Mon 3/11/2019 7:25 AM
Hey everyone! This week has just been another week of craziness, but definitely nothing too normal just yet!
I'm still getting used to many things here in Uganda. The biggest example for sure is the traffic. I honestly HATE the traffic, but I guess it's something you just have to face and deal with. I'm slowly starting to understand the accents here a little more. I sometimes am the one to call some investigators in the morning, and there are some people that I just can't understand at all, but I'm getting better.
Thursday and today I was able to somewhat get a taste of home!! We went to a place called Cafe Javas and it was AMAZING. Expensive, but AMAZING. Anyways, I've got to go now. Sorry that it's short today!!
This is Elder Buchanan, signing off!!
Mon 3/11/2019 7:32 AM
Now for the nitty gritty stuff that is like a weight on my shoulders.
I am coming home sometime this week actually, but I will continue doing the work back home by doing a service mission at like a temple or something but we'll see. I'm sorry for letting you all down by not sticking it out to the end here in Uganda, but just know that I love you all for all the love and support you have given me in this time. I will still be a missionary for some time, but just know that I will be somewhat closer to home from now on.
I love you all so very much, and I am typing this while crying my eyes out, but I love each and every one of you so much for all you have done for me.
Just know that I'm not done yet. Satan has not gotten to me just yet, and I won't let him take me.
This is Elder Buchanan, signing off...
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