Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Baylee - September 5 2016

September 5 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

Another week and I hope ou it was a wonderful one! Here is what we did here...

- Tuesday morning we were able to teach a family of recent converts. We taught the most basic and precious, the first message, the Restoration. The Spirit was so crazy strong in that lesson. Truly, this Church is true. The Spirit testifies this to me every time I teach. I know in my heart and in my soul that these things are good and right and true! It is also amazing to see the strong testimonies of others we teach! :)
- Hna. Fernandez and I went on divisions twice this week in order to cover all of our appointments. She is doing so well, well enough  that I felt comfortable enough sending her on her own with one of the  returned sister missionaries here in Tambogrande. All of our appointments were a reat success during that time, too, and we were able to accomplish so much!! WOO HOO! :)
- Thrusday we were able to go to an FHE with many of the Branch members. It is always fun and super faith building to see faithful people come together to talk about and study the Gospel. LOL and afterwards came some silly games such as hot potato, the tie tying cat and mouse game, and then a new one in the which we piled little match sticks onto the mouth of a glass bottle and for every match that some cknocked downt hey got a line of lipstick on their face! LOL We laughed a ton! :)
-  Friday afternoon we taught one of our less actives, Hno. Julio. He is so ready to be rescued, he just needs to go to his interview! He has a budding testimony, one that is getting stronger and stronger. Also, he wants to go on a mission! He recently turned 19, and that is our next goal for him, to get out to the field! Please pray for him!
-  We have one investigator who is progressing swimmingly. He is a 16 year old named Renzo. His baptismal date is for the 24th and us, the Elders, and the Branch are all working together to help him along the path. He came to church yesterday in his white shirt and tie!! That made our hearts soar! :) Please pray for him, too!! 
- Saturday we had our Zone meeting. Our Zone is itty ibtty!! 8 Elders and 8 hermanas! But we a}have a really wonderful group of missionaries. We talked about making good goals and working with them. Also, a special topic was the 10 commandments of health LOL there have been a few health issues lately! Hna. Fernandez made a wonderful comment when the Zone Leaders asked what we should improve as a Zone. She commented that we need to be more unified and trust one another more. As companions, as a district, as a zone. Aint that the truth!! Love mi hija! :)
- In the afternoon saturday we helped the Branch go out in search of some less actives to invite tehm to church. They have started a new activity called all against one in the which every Saturday afternoon we wet aside some time to go out and find less active from each organization and invite them to church. It is a wonderful way to help reactive people, and I highl recommend it!
- After the activity Saturday, Hna. Fernandez and I rushed over to visit with some investigators who we finally tracked dowwn. The lesson went well, and then yesterday they came to church!! We are super excited for this new couple, billy and Karla!
-  We had a wonderful miracle this week as we found a less ac tive youth. What happened was that we were searching for names in the futre investigators list, and we went to this one house. Turns out the name was the less actives father. We were able to teach the family of four, and the 19 year less active pulled out the photos from his baptism and is really excited that the church has come back into his life. He even came to church yesterday! His family are some wonderful future investigators and Hna. Fernandez and I are super excited to work with them! :) 
- Yesterday are progressing investigator, Renzo, with a baptismal date came to church in a white shirt and tie yesterday! It was a such a happy and inspiring feeling to see his progress! He is rapidly progressing towards his date on the 24th! :)
- Last night we traveled here to Piura in the evening and spent the night in Ramon Castilla!! My old area! We came because today we left at 3 AM to head to Canchaque, my second visit. Last night was way fun visiting with Hna. Flor and the Sosa family and the hermanas! A big family dinner, 12 people around the table!! Then todays trip was really wonderful. We laughed and had a blast. I did take photos, but I wasnt able to pass them to my USB, so next week! Sorry! Afterwards we hurried back and ate lunch as a Zone. A good day all in all!

Well, thats my week! Yo sé que todo esto es verdad y que estoy aquí con un buen razón. No es fácil siempre, pero sé que el Señor está conmigo. Tenemos que seguir adelante con firmeza en Cristo. Tengan animo, mis hermanos y hermanas! Les quiero y les amo bastante y espero lo mejor en esta semana que viene! Hasta la próxima semana! :):)


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