Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
Another week! How was this one for al of you? Spectactular I hope! Here is what went down here...
- Renzo. Renzo. Renzo. He has been our giant focus this week. LOL His baptisma date is for this coming Saturday! And We have been working so hard to make sure he is prepared for it. It has been a bit of a roller coaster. He prays and feels his answer, but then he is not completelyy sure if the church is true even though he knows Jose´h Smith was a prophet...So we are working with him. He is excited and wants to be baptized, but we want to make sure that he is well prepared. Please pray for him like a ton!!
- Tuesday evening we were able to teach one of our recent converts, Hno. Moises about the proclamation to the family. And just perfectly one of his non member daughters walked in. It was an awesome moment to teach, she even opened up with us! Litte miralces! :)
- Wednesday evening we visited with a less active/basically investigator named Maria, one we visited last week too. She tolld us that she hadnt received a confirmation that the chhurch really is true, but then confessed that she hadnt kneeled down to pray and ask. Truly, humbling ourselves before God brings miracles and brings anweser! I know she is going to come back!
- Thursday we had a District meeting, and this week Hna. Fernandez and I were assigned to teach about the importance a}of a personal testimony here in the mission and in our lives. We made a motto...Live, Enjoy, Rejoice in you Testimony! LOL It actualy turned int oa really cool lesson. After we shared our piece, our District Leader asked each of us to bear our heartfelt testimonies, and it was super amazing to isten to the conviction of each of this missionaries. The Gospel is true!! Then we folllowed up that spiritual time witha competitive matching game to learn English! LOL
- Thursday going on Friday I had Intercambios, with Hna. Lang, onj of the sister Leaders here in Miraflores. She is awesome! We talked a ton and she is such an amazing example of strength and faith! :) I love the opportunity to learn from other sisters!
- Friday night we visited with Hna. Fanny and her family, a lessa ctive and returnign family. After the good lesson on the Plan of Salvation, they demonstrated their awesome talents for the upcoming Branch talent show! They sing awesome and can dance too!! :) It was such fun!
- Saturday we finally tracked down Billy and Karla!! We have been worried about them, but they have been reading and praying, every thing!! They even went to the casa capilla ast Sunday but we were in Piura for the Stake Conference! So that was exciting to see their dedication!
- Yesdaterday in the afternoon, us four missionariesin Tambogrande and the Branch Counci traveled an hour a}out to a little pueblito callled Waurawaus. It was super coo because we traveled standing up in the bakc of a truck, and then the family of members was so sweet. they have three little girls and once again I was Elsa from Frozen! LOL they made me sing Let It Go and For the First Time in Forever, but I had to sing in English because I haventbeen able to learn it in Spanish. LOL They were just the cutest! Serves me right for braiding my hair! The trip back was super neat in the dark! LOL
- Today, Hna. Fernandez and I went with a member, Hna. Juli, to Catacaos! All the cool tourist stuff! I did spend a little bit of money :) LOL But it was fun and then we went and ate at a chinese place owned by real people from China. So Good!! :) It has been a good day!
Well, there you go! Espero que todo estén bien y que sigan adelante. Sé que el Señor está con ustedes. Nunca se olviden que estoy orando para ustedes cada día, siempre! Les amo bastante!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!!
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