Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!
How was the week?? I hope all went well! Here is what happened here in Tambogrande...
.- RENZO!!! So basically this week was about Hno. Renzo . Monday we visited with him about temples and family historia work. that was an awesome lesson because it really touched his heart. His moom died when he was a littlekid, so the opportunity to see her again really struck a chord with him. Tuesday our visit was a little different...We had actually gone in with the plan to change his baptismal date, because w efelt that he needed a bit more time to be prepared. However, he bgan defending his date, remiding us of all thethings he has done and the answers he has received. It came down that he was going to go through with the planned date for this Saturday. Wednesday was the big interview day...Wow that was a crazy long day of lots ofwaiting and Elder Richards had come on Intercambios with our Districtleader so we talked in English over all the craziness. It all began at 3PM and finally around 8PM Presidente Rasmussen signed the paper and Renzo was home free, but there was a little wall between us and him because he hadnt been completely honest with us. The Elders formed a little connection that made it a trial to know what would happen after the baptism. Thursday we tried to track him down and talk but we couldnt find him and Friday night we went by accompanied by a member and we found the Eklders inside getting the sisters signature for the baptism sin Renzo is 16. That threw another loop in the situation. We finally visited with Hno. Renzo that night at 9PM and everything got worked out and Hno. Renzo said he still wants us to be the ones to visithim since we were the firsts. Then came the big day Saturday! LOL Renzo made us super nervous and showed up more than an hour late, but he came and we traveled up to Los Peroles allin the back iof the pickup truck. The baptism was him and a little 8 yrold, the cute girlfrom Waurawaus that had me sing Let it Go! It wasbeautiful!! :) And Sunday morning Hna. Fenandez and I passed by in the morning to remind him, and all was good, but he showed up! Presidente Valverde confirmed the little girl, Alexandra, and then he asked us all to wait five more minutes to see if REnzo wouldcome...and he came!! :) It was a little miracle! So this week was basically all Hno. REnzo. He shared his testimony and it was super powerful!! Hna Fernandez and I made a cardboard frame with a picture of the Lima Temple andwrote him a note as a baptism gift!! :) WOO HOO!!
- Other things apart from Hno. Renzo.. Tuesday Hna. Fernandez made it to 5 weeks here in the field!! We went to the mission home for our meeting and it was really wonderful. We talked about obedience, paying attention to miracles, the Atonement, diligence, and other wonderful topics. As always, the food was amazing! Turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, I love Preisdente´s Pesnsionista Hna. Jimenez!
- We had a suprise Zone Meeting this thursday and it was an awesome meeting. It was very dynamic with themes such as humility, patience, new contacting ideas, as better first lesson, unity, and remembering why we are all here. It was amazing to learn from so many wonderful missinaries!
- Yesterday afternoon, we had planned to go with a member to visit less active and part member families, however Hna. Fernandez got sick to her stomach out of nowhere and we ended up in that members house for abit before we went on Divisions and Hna. Fernandez stayed with the members mom and I went with Hna. Katy for about an hour. It was a sad thing to leave her becauseshe literally was crying because she didnt want me to leave her....I love that sweetgirl!
- Today, Hna. Fernandez and I had a real preparation day in the which we cleaned the room, actualized the area book, cooked some delicious french toast, and listened to EFY, Christmas, and other awesome music! :) It has been a good day :)
So theres my week! Wow, a good one! A crazy one with roller coaster rides, but a good one! I wish you all a very awesome week this week! Remember, the Lord loves you all and I love you! :) Hasta la próxima semana!