 6:30 A.M.!!!! When we finally got to the mission home that night, It was about 11:30 pm!!
The next morning, we were able to find out which areas we would be in and also who our companions were. I found out that I would be in an area known as Mengo and that it was one of the closest areas to the capital Kampala!! I'd say that's pretty nice!!
One thing that was really cool about this weekend was the fact that Elder Stevenson came to talk to us!! On Saturday, he talked to us about our missionary work and the Preach My Gospel. We talked a lot about the individual chapters in the Preach My Gospel and how they are all very important in the work that we do.
Sunday was kind of like a conference and we were able to listen to Elder Stevenson a second time!! It's nice being so close to Kampala so that we don't have to travel so far.
Later that night we were able to do FHE at a members house and play a game that related to prophets and how they receive revelation to better guide the church. We were also able to teach a friend of that family and it seems like she really wants to listen to what we have to say!! She has been in other lessons with missionaries before and it seems like she is almost ready for baptism. They have a date set for next week on Sunday, but they also believe that she won't be quite ready by then.
Today has been very chill, being that it is Prep Day. One of our bathrooms is being fixed and our kitchen floor is now being redone, so we have been just kind of hanging out in the living room a lot of the day. I've been able to study a good amount and I've been looking at scriptures that have to do with Repentance and Faith in Jesus Christ. A really good one that I found for repentance is Moses 6:57. It talks about teaching children everywhere that everyone must repent, "or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."
Well, that's all I have for today! I hope to maybe hear from a lot more of you soon!! This is Elder Buchanan, signing off!!!

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