Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos! :)
How was the week? Hopefully wonderful. My week was really great, too. Here is what went down...
- Monday night,Hna. Parks and I worked in her area in Tacalá since it wouldnt have made much sense for me to head back to Tambogrande then return Tuesday monring to go meet mi HIJA! LOL so we were able to go to a cute little FHE with a rescued family made up of many ladies and kids. They are just the cutest! After a short lesson on repentance, we played Hot Potato and then Fruit Basket and laughed our heads off. They are so loving and it was awonderful night. From there, we returned to the room to do our prep for the next day, the big reveal, our HIJAS!!
- tuesday was the big day!! To say the least, I was nervous. I knew there was only two options, but I was just super shaking nervous to see who it would be. Presidente announced it very simply and informally, basically a little family sit down with such small numbers, me and Hna. Parks, the Assistants, and Hna. Kelley and Hna. Fernandez, the newbies. And my HIJA is........ HNA. FERNANDEZ!!! We were so excited! And guess what! That same say was her 22nd birthday! Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen sent the secretaries to buy a cake and we surprised her after lunch by singing and bringing out the cake. Hna. Fernandez cried she was so happily surprised, thinkning that no one knew. We then headed back to Tambogrande, me with the package Mom sent me! Hna. Fernandez was pretty amazed at the open spaces since she is from Lima! That first day, we got right o planning and I helped answer the questions she had. In the evening, we taught one lesson to some contacts and then I secretly took her to Presidente Valverdes house. I had sent messages to Elder P¨lata and Elder Pareja to plan a little surprise bday thing for her there too. It turned out really well and once again the sweet girl cried. We visited and it was a beautiful little evening.
- After the get together Tuesday night, we had to rush to teach Hno. Renzo who is progressing super well. He is now preparing for a baptismal date and Hno. Moises, the YM president is helping a ton!
- Wednesday evening we went and visited Hno. Moises LOL since he is also still one of our recent converts. Every sincgle lesson that we teach him is super spiritual. We talked about sharing the gospel and serving others. I truly know ust how important those things are now. I invite eachand every one of you to look for an opportunity to share the Gospel with your nieghbors, friends, family. EVERYONE! It will change your life, this I promise!
- Thursday morning we were finall able to track down one of our investigators, Hno. Carlos. He is hesitant, but he feels the spirit. We were able to clarify his questions about the Book of Mormon and I felt the spirit there with him. Hopefully he will begin to recognize more and more that wonderful spirit!
- Friday morning we had this transfers first District meeting. Our district is now made up of us four from Tambogrande, the secretaries, and the sister leaders. LOL quite the District, no? It was actually a really cool meeting because we talked of how we can begin to baptize every week as a District. A huge goal, but totally possible! We made a District plan and we are working with real goals to accomplish this. Afterwards, I was put in charge of English classes and we ended up playing charades with new action words. It was silly, at least everybody laughed if they didnt actually learn anything...:)
- Friday night, are searching every day this week, we tracked down Hna. Cynthia, our miracle investigator from last week. Wow she is still amazing! Even though she hasnt been able to attend church yet, the spirit is so strong, she has read the Book of Mormon and prayed, believing she received her answer, she found miralce inspiring verses in the BoM. Wow she is awesome! I am so excited to help her move along this path!
- Saturday came Hna. Fernandez´s first weekly plannign. It took a super long time!! We had to read through every step and make sure she understood,but it was all worth it. She has such wonderful new ideas too! Woo Hoo!!
- We saw a really awesome miracle yesterday. Lat week I mentioned that there was an awesome investigator that just showed up at church. Well, out appointment with him Saturday fell through so we were all bummed out, but then he showed up to church once again, all by himself! After church in the afternoon,we were finally able to sit down and teach him for the first time accompanied by a member friend of his. Wow that was a super powerful lesson! It was very personal for him and it was amazing to hear him explain how he feels as he has attended church these past two weeks. He is super prepared and right away accepted baptism, saying he wants to be a part of all this and feel and have the peace that we all feel, the family feeling. I was left a little in shock, Hna. fernandex also! We are super excited for him!! :)
- Another investigator, Hna. Azucena is also up there on our list. She is facing so many trials right now, but she really wants to learn and apply this gospel in her life. We visited with her yesterday. It is amazing just how much love one can feel for these individuals as the y express their feelings and their needs. Truly amazing!
- Well, today was awesome and different! And made me think a lt about home, so good and bad LOL. We went to a countryside place with little itty bitty lakes to go fishing!! It was so beuatiful and open and very mountainy like Pinedale! I caught a fish, a itty bitty one, but still!! :) We went with Hna. Juli, the elders, and Hno. Manuel, our branch mission leader. Afterwards we came back (we trraveled there and back witht eh 6 of us in a moto!!). and we bought the ingredients in the mercado to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit salad, and homemade syrup!! I felt very at home today! :) It was a nice day :)
Well, that was my week. A little bit more about Hna. Fernandez... she is from Lima, Villa Maria, she is also the second in her family. She loves Korean culture, just like Hna. Sucari. She hates peanut butter!! (LOL I tried to give her some and her face was just hysterical!) She straight up told me that she wants to be super obedient and it shows. Also, she is super persistent! She keeps going, especially whenit is hard. She is learning super fast and giving it her all!!
Well, that is just about it. I love you all so much!! Be good, please!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!
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