Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Baylee - November 28 2016

November 28 2016

Hola Mi familia y Mis Amiogos!

How was teh week for everyone! Happy Late Thanksgiving!!!! Here is what we did this week...

- Yesterday was Branch Conference here in Tambogrande and last week they asked me to help them put together a special muscial number. So Monday and Saturday evening, we met to put it together. We chose Nearer my God to Thee because it doesnt go crazy high and it was relartiely simple to learn quickly. It turned out ok. I tried to make it a little bit more interesting on the piano, I hope it was ok... LOL I have been stretching a ton lately to make my little bit of piano knowledge work for lots of situations!
- Tuesday evening we headed to Pirua to spend the night there beause Wednesday we had a conference with Elder Hugo Montoya of the Seventy!! Wow, what an amazing expereince!! His huge phrase of the day was "it isnt about you but about the children of God". He talked a lot about leaving behind our selfish desires, our sins, our doubts, our disobedience, etc in order to come unto Chirst and better invtied others to do the same. The whole idea of forget yourself and go to work! It was awesome! And It was great to see so many of my good friends! I directed the choir, and it turned out amazing! It just filled the room with the Spirit! :) 
This week, I was able to visit oe of our investigators named Alex. It was just me and a member because we went on dvisions. This investigator is amazing! It was only the second lesson and I asked him if he had prayed and asked God. He replied yes and began to recount his experience. He knows it is true! And every lesson since he has been prayiong and asking more and he keeps receiving an even stronger answer. He is inspiring! Please pray for him :)
- Today we wnt to Piura around 8:45 and visited with Presidente Rasmussen. We were also able to sing christmas carols with hioom and Hn.a Rasmussen!! So much fun! Than we came bak to Tambogrande where we ate delicious food, a TON, and wartched how to Train you Dragon in our Pensionistas house :) Good times!

Well, that was my week :) So much stuff, not enough time! Be good this week, love your neighbor :) This week begins Ilumina el Mundo,m the Christmas theme, invite each of you to look it up and do the progreçam of service everyday in December! It is an amazing way to bring us closer to Christ! :)
Love you all jhasta la proxima semana! 



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