Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Baylee - IT´S A GIRL!!!! :D

August 22 2016

Hola mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

Hopefully this week went well for everyone, my week flew by!! Here is what happened...

- We have found various new people this week who are ready to hear this great meassge! Monica, a mom who is passsing through some problems with her son. Cynthia, a mom that just separated from her husband. Billy and Karla, a couple which has a ton of questions! and Jairo, a YSA aged guy who has read a lot of things and listened before and now has many questions. Hna. Sucari and I have seen quite a few mini miracles this week as we worked to make week6 a week1! 
- Wednesday we had our last District meeting of the transfer. It was a really neat meeting as Elder Plata talked to us about having better unity as a companionship and teaching together so that the people truly understand. After discussin a bit, we did pratices. First the Elders from Chulucanas taught the Elders from here in Tambogrande, then the Hna.s from Chulucanas taught Hna. Sucari and I (nose goes!). Wow, the difference between the way to Elders teach and the way the sisters teach is crazy!! Hna. Sepulveda and Hna. Collazos brought the spirit in like seconds and, even in a pracitce setting, I felt the tug on my heart testifying of the truth. It was  really good meeitng!
- Thursday, the members here in Tambogrande went on a road trip to Trujillo to go to the temple! I was super jealous!! LOL Hna. Katy, the YW president, brought Hna. Sucari and I keychains with pictures of the temple, and that was the best we are going to get, for now. 
- Friday, Hna. Sucari and I did divisions with Hna. Juli and Hna. Angela. I went with Hna. Juli and we were able to visit with a less active member, Hna. Lindaura, and her also less active 12 year old son, Hno. Julio. They are really sweet people. We talked about prayer and reading the scriptues, two super fundamental pieces of the Gospel. I invite each of you to do those two things daily. That is where the power comes, thats when we are strengthened! 
- From there, Hna. Juli and I visited with our new investigator Hno. Jairo. Wow, his questins make my head spin sometimes! After I while, I focused in on faith and feeling the Spirit, denying his demands for answers, and asking him straight up if he had prayer. He admitted that he hadnt. He recognized his error anommitted to prayer now and ask, with real intent. That is the most importnant part!
- Saturday mornign we saw another miracle. Our appointments fell through, so we went knocking on doors. The very first door we knocked on opened and the mom there left us in, setting aside her cooking to listen. She told us of a great struggle she is facing as she is separating from her unfaithful hsusband. She cried adn told us she felt alone and hopeless. The Spirit prompted me to share Alma 7:11-13 about the Atonement of Christ. Wow, that touched her heart and we were able to testify that she is not alone, we are not alone. Jesus suffered for each and everyone of us and we will never be alone. All we need to do is Come Unto Christ! 
- Saturday evening we went to the Branch presidents house for correlation, dinner, and the receive CAMBIOS! Guess what...... I AM GOING TO ME A MOM!!!! I GET TO TRAIN!!! :D:D:D:D:D How exciting is that?! Tomorrow I will find out who she is. There are only two new sisters coming, not even one elder. this is going to be an awesome, terrifying, thrilling, strengthening, learning expereience, that is for sure!! 
We had a little miracle yesterday at church! This week we have talked with a ton f people, as always, but yesterday a young guy walked into the meeting, all alone, in street clothes marking him as an investigator. Since I was behind the piano, and motioned for Elder Plata to go sit by the stranger. I thought I recognized him, and turns out that he was a contact we´d made duiring the week! All we had done was knock on his door, present the Book of Mormon, and leave one with him. Then Sunday he came to church and had read some of the Book of Mormon, with many questions in tow. He enjoyed the classes and the YSA welcomed him in. Truly it was a miracle to see someone so very prepared for this message, so ready to act! :D
- Today, I am spending the day with Hna. Parks, th other sister ho will be training. I am here in her area. She was our sister leader before, and I just recently came here for intercambios, so I feel like I came back to a familiar place! :) We went and ate at Chili´s with the Tacalá district and our plans for the rest of the day are sleep!!! :) LOL I am so tired from getting Hna. Sucari all packed, cleaning and re cleaning the room, prepping stuff for my hija, making recuerdos....Wow sleep will be amazing! :)

Well, thats my week! It was a fast one, and next week I will have to tell you all about my new hija!! 😁 Hasta la próxima semana!  



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