Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baylee - October 24 2016

October 24 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

How was the week? It went by fast, no? I think so, and there was a whole ton of stuff packed into this week. Here is what happened...

- Monday night we stayed in Ramón Castilla again because Tuesday we had our Multizona conference. The conference was amazing!! The theme for the whole day was our Savior, coming to know Him better and better understanding the Atonement and repentance to apply in our own lives and to teach our investigators. It was powerful! We watched the awesome video of the Provo City Temple and the reconstruction, and it touched my heart. We talked about the developing the attributes of Christ. I learned so much! I was also able to see Hna. Carrera! Love that girl! And sadly, I had to give my final testimony, since I am now what we call viejita...It was really awesome!
- We are teaching a family, the f. Calle Hernandez, and they are really something special! It is a mom and her two kids. As we teach, they really understand and want to know the truth. Especially the 15 year old daughter, Lourdez. She loves the Hymns, too! LOL We let her pick which Hymn to sing, and she just so happened to choose one that niether one of us knew....LOL so we just went for it, acapella sight singing and it was pretty rough! 
- Thursday, Hna. Parks our sister leader and her comp, Hna. Kelley, came out to Tambogrande to do Divisions with us. I got to go with Hna. Kelley! She is the other sister from Hna. Fernandez´s group, so she is still new and still learning Spanish, but she is awesome! We taught really well together, amazingly enough! And I was a good break to talk a little bit of English LOL With having not enough one gringa comp, English is a privilege! 
- When we came back to the room Thursday to end our Divisions, we found the power was out! So we have been without water for more than 2 weeks, then we had almost three days without power and the are possbily bats in our room! LOL So that was fun!
- Friday was our Noche Misonal! We had decided to come together as missionaries and make brownies as a treat, so we met at Hna. Anegla´s house and made a ton!!! LOL It was silly and fun! Then the activity was great, too! There is a TV show here in Perú called Esto es Guerra, or This is War, and it is basically like competitions and games, two teams. That was what we did for our activity! Green versus Yellow! the mummy wrap, bobbing for apples, an eating contest, a dance off, the egg race with it on a sppon in your mouth, and name that tune. LOL We had a good time! 
- And then yesterday... my 21st Birthday!! Wow, I do NOT feel 21... How did that happen?? Well, it was a good day! Church was beautiful, and we were able to teach quite a few people in the afternoon with Hna. Katy accompanying us. The big fiesta came in the evening. First, in the Valverde home. There, we had a cake and they sang, then then forced me to bite the cake, smashed my face into the cake, and attacked me with a grand ttotal of 30 eggs!!! Can you believe that??? I had to rinse out my hair and wipe off all the egg to be able to sit and eat my cake...then Hna. Katy decided for some crazy reason to give me two pieces!! We cant turn them down...so I was goin to explode! Then we went home and there we found Hna. Juli and the family waiting...with dinner and another cake! LOL so they sang to me again , we ate dinner and and cake and we chatted. It was a much more calm and mature setting LOL. So I ate three pieces of cake, a plate of food, popcorn, and soda...I felt like I was going to die but it was good and fun! Then I had to bathe LOL and wash my hair twice to get all the shells out!! A fun day!
- Today, Hna. Juli accompanied us back to Catacaos. I am now poor... LOL but I have pretty souvenirs! and a few gifts! LOL :) It has been a nice day so far and from here we are going to head back to Tambogrande and just chill. 

So there you ahve it, my week! Lots of stuff, no?? Espero que estén comportándose bien! Siempre sigan adelante! Testifico que esta es una obra verdadera y tan tan importante! Requiere mucho esfuerzo, y no es fácil, pero sé que el Señor está en cada paso. Esta es la Iglesia verdadera, la única. Cristo vive! Estoy tan agradecida por esta oportunidad de ser una misionera, y por tener la verdad en mi vida! Les amo!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!



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