Thursday, October 13, 2016

Baylee - October 10 2016

October 10 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

Well, the week went by fast!! Hopewfully you all enjoyed it! here is what happened here...

- Mon day evening we taught a rescued family, the f. Mendoza,. about the plan of Salvation. it was a very beautiful lewsson and it is such a beautiful topic! We all need to remember who we are, where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going! And it fits perfectly with the talk given by Pres. Monson!! 
- This week has been miraculous in that we have found tons of new people who are ready to hear more about these truths! 14 new investigators!! Hna. Fernandez and I have been left amazed to see that Lord working little miracles far out of our hands. This work truly is His work!
- Tuesday evening was a birthday party! Elder Pareja and a member Hna. Katy had their birthdays that day and we threw a little fiesta! With a cake! As they blew out the match stick make shift candles, Hna. Fernandez and I attacked! We had brought 20 eggs and a kilo of flour! :) It was a very violent war, a very messy and loud coupole minutes are we smasshed the eggs on their heads and dumped out the aflour on top for good measure! A very Peruvian tradition! :) such a good time followed by good food and good company!
- Wednesdya night we went to visit a less ac tive named MAria. LOL she was in the misddle of cooking dinner and made a deal with us that wwe could sit around her kitchen and teach as she cooked. What ended up happening was that I offered my help because she was kind of lost in what she was doing as she tried to make some dough for flour tortillas. LOL I ended up making the food and Hna. Maria sat listen ing to Hna. Fernande and Hna. Katy teach!! :) It was silly because I felt kind of like the help, just awkwardly there cooking! And the tortillas turned out pretty good!
- Thursday morning we once again joined Hna. Juli and her parents at their chacra, there fruit fields! it was great fun picking maracuya, mangos, limes, and papaya! The silliest part was when I fell!! You all would have just about died laughing! I was carryiong the maracuya in my arms, full, and went to follow Juli`s dad crossing a little ditch, I didnt sterp quite far enough and my foot placed right where irt was an incline super wet, and down I went, face first! I guess I arched my back and didnt hit my face, but my chest slammed intop the ground real goo dLOL! i jumped up fast, laughing so hard1 If only we had been videotapinGg!
- Saturday morning we had a Zone meeting in Piura. It was a really good meeting! We talked about how to maximize our study hours and how to better understand the dictrine in order to teach more effectively. I learned a ton and i am working to put it all into practice. Our zone is pretty great now, too! There is a photo below! :)
- Sunday we had some good meetings with topics such as obeicence and charity! Wow such powerful truths, the essential law of obedience and requirement of charity. We must become as Christ is! I invirte each of you to go and study those important themes! :)
- In the evening Sunday, he relief society president went out visitng with us and we were able to finally track one oinvestigator who has been super busy lately. the spirit guided us as we focused the lesson in on the priesthood. She was left thinking, pondering the great truiths of thw power and authority of God. I testify that this power truly is on the earth today and that it is found in the Church of Jesuis Christ of Latter Day saints! it is an amaizing bklessing for each and every one of us!
- Today, Hna. Fernandez and I cooked Navajo tacos wioth Hna. Juli and they turned out alright LOL northing as good as mom makes them! LOL Hna. Fernandez has decided she wants to try stuff froom the States! It has been agood chill day! :)

So theres my week!! Espero que esta semana que viene esta llena de felicidad para cada uno de ustedes!! Les amo mucho!! :) Cuídense! Hasta le próxima semana!



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