Thursday, August 11, 2016

Baylee - August 8 2016

August 8, 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!

How are you all this week? Sorry for the awkwardly cut email last week, crazy timing issues LOL Here is what happened this week...

- Tuesday we had a final practice session for our special musical number for the Multi Zone Conference. We were doing well and then for some reason we decided to try as high note at the end, the F. LOL well none of us have been practicing singing for wuite smoe time and it was the funnniest mostt pathetic sounding thing ever! LOL Prove that singing require practice!! Thursday we presented the numbers and they turned out reallly beautiful! Especially This is the Christ! :)
- Tuesday we had a real direct lessooon with one of our Investigators, Hna. Saira. We had tto talk about Chastity because she isnt married to her husband...Hna. Sucari and I were nervous, but it went really well! The Relief Society president, Hna. Angela accompanied us and bore a beautiful testimony of the blessings of a family tied together through the Gospel. I am so grateful for parents who have raised me right and I am grateful to have been blessed with a family in the Gospel!
- Wednesday evening we had to travel to Piura and we stayed with the Sister Leaders so that we could be at the MultiZone Conference on time Thursday. The Multi Zone was AWESOME! All about the Book of Mormon, how we can better ¿use it to find new people. LOL we played scripture chase and I made it to the top ten! I won a cute little tin mug that looks like the kind with which one asks for money filled with candy! One of the best lessons that I got from the meeting was something that Presidente Rasmussen said. We are the only church that presents a book and says "read it to know if we are telling the truth". It is amazing how we know without a doubt that these things we teach are true, but we dont force anyone; we just invite them to read and pry and find the truth themselves! Wow!!
- Friday was super awesome! We went with Hna. Flora (the owner of the house we live in), her daughter and member Hna. Juli and their family out to their fruit fields!! We left early and traveled in the bed of their truck for anout 45 minutes to get out the countryside, passing tons of fields of mangos, platanos, rice, guabana, papaya, limes, etc. Very Tambogrande! We spent the morning picking limes, using a long stick with a wire hook tied to the end to pull down the fruit. We also ate a Peruvian picnic before coming back to town! Super awesome!! :) and Very beautiful!!
- Saturday we were finally able to track down Hno. Eler, a recent convert who has been MIA for a while due to his work. LOL we asked him if he had questions on what he has been reading in the Book of Mormon and he literally pulled out a sheet of paper with a list of questions scribbled out and thats what we talked about the whole time! It was surprising but it made us happy because tht means he really did read! LOL
- Sunday was a beautiful fast and testimony meeting! The members here in Tambogrande almost all do a real testimony, no stories,  scriptures, songs, etc. I was wonderful! I really felt the Spirit as the members testified of their Savior, this Gospel, and the wonderful blessings they have received. 
- Today, Hna. Sucari and I had a wonderfully chill Pday in the which napped, cleaned the room, read, ate something simple, and now we are writing home. It was a good day!

Well, thats my week! I wish you all the very best of semanas! Les amo mucho!!! :) Hasta la próxima semana!!



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