Monday, January 1, 2024

Armor and Foundation - 12-25-23


I'm so glad you called today! I love seeing your face! And yes, I do miss your big bear hugs as much as you miss giving and receiving them!
Baylee said the MTC was quite a challenge for her as well. I think it is for most missionaries. You are all doing something you have never done before! It's all new and totally different than how you have been living! It's ok to be scared and sad and even doubtful. 
But! Wasn't it Elder Uchtdorf who said, "Doubt your doubts, not your Faith." He actually said:
"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters—my dear friends—please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." October 2013, Come Join with Us
Always remember what brought you here. Always remember, Heavenly Father and our brother, Jesus, love you! And they love everyone around you. Even those who make you crazy! President Nelson gave us all some very simple advice in this last conference: "Think Celestial!"
He said:
"Today, to assist you to qualify for the rich blessings Heavenly Father has for you, I invite you to adopt the practice of “thinking celestial”! Thinking celestial means being spiritually minded."
He continued...
"When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial! When tested by temptation, think celestial! When life or loved ones let you down, think celestial! When someone dies prematurely, think celestial. When someone lingers with a devastating illness, think celestial. When the pressures of life crowd in upon you, think celestial! As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial!" October 2023, Think Celestial!
I know you remember the talk, but it may be worth reading the whole thing well as his other recent talks. All of his "One-Liners" are pretty profound and uplifting.
We had a nice Christmas Eve Sacrament Meeting yesterday. the Primary kids got up and sang Stars Were Gleaming the Christmas Bells.  I was invited to sing with them on the first verse of Stars Were Gleaming but I sang the words from Infant Holy, Infant Lowly. It was so fun to sing with them!  Then a couple who were recently reactivated spoke. the brother shared a lot from President Nelson's Think Celestial talk.  The sister shared the children's Christmas story about the 3 Trees. 
3 evergreen trees, on top of a mountain, dreamed of the grand things they would be made in to, but when they were cut down each was made into something different: a manger, a fishing boat, a couple of beams.  Each was disappointed, but ultimately discovered they had been made for a glorious purpose: to cradle the baby Jesus, to carry the Lord and his disciples and to be made into a cross, that, while at first seemed dirty and horrible, came to remind people of the Atonement made by the Savior.  The message the sister wanted to share was that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us.  We may not understand what it is right now, but we can have faith that whatever we are working through is leading us to what He wants for each of us.
Sherri Jensen, our choir director shared the included picture with us. It is taken from Ephesians 6:12-20.  Usually, we only look at verses 13 - 17, but start at 12 and go through 20, realizing this is Paul speaking about his life as a lifelong missionary, an apostle of Jesus Christ.
This has always been a favorite scripture of mine as well as Helaman 5:12.  
You need your Armor and your Foundation in order to succeed!
You can do this!!!
I love you!!!

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