Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How was this week for everyone? Hopefully spectacular! Hopefully you are all enjoying a little bit of the sun, feeling a little bit of the Piura life! well, almost!
Here is what happened this week here in the mission...
![Winking face Winking face](https://a.gfx.ms/emoji_1F609.png)
- Wednesday morning, Hna. Apeña and I went to help a member, Hna. Gisela, cook. She asked me to teach her how to make microwave brownies LOL I have become well known for my microwave treats here in the ward! It was super fun spending the morning helping her and Hna. Katia, too. However, we had to eat two lunches that day because Hna. Gisela served us up some of her food and then we had to go to our Pensionista and eat, too! Goodness, both Hna. Apeña and I felt like we were dying just a little...! But it was good and fun!
- Also, Wednesday afternoon was a little heart wrenching...We ended up having to let go our golden, perfect, prayed and fasted for investigator, Hno Dannny. I had been teaching him since February with Hna. Carrera. I mean, I have talked about him quite a bit here in my emails. Our District has helped us find answers for him, the ward has fellowshipped him, we fasted with him for his answers, everything. But this week, it came down to him and his decision. His baptismal date was for last Saturday... But as we visited with him Wednesday, he began to tell us of changes that will be coming up in his life soon, his doubts about being ready yet, and feeling bad that he keeps changing the date and dragging us around. Well, finally, he ended up letting us go. It was hard. But we have to respect the agency of every person. I can only hope and pray that he will find the missonaries further down the road. Pray for him, please!
- Thursday was another District meeting. We talked about the need to talk with everyone we come across as well as the need of the local members in the work. Truly, those two things are essential! Oh, and Hna. Apeña and I tried to make pudding for the meeting, but it ended up just being chocolate milk. It was still good though! LOL
- Thursday we also had Intercambios with the Hna.s in Catacaos. Hna. Quiroz came here to Castilla with me. I love that girl! LOL she is so spunky and fun, not to mention her testimony and strength are just inspiring. We had a really good time, found new investigators, and learned a lot from one another. I enjoy Intercambios so much!! During the Intercambio, we taught Hna. Tatiani our wonderful progressin investigator. However, she lives in another area and techinically we arent teaching her in our area...we are teaching her in the house of our wards second counselor, however he actually lives in the elders area. So it is a bit of a struggle, and Presidente Ramsussen told us we need to pass her over to the Elders in Los Pinos or teach her in another place. The church is a house of order, right? But Hna. Tatiani doesnt want to receive the lessons from Elders, she feels like it will be uncomfortable with men...so we are going to have to see what we can do... But she is so great!!
- Saturday morning we went to visit a less active named Carlos. Hno. Carlos is facing a lot of problems right now and his wife Hna. Sabina asked us to try and help him. It was hard to teach because Hno. Carlos didnt really want to listen. The Spirit came when we just started sharing scriptures. I testify of the power and truth of the Book of Mormon. That is where the Gospel is found and it is what helps us along the way.
- Sunday we saw a little miracle! A les active we found knocking on doors came to church!!! He hasnt been to church for like 8 years and us finding him in his home and inviting him brought him back! Hna. Apeña and I were just glowing, grinning from ear to ear! Also, the ward stepped up and fellowshipped all of the investigators taht came, our recient converts, and the less active member that came! WOO HOO!! :)
- Today was the final rounds of La Copa Rasmussen! Soccer playing all morning! We had a ton of fun, and our Zone got into the finals! We came out in second place, but we played hard. We have some really great players in our Zone, and it was cool to see them play with the ball! Afterward, we once again joined our old District and went to the food court at the mall to eat. It was all in all a good day!! :)
Wel, that was my week! The work keeps advancing every single day. Les amo mucho y espero que sigan adelante. :) Hasta le próxima semana!!