Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Baylee - October 17 2016

October 17 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!! :)

¿Qué tal la semana? ¿Cómo les fue? I am suer it was a wonderful week! Here is what went down here...

- Monday evening we went to visit a less active family, the f. Correa. Recently the dad, Carlos, has returned from working in Lima and we caught the five of them there in the house! It is so amazing to see happy, whole families blessed by the Gospel. It changes the atmosphere and makes one just smile :) I am so grateful for my forever family and the blessings I receive through them and the Gospel!
- This week we have had to travel to Piura various times to practice with the Zone. We have to practice two special musical numbers for tomorrrows Multi-Zona! We are singing the MoTab medley of The Battle Hymn of the Republic and Let US All Press On but in Spanish. Also we are singing the song the MoTab sang in Conference, Take Time to Be Holy, in English. LOL I was going to play the flute, the one I had bought, but another sister Hna. Kelley plays and they wanted me to sing LOL so she is going to play instead! It sounds super pretty! 
- Wednesday morning, we were finally able to track down one of our investigators, Juliana. She had kind of fallen off the map for a little while. We were accompanied by a member. Juliana has many questions. We were able to cover more on the Restoration. That message is so important, and every time we teach and testify it touches my heart. Truly I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he was an instrument to the hands of the Lord to restore the true church here on earth. That simple truth blesses my life and changes lives! Hna. Juliana is experience these changes, little by little!
- Thursday we had our first District meeting of the transfer. Our new Dsitrict Leader, Elder Urpeque is pretty wonderful. He taught us on how to really use the Book of Mormon to its fullest. It is the evidence and the keystone of our religion, it is the base of it all. LOL we played a scripture chase game and I totaly won!! :) 
- Thursday we were able to go on Divisions with two YSA sisters in the Branch, Hna. Katy and Hna. Juli. They are cousins and they are awesome LOL We live upstairs in Juli´s house and Hna. Katy is an RM from Columbia. LOL that day we laughed so and were also able to accompliosh a ton of work! Divisions helps to move the work along! However, it is so very different teaching withot¿ut my companion.... I love my compi! 
- Saturday was a crazy day because in the morning we went to Piura to practice the songs, came back for lunch with our Pensionista, then traveled with the Relief Society to the little pueblo of Waurawaus for a Relief Society Activity. We watched the 20 mion video of the Restoration and bore our testimonies. Then we were able to learn how to make alfajores! I will have to make them at home! :) It was a good, successful activity. However, A very long day! Waurawaus is little by little receiving the Gospel! It is amazing to see the changes in such humble people! :)
- Sunday I gave a talk, using Elder Stevensons talk on Latter Saints from May 2015. We all need to be latter day saints who keep on trying, or else we are just latter day sinners. and even more, we need to help others do the same. We need to share the Gospel so that others can also receive the joy of by a latter day saint who keeps on trying! After that, Hna. Fernandez and I gave the class in Gospel Principles all about Familes can be Forever! LOL we started out by inviting one sister to draw on the board, with the suggestions from the crowd, a family that can be forever. A Mom, a Dad, kids, and a temple were drawn. Then we talked about all the important things to do as a family to reach that goal: family prayer and scripture study, patience, Family Home Evening, recreational activities together, etc. It wsa a fun lessona dn we finished with a white board full of ideas and drawings!
- Today, we came here to Piura for a Sidstrict activty in the which we went and sought out some fabric in bulk to buy and make matching skirts and ties!! :) It is awesome! Then we went to the Hna.s from Miraflores Pensionista to eat some lunch. From there Hna. Fernandez and I went on a mini shopping trip to the Open Plaza mall :) I love shopping!! Today we are going to spend the night here because tomorrow morning early we have our Multi-Zona! I am going to get to see Hna. Carrera!! :) :)

So ya that was my week! I wish you all a wonderul week to come!! Be good, be faithful, pray, read your scriptures, and smile! :) :) I love you all!!



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