Hola Familia y Amigas!!
New form I am going to try this week...bullet points!
- On the 4th of July our morning teacher, Hna. Loayza, gave us Bonbons as a little 4th of July treat! it was so sweet of her and i cant believe i didnt tell you last week!
- my companion Hn.a Sandison told us a story about one time when she went to EFY with her member friends, this was before she was a member. they were telling them the rules and they said to obey the Word of Wisdom and she raised her hand and was ;like "what the @)%^ is the Word of Wisdom"! that was a real funny one that us roommates laughed over forever!
- on Thursday we could actually seee some stars!! its almost always cloudy here in Lima, so seeing the stars was a real treat. only a few, but still beautiful!
- we were able to watch Boyd K. Packers funeral on Friday. It was a spiritual experience with some really profoiund comments made. i thought a lot of my Grandpa B during the funeral, so it was kinda hard, but i know death really is "just a horizon that blocks our view of the eternity beyond".
- my district is hillarious! we like to make up Mormon parodies! we made up some to Shut Up and Dance, Sugar, Royals, and a few other popular songs. so much laughter!
- the desserts here are often too delicious for my own good! sometimes they give us cones with soft serve ice cream of ice cream bars and sandwiches from the coolers which is always good! my favorite is still the homemade chrros though!
- in our district last week we had an impromptu odd talent show. our district leader elder hjuskinson can do the robot thing that you see people do on the streets in Vegas or New York. Elder Prestwich can fall into Indian style sitting and then swing on his hands like that! Elder Clongier can do this impresive three clap push up thing! it was funny to watch!
- we also did head, shoulders, knees, and toes in Spanish earlier this week! its a little different than the english version, but it was still fun. we raced to finish it and i totally won!!
- we watched the legacy this Sunday. for those of you that dont know, the legacy is about one girl who gets baptized and goes with the handcart companies across the USA to SLC Utah. That is another fun chick flick type of thing. everyone was thoroughly enoying themselves and laughing at the silly romantic efforts and great game of one of the characters. its the closest we will ever get to a ral chick flick, so we make the best of it!
- during our lesson to one of our "investiogators", my companion and i had planned to teach about the purpose of life and gods plan for us. however, we were both impressed by the spirit to give him a Book of Mormon. I felt impressed to commit him to read Alma 34 which talks about gods love for us, prayer, and our purpose. my companion and i didnt discuss anything prior to the lesson about that, but it worked out so well! its amazing what the spirit can do,even when its a fake investigator. i cant imagine how much he will help us when we are teaching real investgators!
- on monday we played stress managemeent games! we did companion runs where companionships liked up back to back and had to run to one side of the field and back switching directions. it was so hard! the next game was similar where we liked up with our compaion but next to each other facing different ways. on that race Hna. Sanidson and i beat all the other sisters and two of the elder companionships! hwoever we didnt stop fast enough and fell into the giant net that surrounds the soccer field. the net caught me but i scraped up the top of my foot a little. im opk though!
- on tuesday Hna. Sandison and i were able to sit with the President at lunch and chat with him. he is a cinvert so he told us his conversion story and a little about his life. he also gave us some really good advice. he said to enjoy the wonderfully peaceful spirit here at the CCM, use Preach My Gospel often and effectviely once we reach the field, and prepare to have a family as soon as we return home. that was some pretty great advice. simple but essential.
- today we got to go shopping at the Metro which is basically a mall. almost all of us Hna.s got new baggy colorful Peruvian pants! They are so cool!! and comfy!!
- oh, and i met another Chi Omega here! Hna. Mendenhall is a ChiO at UofU! I didnt get a picture in time today, so i will send one of us next week, but i really got so excited when i found out! LDS sorority girls really are in the minority so it was a cool experience to be able to talk about it with another girl who really understands!
- the CCM is now filled to capacity! with the new Latinos and Nortes that came in today, we have 160 missionaries here for training and it is amazxing! the work truly is hastening! one of the new Hna.s is also from Wyoming! she is from Evanston and i gues she has family in Pinedale, so that was cool! Hna. Eliason leaves and another girl comes in to maintain our 2 people representing the Cowboy State!
- if i gave you a Book of Mormon, and you know who you are, are you reading?? I truly hope so! if you ever have questions, dont hesitate to ask! i will answer weekly and if you ever have immediate questions there are plenty of other people closer to you and more available that are willing to help! keep reading! :)
- the spirit here is still so strong and wonderful! i would like to suggest that you all read in 2 Nephi chapters 4 and 22 and also in 2 Samuel chapter 22. these chapters talk about trusting in the Lord, and that is where im at right now with all this crazy life here at the CCM. These scriptures really help me and i hope they can help you. i know the Lord loves and wants the best for us and knows our every struggle, spoken and unspoken. I know the Lord answers prayers even when they are simple and now super essential. if its important to you, it is important to Him!
Thank you all for being such wonderful influences in my life. Im so blessed to know you all! This experience as i begin my mission has been a roller coaster, but i know im here for a reason and that i can serve so many people that the Lord has prepared to here MY testimony specifically! I love you all and hope to here from so many of you! if i dont get back to all of you i really am sorry! time runs fast here while i write my hours worth of emails! Pray daily and read your scriptures! it really does make all the difference!
Hasta Luego!
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