Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Baylee - June 6 2016

June 6 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

Here is what happened this week...

- Mnday in the evening I went out proselyting in a trio with Hna. Tiñini and Hna. Huanca while Hna. Apeña stayed with Hna. Flor de Sosa again. It was interesting because we were able to teach a family that seemed so interested. However, in the end, they were unwilling to come to church...I felt the Spirit in the lesson, so that made it a little harder to accept, but everyone has their agency and we cant mess with that. It is such a huge part of Gods plan!
- Tuesday we spent four hours in the clinic and confirmed that Hna. Apeña has Dengue. WooHoo! So we are dealing with that. And WEdnesday mornign we had to go back and get her lab test results (ewwww needles...). So lots of trips to the clinic. 
- Wednesday night we had our monthly meeting with the Stake President and the Zone LEaders. Presidente Rasmussen forgot LOL so it was just thte five of us. We laughed a lot and it was actually a whole lot more fun and relaxed without Presidente! I think Presidente Gomez gets nervous when Presidente Rasmussen is there!
- Thursday we had a Leadership Council! As always, a real good time! We talked about lots of things, but most specifically daily contact with our investigators. It is really a hard thing to accomplish sometimes, but it is so important! Oh, and now there are 4 Elders and 3 of us Hna.s from my group in Leadership Council so we all took a photo together! It was so fun! Other things we talked about include 72 hour emergency backpacks, the dresscode change for sister missionaries, inspired questions, and the importance of teadching English to our Latin companions. Now if only my Latina comp. wanted to learn English... LOL!
- Friday we then had our Zone meeting. Lots of tech. malfunctions made it an adventure, but it worked out. Since I already had my 72 hour kit made, I was asked by the Zone Leaders to present it as an example. LOL all the other missionaries were shocked by how much stuff is needed in the kit, and my backpack too! But it was a good meeting, overall. 
- Friday night, there was a Noche Misional in the ward. The Primary was in charge and the kids did a Talent Show. It was just the cutest thing ever!! My favorite part was when Milexy was Elsa and all the other little girlswere princesses too and the sang and danced to Let it Go! :) We also were able to meet a few really awesome references that we are going to start teaching this week! YAY!!
- Sunday was the second round of voting int he presidential election here, so proselyting wasnt much of an option. Also, there were any church meetings once again, so we ended up doing weekly planning in the morning. Then in the afternoon, Presidente Rasmussen and Hna. Rasmussen paid us a visit, bringing along a friend for Hna. Apeña, ex-Hna. Crowder. She was Hna. Apeñas companion but she got sick and ended up having to go home early. She had come to visit with her parents and he little sister, so we visited with them for a little bit. 

And thats my week. Nothing to fantastic. I love you all so much! I know thi work is so very important. It is what makes the difference in our lives! I love my Savior and I know this is His true Church! Be good! Hasta la próxima semana! :)



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