Thursday, July 30, 2015

Baylee - Here's what happened this week...

July 29, 2015

Heres what happened this week...
- finding things like bobby pins, pony tails, and hiar pclips has been a nightmare! i was beginning to wonder if Peruvian ladies didnt need these things to do their hair, but today i finally found some at the little makeshift mall we go to every other week! wYay i can keep doing my hair!! :)
- i figured out something cool!! ¨Tenerá valor y será amigable¨- Cinderella! this means Have courage and Be kind! :)
- Hna Johnson, one of the advansados that left this week for the field, had her appendix taken out on Friday! she was sick and they took her to the hospital and took it out! the day after it happened, my companion Hn.a Sandison was asked to switch placed with her comp so that Hna. Dougal could be here to prep for leaving to the field. So i was temporary companions with Hna. McRae all day Friday while Hna. Sandison hung out at the hospital with Hna. Johnson. }It was a different experience to work with someone else. We even tauhgt two lessons together. We actually taught together really well even with limited planning!
- The advansados made cocolate chip cookies with Hna. Gonzalez, the CCm presidents wife last Fri and shared with us! Today, we are doibg the same :)
- last friday our sdistrict did a SYL day, Speak Your Language day. we had to speak only Spanish all day long! it was soooo hard! but i learned a lot and i actually was able to communicate almost all the things i wanted to same, with a little bit of help. it was cool! we tried another half day Tuesday, but we werent very successful. We are doing it again tomorrow!
- Hna Loayza told me something absolutely insane...she said i look like i lost wieght!! that is insane because i have eaten so much bread and desserts...i weighed myself today...bad idea LOL!!
- our district was asked to sing for the HEFY humanitarian group that came through last saturday. we sang loud and proud, in spanish, hope of Isreal. then four of us, myself included, bore our testimonies and talked aboiout waht its like to be in the CCM. it was a cool experience and very spiritual.
- all the intermedios and the Latinos got to go proselyting on Saturday! in the real city! iwth field missionaries and members!! it was soooo cool!! i am so excited to get out and do that every single day. i felt so confident in my abilities, which was weird. i loved the spirit we fet! we taught a mom and a grandmother named Erica nad Nora. they were so receptive and loving. it was their first meeting with the missionaries, and they accpeted an invitation to church and a challenge to read a chapter in the book of moromn! i got to teach them how to pray and say the opening prayer in the lesson! it was way cool!! im so excited to be a missionary!
- i tried IncaCola for the first time...its really weird. it tastes like sprite with some bubbleguma dn other fruity flavors...its interesting. i guess it is an acquired taste.
- in relief society on sunday, we had a great lesson. we talked about being filled with the light of Churist if we strive for Christlike attributes and we have to share that Chirstlike light with all the world around us. it was a really awesome lesson, something i  needed this week!
- we watched 17 miracles and meet the mormons on sunday!! i was a good day! :)
- im really going to miss this last group of advansados that just left for the fied. all of those hermanas became some of my good friends! when we said goodbye, we said until we meet again. we sang that song with them and the leaving latinos on sunday night again and it was beautiful. many more tears this time around. i cant imagine how i will feel when my turn comes in two weeks! also, the til we meet again may not be in this life, buti know we can see each other again in the next life. i have this hope in me! :)
- i am so glad i brough a mini hymn book in Spanish as well as English!! its been such a blessing to have both and be able to refer to the Englisha nd rread the english hymns every opnec in a while!
- a new senior couple arrived here sunday from Australia! its really fun t listen to them sopeak spanish with their australian accents!
- on monday we got a giant buffet of delivcious peruvian food to commemorate the peruvian independence day. it actually wasnt until Tuesday, but we wanted to celebrate before the latinos had to leave for the field. it was so yummy and made me really excited to get out of the CCM so i can have real Peruvian food!! :)
- hna. sandison and i felt the spirit during our fake practice lesson with Hna. Bryce this week. it was kind of crazy that it was so fake, but the spirit was so real. i love that the spirit can testify to all of use, even when we are all missionaries and know the church is true. i cant wait to share that with real investigators in the field!
- I bought a new peruvian notebooki today! its handmade! there is a tradition here at the CCM that the adansados have all their close friends write in their noteboooks a little goodbye thihng, kind of like a CCM yearbook! im going to use throughtout the rest of my mission, and i am so excited! :)
- my whole district played ultimate frisbee together today, and it was so fun! i actually was able to catch and throw a little bit today, so i felt good about myself! :)
- so...big news of the week...Hna. Sanidson and i were made the Sister LEaders!! we are to watch out for all the Hna.s here at the CCM and report to the Branch presidency and help Hna. Gonzalez with whatever she needs. its a really big responsibility, and i am not sure im cut out for it, but our leaders have so much confidence in us. The lord qualifies those he calls, so i will trust h9im! with our new assignments, we were able to make the nameplates and welcom notes to put on the doors of the incoming Hna.s it was way fun! and we get to know each  girl a little bit personally because we get to interviews! im definitely excited for that part! :)
- to be honest, i have had a lot of ups and downs this week. but i love my savior, and i know he can help me through all my trials. I am focusing on Christlike attriicutes specifically Charity. if you have time, study out charity in the scriptures. its amazing to me how many timse charity is discussed throughout every book of scripture. I need my lords help to be successful, and i know he will help me, and each of you, with whatever you are facing. :)
well thats about all for this week! Heres my simple testimony in Spanish.
Yo sé que este Evangelio is verdad y yo sé que Jesucristo es mi Salvador y el Salvador de el total mundo. Las familias pueden ser juntos para siempre por medio el sacerdocio. Yo sé que yo puedo hacer todas cosas a traves Jesucristo is Su Expiación. En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.
Love you all!! :) i hope all is well in los Estados Unidos! ;)



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