Sunday, January 28, 2024

JACE - Spiritual Highs and Kind Funny Lows

January 22, 2024

Hey Everyone!
This week was actually a pretty good one. We stayed pretty busy, so that was nice. I got to go on 2 exchanges this week. I hung out one of our zone leaders in Duluth, MN. Elder Knollmiller is an awesome dude. I did slip on a set of stairs while we were doing stopbys, but it was only the last 3 steps so I was fine. We set up a pickleball net for the relief society's activity that night, so we took the opportunity to play a couple games. I got my rear handed to me, but it was a fun time. On Saturday I got to be in Virginia, MN with Elder Shively. They actually did and dry run for an 8 year olds baptism that happened on Saturday. I really connected with Elder Shively and asked for some advice on some small struggles I'm having. It was definitely a big help.
We went from no meals to 4 different meals this week from the ward. Guess they must have liked our talks last week. 🤪 We also had an amazing opportunity to put someone on date for baptism! Her name is Charmaine, and when she gave us the opportunity to come visit her, the spirit was just so strong. We had a long talk about the struggles she's had in her life and we brought up Alma 7: 13-15 (somewhere around there I don't remember exactly.) After we finished reading it to her, she asked if we could read it again. So we ran out to the car and got her a Book of Mormon, came back and read it again with her. Then she told us to hold up and blazed through the rest of Alma 7 in silence. I was like, "What do we do?" But the spirit was so strong. When she finished reading and looked up, we asked if she had any questions. She said, "No questions, just answers." It was incredible!!! So pray for her as we prepare her for baptism. I warned her that now that she's found the truth, the devil is gonna kick it up a notch. 
The kinda funny low hinted at in the title happened just last night. We were on our way to one of our friend's house for a lesson. And out of nowhere a deer was in the middle of the road. We ended up swerving a bit, hitting the deer in the head, and going into the ditch. We made a joke out of it, because our zone is trying to focus on "inspired knocking." We inspired knocked him into the next life. We were less than a mile from our friend, so he came out to check on us. We had to get towed sideways on of the ditch. Luckily it seems to be just mostly cosmetic damage.
That's my week. Today we're driving down to Bloomington for zone conference tomorrow. They're letting us come down today and spend time at the Mall of America, so that'll be fun. My invite to y'all this week is to be like Lehi after he tasted the fruit of the Tree of Life. Share what you know, hold up your light, and help others experience what you have the privilege of taking part of. Love you all!
Elder Buchanan

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