Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!! :)
¿qué tal la semana? Espero que estén todo bien! My week was a good one, a new expereince doing everything in THREES! Here is what happened...
- This week we have done Divissions a lot more
frequently because now we just need one member and we can make two companionships! So Tuesday, we went on Divisions. And we found five new investigators!! Each one of them is very unique and each one wants to knw judst a litte bit more about the truth of this Gospel. Then Saturday we also went on Divisions and 5 other new investiators! It has been amazing to see such miracles as we work with members and do double! Our desire to work is always elevated as we see all the miralces that happen through hard wor and great faith.
- Tuesday and Saturday, we also put into pla y a new tool to receive references from members. It is a long list of specific questions to ask, things like if they know someone who received missionary lessons before but was never baptizsed or if they know somene that would be a wonderful member of the church. We used it with the f. Valverde Lopez and also the F. Dominguez Crisanto. We now have like 15 references!! We are working to be more creative in our search, and the results are coming! :) And now we have two new progressing investigatrs from these references.
- WEdnesda was visited a recent convert, Hno. Moises, and our lesson was on the amazing conference talk What Lack I Yet? I love thast talk!! And Hno. Moises erally understood. I inite each of you to ask that question regularly. I know I have talked about this talk before, but it is so true we need to be constantly improving!! :)
- Thursday was our first District meeting and we are awesome! LOL we are all the same with just two more, Hna. Ramos in our trio and Elder Norman in a trio with the secretaries. I am really glad to be a District with such a desire to work hard and help our investigators, recent converts, and less actives!
- Thursday we also visited a very interesting investigator named Gladys...well, we thught she was awesome, but this lesson she begane asking questions about extra terrestrials, saying we are all some big experiment...sSo we are not really sure what she is looking for LOL!
- Our progressing investigator Hno. Jordi, is still awesome. This week we talked about chastity , the word of wisdom, and following the prophet. He is working hard to apply everything. We are praying hard for him, please pray for him as well!!
- sFriday we found a less active named Noemi. She has been inactive for many years, but she told
us that about two weeeks ago ashe had wanted to go to church, but her little borther passed away. In these moments, she is ready to hear the truth once again. The lesson was so very spiritual! And then Sunday I went with a member to pick her up and go to church together. She was one of the first there and she loved every minute. We overheaerd her promise the Eklders that she will be at church every Sunday! :)
- Saturday morning we headed to Piura to practice a choir number for when Elder Montoya of the Seventy comes this Wednesday! Wow, amazing opportunities in the mission....conferences with Elder Bednar, Elder Godoy, and now Elder Montoya! And wow that choir we put together is amazing! I unknowingly was thrown in to direct with Hna. Parks at the piano. We are singing tjhe same medley from our last multi zona. We decided to spice it up a bit and put in a harmony part. My question first off was, who knows how to read music? LOL and three Elders raised their hands. So we had them come over to learn to part and one of the Elders, one who has now a week here in the field, dropped down to the super low bass note and blew us all out of the water LOL So we put it together and it sounds amazing!! I am super excited for Wednesday even though I am also very nerv ous to diredct because so much depends on me....
- Church yesterday went really well! I loved to talks focused on Obedience, Faith and Tithing! Something much needed here. Alwso the whole Sunday went well because us three, our wonderful trio, we were able to talk more with one another and I really love those two so very much! Sadly, I dont have photos once again...I am so sorry. Hna. Ramos is from Lima, as well, and she is super spunky. Just kinda of spontaneous and that is very different for me. She likes to have fun, buit she is also used to taking things slow and relazed a little bit of my opposite! LOL maybe it will be good for me :)
- Today, it was awesome! We went to Hna. Angela y Israel´s house with the Elders and we did BARBEQUE! Anticuchos (or cow heart!), sausage, and chicken. SO DELICIOUS! We also had fire baked potatoes, yams, and platanos along with corn on the cob! All with a waucatay sauce and of course ice cream for dessert! And we ate it all aws we watched BRAVE! :) I love that movie! It was a wonderful day :)
Well, thats my week! It is such a privilege to be here :) Les invito que sigan adelante, cada momento siempre! Sean fieles, busquen lo bueno en cada experiencia. La vida no es fácil pero con Cristo, es posible!! :) Les amo! Hasta la próxima semana!
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