Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Baylee - November 7 2016

November 7 2016

Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!

There went another week! Hoepfully it was a good one for each of you! Here is what happened here...

- This week was basically all about helping the Elders here in Tambogrande LOL they had a couple get married, have a wedding party, and get baptized! And they solicited our help! 
     So Wednesday Hna. Fernandez and I pitched in and bought the sister, Hna. Maria, flowers and also fabric to in order for the Relief Society to president to make a simple wedding dress. 
     Thursday, We got up a little early and got ready fast in order to be to the couples house at 7:30AM. I did Hna. Maria´s hair and makeup! Can you say Make Over?! :) It was way fun and we worked to make it special and sent Hno. Benjamin with the Elder early so they couldnt see one another. Of course, they have three kids already, but still it made it a little more magical. Then came the massive weddings that the court house does here. It seems to be a normal thing here in Perú. There were 100 couples getting married! It was neat, they did a toast with soda, danced a little, said I DO and kissed, then each couple was called forward to sign the papers. Then it was a}official!! 
     Friday, Hna. Fernandez and I went on Divisions in order to keep helping as well as do some work in our own area. Hna. Fernandez chose to go out an proselyte, so I stayed with Hna. Juli, the Elders, and our  ward mission leader Hno. Manuel to clean and decorate teh third floor room in the capilla for the wedding party! It turned out beautiful even though it took so much time! 
     Saturday was the best and most special day of all...their baptism! We all traveled in the back of a truck, more than 20 people, up to Los Peroles. They entered the water, first Hno. Benjamin and then Hna. Maria. It was an amazing experience! I can just imagine them with their three little kids dressed in white in the temple! Also, two of our investigators were able to attend the baptismal service, and both of them were greatly touched by the experience! It was so powerful and the Spirit was so strong! :) 
     Sunday, their confirmations! They showed up a little late, and just like with Hno. Renzo, we had to wait a little while. But they were just glowing and the Branch accpeted them so quickly! Amazing! :) and that rounds up their experience of the week!
- Saturday, we also had a Zone meeting in the morning. The topics were seminary/institute, and Family History, and how to better use these tools as missionaries! It was amazing to realize tht family history work and missionary work are the same thing! Every name sent to the temple is a baptism just as one that we complete here! I love knowing that my family is eternal, and we all need to help others make their families eternal, as well!! Share it! :)
- Today, Hna. Fernandez and I made pancakes in the morning and cleaned our room, then we came here to Piura to go to the mall and supermarket, and now we are here at the internet. a good chill day! :)

So that was my week :) A pretty good one! Les amo mucho!! Cuídense! Hasta la próxima semana!! 



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