Monday, March 18, 2019

Jaxon - Back Home

Mon 3/18/2019 9:10 AM

Good morning everyone! It's kinda weird of me to say this on email since I've always been on at like 4 pm instead. But I just wanted to get on now because it's about the same time I'd be doing emails anyways.
Well, I made it home. It was a long journey, but I made it. I left from Entebbe on Tuesday night (morning back home) at like 11:30 pm and flew to Amsterdam! That flight was about 8 1/2 hours long, but I arrived there at 6 am, showing I went through a couple time zone changes during. Hung out there for a while (about 4 1/2 hours). When I got there, I found that they had some McDonald's there, which I was kinda craving, but it was SO different from McDonald's in America. The one souvenir I got from Amsterdam was a pretty nice watch, a Swatch brand from the Swiss. It's become like my favorite watch ever and I haven't not worn it a single day yet. Then I finally left from Amsterdam at about 10:55 am on a flight that went straight to SLC!! A whole 10 and a half hour flight!! Already, I've been in the air for like 19 hours!! Finally, at like 2:30 pm here, I arrived and almost immediately went to the nearest McDonald's (I honestly have no idea why I was craving that stuff). I got myself some real Micky D's, such as some Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McGriddles. I wish I could say I was finally happy, but obviously not since I wasn't being a missionary like normal. The one thing that really sucked about this next part is the fact that I had to wait at SLC Intl' for 5 1/2 hours!!! The longest layover of my life!! Finally, at 8 pm, I got on a flight to Jackson Hole, WY to finally get back home. I honestly thought it would've been better if my parents just picked me up in Salt Lake City, but it'd be better on gas for them. That flight was only like 45 minutes long, so just was able to get a short nap in ðŸ˜‚. Landed in Jackson at about 9:30 and had to walk from the plane to the actual airport building outside!! It was so cold!! Finally, I got inside, just waiting to see my parents for the first time in almost 2 months. But when I got inside, I didn't see them. I didn't see them anywhere in the airport. I started to freak out a little bit on the inside. After about 30 minutes, I was just waiting around and was able to ask a security person there if I could use his phone to call my parents. One thing that was cool about this person is that he actually served a mission himself back in 2012!! I thought that was pretty neat. So I called my mom and I was asking "Where are you?" and they asked back "Where are you?" I said I'm in Jackson and my mom started to freak out a little bit because apparently, information wasn't delivered properly to my parents, so they had to quickly get up out of bed and leave to come and get me at like 10 pm!! Let me tell you, that was the longest couple of hours of my life. I kept on searching out the window, hoping they'd come around the corner or something right then and there. Finally, around midnight, they finally pulled up to the airport and I was able to give my mom and dad big hugs. I was so happy to finally see them after freaking out for so long. One blessing we were able to have from this, though, is the fact that the roads were completely clear for them on the way to Jackson and they were still clear on the way back. There wasn't any snow coming down or anything. And the weird thing about this is the fact that there was a bad storm across most of Wyoming that really pounded some places, like Star Valley and Laramie and even some of Rock Springs!! And all of those places, except for Laramie, are basically surrounding Jackson and Pinedale, so the storm basically went right around us!! We were so blessed that night.
The next day--Thursday--was somewhat of a chill day, being that I felt like crap because my body clock was just wrecked. I was so tired for so much of the day. One thing that I felt like was lucky for us was the fact that we were able to actually go and see the musical "Singing in the Rain" that the high school was putting on!! It was so good and so funny!! I was so proud of everyone on that stage and I was also kinda reminiscing on all the memories I have had being on that stage in the same places as everyone else. It was just so nice to be able to see that musical that I originally thought I was going to miss.
On Friday, we got to find out the gender of Baylee's baby!! It was such an exciting day!! I honestly thought it was going to be a girl. We had set up a little thing on the wall that looked pretty cute and I thought was pretty clever, too. One thing I thought was funny was the fact that Mom, Dad, and Jacob all wore blue, so Dad was all like, "Oh, it must be a boy." Turns out he was right all along!! It's a boy!! I'm gonna be an uncle!! I'm gonna get my first nephew!!
Saturday wasn't too interesting, Jacob's brother and his wife and child all came for the weekend and were at the reveal on Friday, and they all went skiing on Saturday, except for their little one of course. Mom, Baylee, and I got to babysit their kid for basically the whole day, but we had a lot of fun and he didn't cry like at all the whole day. At one point, we put him down for a nap and I also took a nap as well. Turns out that nap was about 2 hours long!! I woke up and was walking to the kitchen when I heard the little one making noises, obviously hinting to the fact that he woke up. I opened the door and saw him looking over at the bed to find that no one was there, so he just about started to cry. I picked him up just in time so that he wouldn't feel too sad and gave him to Baylee since he knew her better. The rest of the day was good. At about 4 pm, the others were done skiing and it was time for them to get going and go home. Baylee and Jacob stayed, but Jacob's brother had to get going back home.
On Sunday, I was feeling a little weird because I still have my tag on me whenever I go out, so it was like I was home and going to church like normal, but at the same time it felt like I was going into a ward that I didn't even know. And they even asked me to say the opening prayer, which I'm obviously not against. For the Sunday School class, I was a little bit lost because as missionaries, we don't study the Come, Follow Me program for Individuals and Families. In the class, there was a person who I think was a convert, not sure how recent. She would really want to give her opinion on lots of things as we went on and it would kind of get us off topic and I think I'll stop talking about it cause I didn't really learn much because of it. I came home afterwards with Baylee and Jacob since they didn't really want to sing in the choir and mom and dad were both in the choir. We went for a walk just for a little while and were able to talk about things and I really thought that was nice cause I was able to let some more stuff off my shoulders by just talking with them and in person as well. They went home I want to say around 1 pm and we were then able to start studying the next weeks stuff for the Come, Follow Me. That was pretty nice being able to somewhat catch up and to be able to know more for the next class if I haven't been given an assignment by then. Then at about 4:30 pm, we went to support some of our friends that are part of a different church and went to their St. Patrick's Day dinner they had. We only stayed for like 30 minutes, but the food was pretty good. We came home, watched some church approved movies--and Moana. It's Disney--and then went to bed.
And now it's Monday. Not much has happened yet obviously, it's only 9 am. But I'm gonna be studying a lot more today and really focusing on improving myself now so that I can be better when I continue serving the Lord.
Well that's all that I've got to say! I know it's a lot more that usual, but there has been a lot more going on this past week. I'll talk to you all next week!!
This is Elder Buchanan, signing off!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Master the tempest is raging

March 10, 2019 - Master the tempest is raging

This past week in the Come Follow Me study we read Mark 4:35-41. You may have read it too. This is the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the sea in a ship and a great storm arises. Being afraid, the disciples rush to find Jesus and He is asleep on a pillow in the back part of the ship. Of course, they woke Him and asked, "Carest thou not that we perish?". The disciples were so afraid. So Jesus arose and used his priesthood power to calm the storm by saying, "Peace. Be still." Immediately there was a great calm. 

We can incorporate this story into our lives by remembering when life gets like a crazy storm or it seems like everything around us is against us, we only need to turn to the Savior and He will calm our storms. Things might not be completely reversed or stopped but He will help US to be calm amid the chaos. 

I have always loved the hymn Master the Tempest is Raging. Not your average hymn. 

There is one thing I learned this time I studied this story that I hadn't thought about before. Throughout the journey on the ship, Jesus was there. He was there through it all experiencing it with them. Even before the disciples turned to Him for help. 
So I need to remember He is there with me, and you, in all that we are experiencing, waiting for is to ask for His intervention. Just like the picture where Jesus is standing at the door without a handle. He is there knocking, waiting for us to let Him in. 

Never forget to Let Him In. 

I love you, Jaxon.
You are an amazing son of God.
He loves you more than me.... but maybe not that much more. 😉💕
Never forget that. 

Love, Mom

JAXON - Part 1 & Part 2

Mon 3/11/2019 7:25 AM

Hey everyone! This week has just been another week of craziness, but definitely nothing too normal just yet!
I'm still getting used to many things here in Uganda. The biggest example for sure is the traffic. I honestly HATE the traffic, but I guess it's something you just have to face and deal with. I'm slowly starting to understand the accents here a little more. I sometimes am the one to call some investigators in the morning, and there are some people that I just can't understand at all, but I'm getting better.
Thursday and today I was able to somewhat get a taste of home!! We went to a place called Cafe Javas and it was AMAZING. Expensive, but AMAZING. Anyways, I've got to go now. Sorry that it's short today!!

This is Elder Buchanan, signing off!!

Mon 3/11/2019 7:32 AM

Now for the nitty gritty stuff that is like a weight on my shoulders.
I am coming home sometime this week actually, but I will continue doing the work back home by doing a service mission at like a temple or something but we'll see. I'm sorry for letting you all down by not sticking it out to the end here in Uganda, but just know that I love you all for all the love and support you have given me in this time. I will still be a missionary for some time, but just know that I will be somewhat closer to home from now on.
I love you all so very much, and I am typing this while crying my eyes out, but I love each and every one of you so much for all you have done for me.
Just know that I'm not done yet. Satan has not gotten to me just yet, and I won't let him take me.
This is Elder Buchanan, signing off...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

He never said it would be easy...

Sun 3/3/2019 4:19 PM
Many people use the line, " He never said it would be easy, He only said it would be worth it."

That phrase is 100% true....except....

Matthew 11:28-30 says:
"28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

He did say it would be easy, if we 'take His yoke upon us'.   

A Yoke is a device that 2 oxen or horses share to pull their heavy loads.
So when we take the 'yoke' of the Savior on us he is not turning everything over to us.  He is on the other half of that yoke, carrying our burden with us. But we have to choose to take His burden, so He can help us with ours.  We have to come to Him.  He is waiting for you and me to do just that.

I love you, Jaxon, but  I know that our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, love you even more than I do.

You're OK. You can do this.
Love, Mom

Jaxon - Another week here and gone...

March 4, 2019
Hey everyone!! Hope you have all had a great week!!

So this week was pretty hectic for us here. Just a little reminder, I am in an area named Mengo and my companion's name is Elder Schwendiman. He is actually from a town just outside of Rexburg! So a lot of this week, my companion and I have been getting bounced. Getting bounced means we scheduled to meet with someone in the morning, but once we get to that time of day, the investigator decides to meet maybe tomorrow instead (which usually doesn't actually happen). I'd say it happened about 3 or four times a day, so about 15 or 16 bounces throughout the week!!
These past two weekends were pretty good, however. For my companion and I, we actually had two baptisms and confirmations!! There was one sister named Sarah who was baptized on Sunday last week and was confirmed this past Sunday. And this weekend on Saturday, a brother named Brian was baptized and was able to be confirmed on Sunday as well!!
We have been doing a lot of traveling this week. We go to members houses throughout the week usually for something like an FHE (family home evening), but a lot of the members live VERY far out from the church and we have to get into taxis multiple times in one day. The taxis are SUPER hot inside and a lot of times, they make you sit 4 per row when there are only 3 seats in a row. And these taxis are actually the size of vans and are not even close to the types of taxis back in the US. Honestly, the taxis I've been in back home were all way better compared to the ones here.
Well that has basically been the week right there!! Not much else to talk about since we kept getting bounced.
This is Elder Buchanan, signing off!!
Sorry for only one picture