Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Baylee - June 20 2016

June 20 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

I hope this week was a good one for all of you! It has been a pretty good one here! This is what happened...

- Moonday night, we had an FHE with the fam. Purizaga Frias. I love them so much! They are so fun and loving. We sadly didnt have to whole family with us, but it was still wonderful. They really love this Gospel and they show us such love and support, too!
- tuesday, a couple from the ward accompanied us to visit an investigating couple. Hno. Hector and Hna. Mariana. The visit was quite interesting LOL. We were teaching about the plan of salvation, and I asked Hno. Hector to share the story of Adam and Eve. And he begn by talking about all of the lions and trees and the sun and then creating man and using his rib and making woman to perfect it all...not ever getting to the point of the forbidden fruit and agency. LOL Hna- Apeña and I thought that was quite silly! 
- Wednesday, a YSA hna. accompanied us. Her name is Ingrid and she is also 20 years old. I love going out proselyting with her! But this time, we were stuck outside all day. LOL I felt a little bad for Hna. Ingrid because we knocked on so very many doors and nobody wanted to receive us. I will admit, we had about 5 doors shut in our faces. Gotta love those days!
- Last week I talked about a new investigator named Tatiani. She is still doing pretty well. We learned this week that she struggles with depression, so that is a challenge to overcome in this changing process. She is a little afraid because she really truly understands what this is and where she is going. She wants to go in the right direction and she is taking it very seriously. That is the kind of investigator that you know will progress because they arent just doing it because it sounds good or something but because they actually want to amazing blessings that are promised. I am excited for Tatiani!
- Ward Council was an interesting experience this week. We were begging and pleading with the members to help fellowship our investigators more when two of the brothers, Hno. Alan and Hno. Danilo, threw everything into a better light. They asked us what are all the good things about RAmon Castilla and then reminded us of the need for us t really be those angels that everyone thinks about when they think of the missionaries. They reminded us of the love we all need to feel for one another. It really got me thinking...I invite each of you to re evaluate the way you show your love and concern for others. Smile, be friendly, help others and let them know that you care. It makes all the difference in the world!
.- Friday, we had a very very long Weekly Planning session as we decided to spend more time and depend more on the revelation of the Spirit for each investigator. It was quite the different experience and I learned a lot. After that, we taught our new investigator, a youth of 13 years named Rosa. She is really wonderful and has prayed and knows that Joseph Smith really was a prophet. The biug issue is her parents....Teaching youth is so hard because their future depends entirely on their parents...Please pray to soften their hearts!
Well, this week I want to share an experience with you all that is a little different. It is the experience of letting an investigator go. Normally that isnt something great to be recounted, but this week hna. Apeña and I had an interesting experience. We have been taking more time this week to stop and pray about investigators and what we should do rather than just following the teaching record. We found someone last week, an old inestigator that has received the lessons a few times. Her daughter in law is our recent rescued member. Last week we taught her and just did a kind of basic introduction because she liked to talk a ton. Hna. Apeña and I took time to pray about her and we both decided that if she isnt willing to come to church and show that this time she is ready to make changes and focus on the message, then we need to be spending time with other people. This response was super clear for the both of us, coming from the Spirit. She didnt come to church... and as we visited her yesterday in the afternoon, the two of us felt nothing, like the Spirit wasnt present with her. We came to the decision that it wasnt her time yet, and the two of us were both so touched by the direction of the Spirit, even in cases like that. Truly the Spirit guides our every action when we ask for it!
- Yesterday for Fathers Day, the Relief Society put together a little refreshment of tamales and soda for the Fathers and Hna. Apeña and I helped out with the plating and serving of the food. A little shout out to all the Fathers out there! Hope it was a wonderful day! :)
- Today was the infamous Copa Piura Vida II!!! All of the Zones came together today at some soccer fields for the second time and we had a tournament. It was so fun! I was the only sister from my Zone that wanted to play, so I was on the field the whole time. our Zone, Zona Castilla, played first against Piura Central and Capullanas and then against Sullana. And we won both!! We have advanced to the semi-finals which will be next Monday! I am pretty excited. It was also way fun to see so many other missionaries! After that, Hna. Apeña and I joined our old District to go and eat at the food court in the mall. A real good time! :)

So that was my week! Ups and downs and all arounds, that is the missionary life. :) keep being good!! I love you all so much! :) Hasta la próxima semana!!



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