March 10, 2019 - Master the tempest is raging
This past week in the Come Follow Me study we read Mark 4:35-41. You may have read it too. This is the story of Jesus and his disciples crossing the sea in a ship and a great storm arises. Being afraid, the disciples rush to find Jesus and He is asleep on a pillow in the back part of the ship. Of course, they woke Him and asked, "Carest thou not that we perish?". The disciples were so afraid. So Jesus arose and used his priesthood power to calm the storm by saying, "Peace. Be still." Immediately there was a great calm.
We can incorporate this story into our lives by remembering when life gets like a crazy storm or it seems like everything around us is against us, we only need to turn to the Savior and He will calm our storms. Things might not be completely reversed or stopped but He will help US to be calm amid the chaos.
I have always loved the hymn Master the Tempest is Raging. Not your average hymn.
There is one thing I learned this time I studied this story that I hadn't thought about before. Throughout the journey on the ship, Jesus was there. He was there through it all experiencing it with them. Even before the disciples turned to Him for help.
So I need to remember He is there with me, and you, in all that we are experiencing, waiting for is to ask for His intervention. Just like the picture where Jesus is standing at the door without a handle. He is there knocking, waiting for us to let Him in.
Never forget to Let Him In.
I love you, Jaxon.
You are an amazing son of God.
He loves you more than me.... but maybe not that much more. 😉💕
Never forget that.
Love, Mom
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