Monday, January 29, 2024

JACE - Mall of America, Zone Conference and more!

January 29, 2024

Hey Everyone!

This week's been great! Lot's of fun things happened, so I'll try to figure out what to include!
Monday, for P-Day, President and Sister Gochnour let our zone come down and spend the night at the mission home, since we are so far away. On top of that, our district realized that since we were already gonna drive down and stay the night we could ask if we could come early and go to the Mall of America and actually be able to spend time together as a district. And they let us do it! So we were able to spend some time in the Mall and got to see the whole Nickelodeon theme park they have in there and the huge LEGO statues that surround the LEGO store. The only thing I bought this time around was a Sonic Minifigure keychain. It was very interesting seeing all the stores and just how easy you could lose your time in there. Kind of a lesson of keeping your eye on what's important, or the things of the world will just distract you.
We had Zone Conference the next day, and there were some great lessons and discussions given. A couple of talks that really stick with me are one about putting pressure on the Book of Mormon and not putting poop in your cookies. Putting pressure on the Book of Mormon refers to the fact that without the Book we don't have prophets, the priesthood, or even a religion. So if we stress the importance of the Book of Mormon, it will always find the way to help people make the decision to join us. Not putting poop in your cookies was Sister Gochnour's object lesson. She compared the mission we are serving to being the batter and the choices and decisions we make being the chocolate chips. If we willingly choose to not follow a rule, standard, or covenant we're dropping some poop in the mix instead making delicious chocolate chip cookies. And no one wants that. I was able to meet with President Gochnour to talk about some things that are bothering me and I'm struggling with, and I'm so glad he's so supportive and understanding. Definitely a boost that I really needed.
Most of y'all might have seen the little cover of "High on The Mountain Top" Elder Parkin and I posted on Facebook. The funniest and coolest thing about that was that at Zone Conference, we were encouraged to try different things. So when we went to the church to record that at 2-3 in the afternoon, we had a super cool experience. We were practicing and working on the song, when a dude named Cory knocked on the church doors! He said he was prompted to come and see about our teachings. The most crazy thing is that we are never at the building at that time!!! The spirit was in overdrive for the first little bit of lesson, but it kind pulled back as the lesson went on and some of the things he was wondering about and struggling with came to light. It was a really weird feeling.
The rest of the week was missionary work as usual. We had some good lessons, especially with Charmaine. I don't think there will be anything that will stand in her way of getting baptized. She even got rid of a Word of Wisdom item right in front of our eyes! That's some of the greatest commitment I've seen ever, and I do kinda look up to her for pressing through even when she says she's having a really hard time. Please pray for her, she definitely deserves it. We also put a new friend on date this week as well! I had friended Lita on Facebook, not realizing she had already met with missionaries in the past. When I reached out to her, she was excited and thankful for us reaching out. We went out to her and gave her a lesson, and she was super receptive to our message! Her biggest problem is gonna be transportation though. She lives 30 minutes from the church building and doesn't have a car of her own. We're trying to see if a member would be willing to help her though. Pray for her as well!
Saturday we spent pretty much the whole day in Iron Wood, Michigan. We ended up knocking almost all of the doors we had on our books. Not a lot of people were home, but it felt good to doing the work there. We had dinner with the Joki's while we were out there. I wasn't expecting a turkey dinner outside of thanksgiving, but lo and behold Sister Joki had made one for us and 3 of their boys that live there. I thought having Jace, Jaxon and Jacob in one family is hard and confusing, but they have 5 boys and they all start with a J! Crazy! 
Of course we have Sunday! It was freaking awesome! Charmaine and her kids came and said they enjoyed primary, young mens and Relief Society! As far as I could tell, the ward was super welcoming too! It does help when we've heard a lot of stories of being converts, so they understand her a bit! We also had one of our inactive members we found while doing service show up as well! We didn't get to talk to them very much, but it was so cool to see them there.
I'm truly blessed to be in Ashland for the start of my mission. There are some days where it feels like we're doing nothing, but most of the time we've been having success in different ways. So that's my thought to share with y'all this week. You might be thinking you're doing bad work, a relationship, or just life in general.but if you can focus on the things you do well while holding to the truth of Heavenly Father's love. Things will fall into place.
"To anyone who's ever lost their way,
To anyone who ever felt ashamed,
here's a song to all the broken hearted,
I believe you're only getting started."
Getting Started by Jeremy Camp
Love Y'all!
Elder Buchanan

Sunday, January 28, 2024

JACE - Spiritual Highs and Kind Funny Lows

January 22, 2024

Hey Everyone!
This week was actually a pretty good one. We stayed pretty busy, so that was nice. I got to go on 2 exchanges this week. I hung out one of our zone leaders in Duluth, MN. Elder Knollmiller is an awesome dude. I did slip on a set of stairs while we were doing stopbys, but it was only the last 3 steps so I was fine. We set up a pickleball net for the relief society's activity that night, so we took the opportunity to play a couple games. I got my rear handed to me, but it was a fun time. On Saturday I got to be in Virginia, MN with Elder Shively. They actually did and dry run for an 8 year olds baptism that happened on Saturday. I really connected with Elder Shively and asked for some advice on some small struggles I'm having. It was definitely a big help.
We went from no meals to 4 different meals this week from the ward. Guess they must have liked our talks last week. 🤪 We also had an amazing opportunity to put someone on date for baptism! Her name is Charmaine, and when she gave us the opportunity to come visit her, the spirit was just so strong. We had a long talk about the struggles she's had in her life and we brought up Alma 7: 13-15 (somewhere around there I don't remember exactly.) After we finished reading it to her, she asked if we could read it again. So we ran out to the car and got her a Book of Mormon, came back and read it again with her. Then she told us to hold up and blazed through the rest of Alma 7 in silence. I was like, "What do we do?" But the spirit was so strong. When she finished reading and looked up, we asked if she had any questions. She said, "No questions, just answers." It was incredible!!! So pray for her as we prepare her for baptism. I warned her that now that she's found the truth, the devil is gonna kick it up a notch. 
The kinda funny low hinted at in the title happened just last night. We were on our way to one of our friend's house for a lesson. And out of nowhere a deer was in the middle of the road. We ended up swerving a bit, hitting the deer in the head, and going into the ditch. We made a joke out of it, because our zone is trying to focus on "inspired knocking." We inspired knocked him into the next life. We were less than a mile from our friend, so he came out to check on us. We had to get towed sideways on of the ditch. Luckily it seems to be just mostly cosmetic damage.
That's my week. Today we're driving down to Bloomington for zone conference tomorrow. They're letting us come down today and spend time at the Mall of America, so that'll be fun. My invite to y'all this week is to be like Lehi after he tasted the fruit of the Tree of Life. Share what you know, hold up your light, and help others experience what you have the privilege of taking part of. Love you all!
Elder Buchanan

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

JACE - A Few Little Miracles

January 15, 2024

Hey everyone!

This week was a bit of an interesting one. We had a few little miracles this week, so that was great. They are kind of hard to find in this small town, but if you look, you'll find them everywhere! We had the opportunity to head out to Michigan to help a lady named Sharon move some stuff around in her house. She's had quite an interesting life, some of it kinda sad, so I'm glad we could go be a help to her. We also got to meet her son, who after us being willing to go all the way out there, said he might come back to church. That was awesome to hear! Another one of our small miracles was when we had a totally original idea to go doing some "inspired shoveling." We may have gotten the idea from the Elders in Grand Rapids, MN. But while we were doing that we met a more inactive lady and she said she had been having a few moments in the last month that were nudges to go back to church. And then we randomly showed up at her door! We were definitely led there to remind her about the church. The rest of the work, being stop-bys, texting, calling and Facebook friend requests, has been a bit slow around here. But it's stuff like those little miracles that give a shot of the Spirit to keep us going. We ended up having to speak in church yesterday, which I actually think went pretty well. I spoke on repentance and redemption, and how sometimes owning up to our mistakes can feel embarrassing. But Christ is always there with open arms, waiting for us to open the door dividing us and run to Him. He will always take us back. This week I would like to challenge you all to look for the little miracles in life. Just those tender mercies that we see and take for granted. Remember to be grateful. I love that I have this opportunity to remind people of His love for them. I know this gospel, His gospel is the truth. I have also been reading my Book of Mormon out loud to myself during personal study. I understand it better and hear the power in the words. I also would challenge you to do that. I love you guys, have a truly blessed week!

Elder Buchanan


Sunday, January 14, 2024

JACE - Hello From Minne- I Mean Wisconsin!

January 8, 2024


Hey Everyone!

I've finally made it to the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission! They call it the 1M mission, one in purpose, one in mission. So far it's been a blast. I've met my trainer, Elder Parkin, and we've been sent all the way up to Ashland, Wisconsin. Driving here literally felt like I was driving from Salt Lake to Pinedale. We even passed a little town in the middle that looked almost exactly like Kemmerer. But let's take a step back. 
Our last few days in the MTC were quite interesting. We started having to say goodbye on Wednesday, with Elder Gossman being sent off to Manchester, England. Dude didn't even pop into class before he was taken to the airport! Rude, but we love him anyways and I know he'll do great things. Then almost all but 3 of us were scheduled to leave on Thursday. We had a couple of touching classes with Sister Brinkerhoff and Sister Bitton, and we had a little testimony Wednesday night before we all said goodbye. Needless to say, there were some tears shed, but we're all definitely getting together again after the mission. 
Friday was the day. Got up at 3:30 in the morning just to make sure we were ready to move our stuff. Elder Butterfield was the last one Elder Timothy and I got to say bye to. Such an awesome guy! I was expecting to have to do the obstacle course that was the UTA route to the airport, which was a bus, to the frontrunner, to trax. But we got lucky and bussed to the airport instead. I was so thankful for that. My bags were gonna be a pain! 
When we landed here, we finally met President and Sister Gochnour. They're pretty cool people. I can tell they are here for a reason. President is great at giving advice to be able to start out this journey and Sister Gochnour just radiates the love she has for all of us here. Minnesota is pretty cool, but I will say the lack of mountains around is a little sad. I will be so happy to see those mountains again when I come home, but that's not what's important. We got a little tour of Minneapolis from the APs and then got our trainers and areas the next day. I even somehow ran into another Pinedale person! Apparently I was put in the same mission as Sister Criddle. When I told some of the Senior Missionaries that I was from Pinedale, they asked if I know the Criddles, and I was like, "I know that name!" I haven't seen her since she was in high school, so that was so cool!!!
We have a little branch under us here in Ashland. Literally less than 30 people in attendance, but you can tell those people are committed. We had a lesson with a prospective baptism pretty much right after church, and it took 45 minutes to drive out her place. Angeliqe is such a cool person, she even got up and bore her testimony twice. The last missionaries had her on date for next, but had forgotten to teach a few things. The only problem was that those things kinda caused her baptism to be pushed back. We thought we had broken the news pretty well, but about 30 minutes after we had left, she called us and called off her baptism. Even though I hadn't had a connection with her before yesterday, it really stung to see someone that seemed so committed give it up. We are holding out hope for her to come around, so keep her in your prayers if you could.
Ok, that's enough from me. I just wanna testify to y'all that the Lord knows and loves you. He know what you need, and even if the trial you're going through might feel like it's too much, it's never too much for Christ and His matchless love for each and everyone of us. He will never leave us comfortless. Just like He says in John 14:18. I love you guys, have a fantastic week!!!
Elder Buchanan

Friday, January 5, 2024


 Hey Everyone!

It's so weird that 2024 is already here. Feels like yesterday was just 2023. ;-) This week wasn't the most exciting week. Sickness kind of ravaged our district a bit, even 2 of our members got put into quarantine for a few days. I was weird going to devotionals and class with 3 trios and one companionship. I did end up getting a bit of a something as well, but it wasn't enough to take me out of the picture. I personally wasn't going to go get tested and taken out of stuff, but I might of had covid. But who knows. We celebrated both New Year's and one of our Sister's birthdays this week, so Monday was a fun time. Someone's mom sent them hats that we wore for the morning of the 1st, so we looked a bit goofy going to class, but had fun doing it. Our sabbath was a special day, as every Sunday should be. During the Go and Do experience, we focused on strengthening our faith in The Book of Mormon. One of the clips they gave us was a clip of President Nelson in October 2017, the last talk before he was made President of the church. He compared the Book of Mormon to the word power. It has the power to heal and guide our lives and I know that it is the truth. I personally know that God knows and loves all of us, and that the Book Of Mormon is His way to teach us. We also get to go to the temple for our p-day today, so I am excited for a spiritual pick-me-up before I actually leave for Minnesota this week. We have to leave for the bus at 4:30 in the morning. It'll be a long day, but it's exciting. I invite you all to search for a verse in the Book of Mormon that speaks to you. Luckily Come Follow Me in on the Book of Mormon this year, so that should be a good thing for everyone to do. 
Love y'all!
Elder Buchanan

Monday, January 1, 2024

Armor and Foundation - 12-25-23


I'm so glad you called today! I love seeing your face! And yes, I do miss your big bear hugs as much as you miss giving and receiving them!
Baylee said the MTC was quite a challenge for her as well. I think it is for most missionaries. You are all doing something you have never done before! It's all new and totally different than how you have been living! It's ok to be scared and sad and even doubtful. 
But! Wasn't it Elder Uchtdorf who said, "Doubt your doubts, not your Faith." He actually said:
"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters—my dear friends—please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." October 2013, Come Join with Us
Always remember what brought you here. Always remember, Heavenly Father and our brother, Jesus, love you! And they love everyone around you. Even those who make you crazy! President Nelson gave us all some very simple advice in this last conference: "Think Celestial!"
He said:
"Today, to assist you to qualify for the rich blessings Heavenly Father has for you, I invite you to adopt the practice of “thinking celestial”! Thinking celestial means being spiritually minded."
He continued...
"When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial! When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies prematurely, think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial!" October 2023, Think Celestial!
I know you remember the talk, but it may be worth reading the whole thing well as his other recent talks. All of his "One-Liners" are pretty profound and uplifting.
We had a nice Christmas Eve Sacrament Meeting yesterday. the Primary kids got up and sang Stars Were Gleaming the Christmas Bells.  I was invited to sing with them on the first verse of Stars Were Gleaming but I sang the words from Infant Holy, Infant Lowly. It was so fun to sing with them!  Then a couple who were recently reactivated spoke. the brother shared a lot from President Nelson's Think Celestial talk.  The sister shared the children's Christmas story about the 3 Trees. 
3 evergreen trees, on top of a mountain, dreamed of the grand things they would be made in to, but when they were cut down each was made into something different: a manger, a fishing boat, a couple of beams.  Each was disappointed, but ultimately discovered they had been made for a glorious purpose: to cradle the baby Jesus, to carry the Lord and his disciples and to be made into a cross, that, while at first seemed dirty and horrible, came to remind people of the Atonement made by the Savior.  The message the sister wanted to share was that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us.  We may not understand what it is right now, but we can have faith that whatever we are working through is leading us to what He wants for each of us.
Sherri Jensen, our choir director shared the included picture with us. It is taken from Ephesians 6:12-20.  Usually, we only look at verses 13 - 17, but start at 12 and go through 20, realizing this is Paul speaking about his life as a lifelong missionary, an apostle of Jesus Christ.
This has always been a favorite scripture of mine as well as Helaman 5:12.  
You need your Armor and your Foundation in order to succeed!
You can do this!!!
I love you!!!