Hola mi Familia y mi Amigas!!
This week has been a roller coaster! up down all around through the screw driver part and then back again! and there is so much i want to share, but i will just hit the highlights so that i dont use up all my short time!
- there are a whole bunch of people here who i like to call ¨mission look-alikes!´ Elder Sheanshang looks a whole nuch like NATHAN! Mna. Hansen looks and acts a whole ton like my cousin ALEXIS! Elder Prestwhich looks and acts a whole lot like SEAN! Hna. Thomas looks and acts a whole lot like MORGAN! Elder Smartt acts so much like my brother JACE! its pretty crazy how some people from so many different places looks much like some of my favorites from back home!
- We got to talk to LDS humanitarian youth the past two Saturdays. they were very sweet the first week and talked with us a bunch! this last Saturday though i felt a lot like an animal in a zoo because they didnt say much to us they just stared while we were all working out. LOL it was pretty awkward!
- for one of our lessons this past week, Hna. Sandison and i studied the pressing question What is the purpose of life? we found an awesome scripture you might want to look up to address this question! the scripture is in Alma 34:32-34
- I finally got my Chi Omega piture with Hna. Mendenhall! its attached below for all you sister of mine!
- The other picture i attached is an attempted picture of what its liike to get on a bus here in LIMA. its insane!! today was one of the worst days too! but oh such fun memories! and smels ;)
- last Tuesday, only our district was out for physical activitiy for some reason, so the 13 of us playe soccer together, and it was a blast! we laughed so much and really played hard! our district has really been bonding a lot lately! i cant imagine leaving them in 3 weeks after psending pretty close to 24/7 with them for 6 weeks straight! but at least we are all going to PIURA so we get to fly there together!
- I receieved my official mission dates last week! we all get a little card that certifies us to teach the gospel i guess just to show people if they wonder. my dates say June 30, 2015 - December 30, 2016!! WOW!!
- Hna. Sandison and I went to visit one of the new districts of LAtinos last Th. and they are so so sweet! All of these new people have really just been making me smile! This batch is one a wish we could keep alwasy! We haqve made friends, espcecially with two sisiters that we met the first day, one from Chile and one from MExico. They are really patient with me and help me with the lanuage. this past Monday, we sat with them at lunch and they coazed Spanish out of me! they helped a bunch and i felt so confident afer our talk!! it was awesome!
- we were able to talk to a Latine who is from Iquitos which is one of the hottest missions, but she told us that PIURA is even hotter...JOY! ;)
- Hno. Janampa, one of our maestros, played songs for us from LDSyouth.org on Fri! We arent allowed to listen to music here at the CCM so that was a real treat!! i loved it! we sang along to Glorious and a few other awesome songs by LDS artists!
- on Fri. our district was able to talk another maestro who served his mission in PIURA. he told us a few things about the mission like its not super humid, just hot, the most comon foods are fish and mangos which i like so thats good1 and we will alwasy have cold showers...and a fw other general things!
- Elder Squire in my district also lived in Tooele when he was little!! He lived on the edge of the field facing the Army Depot also, just farther up in another subdivision! how crazy is that!?! he is a year younger than me, but he also had Mrs. England for kindergarten and we were apparently in the same Stake! we talked about Dairy Delight, the little Chinese place, and all the fun little things about Tooele! Such a small world!!
- in Elder Henry B. Eyrings talk called ¨the Comforts¨, he mentions a mother who recently lost her oldest child and was holding her newborn baby when she spoke t him. He asked her what the girls name was and the mother said ¨her name is Joy, Joy always comes after sorrow!¨and that made me think of InsideOut! how cool is it that even a Disney movie, such a woderful Disney movei, applies directly to the gospel?? i thought it was wonderful!
- the trio in my district, Hna.s Glunt, McRae, and Thomas, barteered with Hno. Janampa! they traded him rolls from dinner for PEANUT BUTTER! i got to have a little bit and it was a heavenly taste! im not a huge fan of peanut butter, but it is definitely the little things you miss when you dont have them at easy access!
- the police here really like their sirens! they run through all the different siren options and then begin again a¿over and over for like hours! its such a fun time, let me tell ya! ;)
- Hna. Sandison got called to ñspeak this Sunday! all the missionaries have to prepapre talks and be ready to speak and they choose people directly from the poulpit, and my companion got called! she did really amazing, of course! sinceshe rocks at Spnaish and like everythings!
- Elder Hansen, one of the counselors in our branch presidency, taught my group the Intermedios on Sunday. He taught on the PLan of Salvation! that plan is Gods plan, Jesus plan, and it is OUR plan because we chose it! we chose to come here and particiapte! all of us!1 members, nonmembers, christians, nonchristians! we all chose this plan and we all chose God! Also, those that did not choose this plan...its the saddest thought...truly i was tearing up as we discussed their loss and their awful predicament beacuse of that choice...
- we had a fireside on sunday that was really awesomely inspiring! the brother speaking said something really profound that struck me deep...he said¨Remember the difference between serving a mission and BEING a missionary¨that statement is so accurate, and the difference is intesne! i will work on becoming a missionary rather than ust filling my time and serving a mission.
- our district got asked by Presidente Gonzalez to do all the music for that fireside! i led the music, Hn.a McRae played hte piano, and our whole district sang a special musical number! we sang the As Sisters in Zion/Army of Helaman EFY medley INENGLISH, which is usually not allowed. apprarently our singing made some people tear up, so thats cool! Also, many Latinos came up and told me i had a very good voice since they could hear me as i led the music! like for the past few days they have come up to me to say that! its so sweet of them, but it makes me worry that i was singing way too loud....LOL!
- our lesson with Enrique on Monday was our best lesson yet!" the spirit was so strong and he is our hardest investigator, but he agreeed to be baptiszed if he can receive an answer!! that is miraculous! Hna. Sanidson and i came our cheering and dancing and bragged ot our other maestra, Hna. Loayza!
- Elder Murray, our branch president, is qucikly becoming my favorite! he is so kind and helpful, whenever i need him! oh, and his cousins daugher is Liz Covill!! MOM!! tell her for me pretty please! :)
- our district was joking around and teaching Hno. Janampa ¨gang signs¨on mondaa evening! we taught him Chi Omega, Western Thunder, fierece, and a few other fun American jokes!
- some of the Latinos took a selfie with us yesterday! it was really silly and random, but such fun!
- The elders in our district are so silly and tried to teach us Hna.s how to do 540 degree kicks and Indian style sitting! and they were showing off their pull up skills Tuesday morning! we tried to match them but fell far short!
- Elder Shean¨sassy¨shang! thats all there is to it!
- we were able to role play with the advansados yesterday! Hn.a Sadison ad I are wirking together a whole lot better, and we learned so much from that pracatice! truly, i think i learn so much more from actually teaching and just doing it rather than listening to a lesson in a classroom! so im excted to get to the field!
- hna. Sandison and i had a chat with Elder Squire and Elder Smartt yesterday about just simple, random things during personal study. we shared what we found in our studies, and why we are here on our missions and some of our favorites inspiring stories and scriptues. it is amazing to me that even in such a simple conversation, the spirit is so overwhelming and beautfil here at the CCM! i love it!
- our district had some more district bonding time last night! we shared family photos and told stories, and it was such fun! I loved that!
- the temple today was bueatiful, as always! i love that we get to go every week! since we didnt have that opportunity in Wyoming, its been such a blessing and it will definitely be hard when i go to the field and am unable to have that opportunity for such a long time!
So, the churhc is true! i know it! even trhough difficult times where i have questions and doubts, this knowledge is t¿strong in me! i know families can be together forever through the Priesthood power and sealing ordinances, i know we have a living prophet today Thoms S. Monson, and i know Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. I know the power of prayer and the Priesthood power are real! without a doubt, this is a ll true! i love you all and hoep to keep hearing from you ! sorry about so many spelling erros and such! im trying to go fast so i caan get to all of your awesome emails! love you all!! :)
Hasta Luego!
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