Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Baylee - June 13 2016

June 13 2016

Hola mi Familia y Mis Amigos!! :)

How was this week for all of you? i hope it was wonderful. Here is what happened in my week...

- Monday night, while knocking on doors, we found a new little family, a dad a mom and their 9 year old daughter. They were super receptive and attentive to the message, especialy the the dad which is a little different than the normal. And then again on Thursday we were able to go visit with them and present them with the Book of Mormon. The husband was very interested and even commented that he really wants to read it and know the truth. I love when the people we talk with are so willing to learn!!
- Thursday, we had our first Distrcit meeting in our new District. It was quite a bit different, but thats ok. The most interesting part was the end when I had to fulfill my new assignment as English teacher! LOL I never know where to start. So we ended up playing charades while learning verbs. It was kind of silly and fun. At least everyone was a relatively good sport about it LOL! 
- Thursday evening, we had a crazy awesome, Spirit filled, yanking on your heart strings kind of lesson. The 2nd counselor int he bishporic had introduced us to his friend last week, and we were then able to go and visit her in their home. She is passing through a ton of trials, and these trials have prepared her spiritually to receive the message. She hung on every word as we began. Hna. Apeña and I went in a different rhythm than normal, focusing more on faith and repentance than anythign else and it really touched her heart. She even made me tear up, and that is saying something! we invtited her to be baptized, and now she is preparing to be baptized July 9th! and she came to church yesterday!! WOO HOO!! :)
- friday morning we had interviews with Presidente Rasmussen. He did something like a worthiness interveiw with all of us missionaries, using a full list of questions he pulled from the missionary hadnbook. It was quite interesting, but It was awesome to visit with Presidente and also with Hna. Rasmussen. I love those two! 
- Friday afternoon, we were able to visit with Hno. Danny once again. I want each and every one of you to know that Hno. Danny, the Hno. DAnny we have been teaching since February, will be interviewed for his baptism the 21st of this month followed by his baptism the 25th!! We have made the plans!! WOO HOO! :)
- Saturday, we found another super awesome investigator names Cynthia! First we contacted her, then her husband, and we came back looking for her husband but found her yet again LOL. We were finally able to sit down with her and share our message. She began very "I am from a different religion" and all that, but as we shared the message of the Restoration, she opened up. She began asking questions like "so my church is one of the churches that fell away?" or "if joseph Smith really had this experience, that would be important right?". I was kind of dumbfounded to watch her absolute change of heart right before my eyes. I felt the Spirit as i recounted the First Vision and as we invited her to be baptized. She agreed! At first, she told us Sundays would be difficult, but as we re-explained why it is so importnat to keep the Sabbath Day holy, she understood and said, "well, then i guess i will make it possible!". She wasnt able to come to church yesterday due to some crazy stuff with her kids and their school work, but she promised to come next week and bring her four cute kids. that lesson was inspiring! I am so excited for WEdnesday when we have our next appointment with her. We are going to do our best to do daily contacting with her, and help her along the path! WOO HOO! :)
- Sunday, as Hna. Apeña and i were leaving the classroom in RElief Society, we were informed that we had to speak in sarcrament meeting. LOL so impromptu talk it was! I decided to talk about Companioship inventory a little and how we all sometimes need to do a personla inventory. I read the piercing questions that Alma asks in Alma 5. I want to invited each of you to look them up and do your own personal evaluation. We all need a little of that sometimes!
- Well, today Hna. Apeña and i went and ate at a super delicious super awesome restuarant and I forgot to bring my camara...So please forgive me. But it was delicious!! I ate a plate called Poker of Pasta which was a little bit of fettucine alfredo, lasagna, and ravioli. And we shared some of there homemad eFrench fried!! So good! :) LOL and that is just about it! 

So thats my week! Les amo mucho! Nunca se olviden, por favor! Sean buenos y busquen lo bueno en todos! Sirvan a los demás! :)



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