Thursday, October 13, 2016

Baylee - Conference Week !! October 3 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

I hope you all had a wonderful week!! My week was pretty wonderful LOL Here is what happened...

- This week we have found 7 new investigators who want to learn more!! Our Distrcit Leader put a goal for us, 6, and we upped him by one!! We worked super hard for that and prayed a ton and saw tons of miracles!! People who are searching for the truth and who are willing to act. One family in particular was amazing. Hna. Fernandez and I were stressed because it was Friday night, We werent going to be able to work much Saturday and sUnday due to conference, and we only had 4 new investigators. We desperately chose to knock on doors. And the very first door we knocked on was a family of three, the daughter has a RM friend, and they had some very large questions about baptism and Chirsts doctrine. The Lord blessed us to have with right words and now they are ready to learn more! WOO HOO!
- Wednesday Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came out the Tambogrande to do t room inspections and interviews! It was super schill and I loved visiting with them! They have such a great love and concern for each one of us!
- Wednesday evening we had a talent show with our branch members! LOL It was so silly! little kids dancing, all of them dancnig exactly the same, some singers, skits, etc. Sadly, they started late, so us missionaries didnt get to present our number do to the need to run home before 9:30. It was still good though!
- Thursday we had our last District meeting of the transfer. It was a really good meeting, but as always it was a sad goodbye session. Your district often becomes a little like family and it is hard to see them go their seperate ways. But that is part of the mission! 
- We have one investigator who is progressing really well. Her name is Meri and she has many questions. This week we decided to chang eour lesson plans and talke instead about prophets and obedicence so that we could invite her to GeneralConfernece this week. It was definitely inspired from the Spirit to do that because she had been alittle confused. We were able to resolve her doubts and help her understand a little bit better. I love when we can see righ before our eyes as the people learn and feel teh truth! 
- Friday was a crazy day. A member had invited us to come over for lunch, so we told our Penionsista to not cook for us. We did weekly planning through the nirmal lunch time to get to the members house at the sheduled time of 3:30PM: We showed up and her son first lied to us and said she wasnt home, then she did come and her and her recent convert husband began to tell us about their marital trials and how there wasnt any water, and that she hadnt been able to cook...we taught a short lesson on how husbands and wives actually need }each otehr to reach exaltation, a thought that had never crossed theirminds, and then we left, without food! And Since it was the end of the month, we didnt have hardly any money. We ended up buying so rolls, a few limes and a little onion to use our food storage tuna and make a ceviche de atún with bread...It was a rough day! LOL but one to remember!
- Saturday and Sunday was General Conference and it was amazing!! My favorite topics were definitely joy, the Book of Mormon, Prayer, and Missionary Work! Sorry, I am so bad remembering who said what LOL but those themes were inspiring! we must find the joy in our lives, the joy in repentance, the joy in the Plan! The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion and a precious treasure to cherish and study diligently daily!, ´prayer is sincere ("am I really praying or just saying prayers??)}") missionary work is our work - HELP THE MISSIONARIES! :) Also, it was way awesome to be able to watch it all in English with the other Norte Americanos and even Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen! Ther were so many missionaries and itw as just inspiring! And Hno. Renzo who was just baptized last week was able to come to the SUnday morning session!! WOO HOO!! :) 
- An awesome part of Conference weekend was that was stayed here in Piura instead of going back to Tambogrande and we got to stay in Ramon Castila with Hna. Ruiz and Hna. Apeña!! That was the best, and kind of the worst. I was able to chat and hug Hna. Apeña, but I also had to say goodbye...she goes home tomorrow...I cried, and she cried...I love her so much! Eternal friendships are real, I know it!
- Today was transfers for everybody else LOL since Hna. fernandez and I are in training, we didnt have transfers. However, we now have a new District leader, Elder Urpeque. He was in my District in Castilla and he is awesome! And Truly, the transfers this time around were crazy! Mamás have gone back witht their Hijas, repeat District members, Hna. PArks training and being a sister leader, tons of craziness!! Oh, and today Hna. Juli accompanied, Hna. Fernandez and I to Catacaos to pick up my new leather scripture case for my English scriptures!! :) WOO HOO!!

So that was my week! I jam packed week, and a good one. Les amo bastante! Quiero que recuerden siempre que estoy orando para ustedes. Ustedes son hijos e hijas maravillosos denuestro Padre Celestial. Sigan adelante!! Hasta le próxima semana! :)



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