Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!
How was the week? I hope all was well as the summer winds down! Here is what happened in my week...
- Tuesday morning we were able to visit with an ld investigator from about a year and a haldf ago named Renzo. He is 16 and so awesome! He had a baptismal date but there was some confusion and the missionaries just kindof lost communication with him. We have now once again became the lessons and he has a real desire. I am so very excited to help him as he begins the steps along this path.
- Wednesday we had a District meeting that really opened my eyes to a lot of things I need to improve on. We talked about the patterned curve that seems to occur every transfer and the need for more faith, more diligence, and better attitudes in the work. It is sooo true that we need to amp our efforts and give it more every day. The Lord gaveus all, now it is our time to give Him all that we can. Moroni 9:6.
- Well, Thursday morning was crazy!! We woke to find a bit of well a flea infestation in our kitchen! We spent the morning taking everything out, washing like five times, finally lighting torches and smoking out the room with the help of the hermanos that own the house and then we attacked in with Raid. Wow that was a crazy, gross esperience! Now all is well, but wow that was just...wow!!
- That smae Thursday morning, we were able to go teach a recent convert, Hno. Eler. Our lesson was on Family History work! And then yesterday evening, I was able to help one of the YSA in our Branch find and reserve and print off family names to take to the temple. This week has been a week of Family Search. I am so very grateful that I was able to leran how to work FamilySeach and that now I can helpso many people here. That work is soooo important!! I invite each and every one of you to look up your familys, find the info. It so good to be informed and to be able to help those who have passed on!! :)
- Thusrday evening we had an FHE in the same house where we live upstairs, for Hna. Juli. It was really short sweet and simple, and afterwards we enjoyed little sandwiches with chicha morada and lots of laughing LOL good times! :)
- Friday we had a Zone Meeting that they didnt tell us about until th night before LOL. But ya it was really good, we talked about making plans and putting our faith in the Lord. I love getting the new ideas from so many other truly inspired missionaries. After the meeting, we began intercvambios with the sister leaders and I went with Hna. Parks to Tacalá. We had an awesome time, speaking way too much English LOL I learned better ways of iviting people to make commitments, thathas been a bit of a trial from me because I am not super confident, but Hna. Parks showed some awesome examples. We also went to their wards Noche Misional where we played Volleyball in our skirts, laughed with the Elders, and Hna. Parks almost served the ball right into my face! LOL After that we bought hamburgers and I fried some platanos and introduced Hna. Parks to burgers con platanos fritos!
- Saturday we got up early and went and played soccer with the Elders. Super fun! Then ewe headed back to Tambogrande. All day Saturday we were accompanied by Hna. Carmen, an 18 year old recent convert who has the strongest testimony I have ever seen! She is like my sisters, that sweet girl! And she has a huge desire to serve a mission as well!! There are three other YSA guys that are also on the track for a mission, so in the next year Tambogrande could easily have 4 missionaries out!! :):):)
- Sunday was a good day. The meetings were good, and what was even better was that Hno. Juan,the YSA leader, accompanied to go visit our YDA investigator Azucena, she is super interested and accepted a baptismla date!! :) So Hna. Sucari and I are super excited! Then came more piano lessons in the which I have had to take steps backward and focus more on teaching how to read music before we get to the piano. It has been areal adventure!
- Today, we went to our Pensionista house and cooked hamburgers with fried eggs, platanos fritos, tomatoes, cucumber, a delicious sauce called wuakatay, ricoto, mayo, and ketchup, and french fries on top. Wow, huge!!! And the four of us ate two each....I literally might explode... and We watched Madagascar 1 and 3 LOL so fun!! :) In the evening tonight we are going to throw a little party for our ward imission leaders Bday! :) It is going to be great! :)
Well, that was my week! Hope all is well with you all! Les amo mucho!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!
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