Thursday, October 29, 2015

Brielle - Today 28 octubre 2015‏

October 28 2015

Last wednesday we had a family home evening in a less actives house her and her four little children we had the elders come. We talked about the plan of Salvation and they were really active. I was use to it thanks to the practice I had teaching the little sunbeams (10 3-4 year olds). 
Thursday we had a lesson with Andreina in the hopsital HOMS because her brother just had surgery and was with him so we went there and talked. It was funny.
Friday we Contacted in ear,ier part of the day and then had a lesson with andreina ar the church. We talked about a lot of things but she already knew about them all but we still had to teach them to be sure that she understood them.
Saturday we contacted again a lot and then we got on a ruta to take us to the front of the church and I was all Hermana Clove give me bones but I said it in spanish ´choc´ means bone pretty much and she was all give yourself bones!! We were so beat from walking around all day it was quite hilarious. Then the elders had a baptism that night and good thing we went because there were only about 7 people there including us. Then after the baptism we went with Andreina and got a food thing called Molfongo. It was really good. Has lots of random stuff in it.
Sunday we had a miscommunication and we waited a lot this day. We eventually had a lesson with Andreina and a member who was just in the church during the lesson and wanted to sit in and help us. She was a great help.
Monday we contacted and found an American and talked with her for a while we gave her a card with our number on it so she can call us to have some gringo talk. Smiling face with smiling eyes  Then we contacted another house and it started raining so we got invited to sit with them to wait out the storm. It was an older lady and while we were singing she was planning with the cat and the cat was like biting her and it was pretty funny. Then that night we had a family home evening with familia Noble! They are amazing and we had a good lesson about forgiveness and then after the converstion jumped from one thing to the next. Books, Harry Potter, one of the Harry Potters being the awesomest thing, and surgery,  and culture, and lots of other random stuff. Lots of good laughs. They talk really fast so it is easy to get lost and then when you understand something you go how did we get here? It is too funnny.
Tuesday we had a district meeting in tamboril and after we played UNO as a district as a unity building activity. Winking face it was fun then we went home. We had a lesson with a less active and helped her with the English homework. Then we went to Andreina´s house and talked about questions she had and then we went to our meetings with the ward. After our meetings we ran to the store to buy some more pudding and oreos becasue we had made a chocolate pudding pie and needed more stuff and then we ate like 2 slices each before we went to be. It was good.
Today was a chill day. Hermana Clove is working on packing and I got all my clothes cleaned. Just a really calm day. It was good. 
Mosiah 26:29-31
Be GOOD Love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Baylee - BIRTHDAY!!!

October 26 2015

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!! :)

First off, thanks to all you wonderful people that sent me a little note for my birthday!! You are all so fantastic! :) Love ya!
This week was pretty good! Heres what went down...

- Wed. we taught a less active member that we found knocking on doors named Susannah. She is a young mom and was baptized 3 years ago, just her. She hasnt been to church since her one year old was born. During the lesson, we were talking about going to church, and i found the opportunity to ask Susannah what was her testimony, her beliefs. She told us what she knows about the Gospel, and it was powerful. Simple, sincere, and powerful. Thats what the Gospel is: simple, sincere, and powerful! How amazing of a blessing! :)
- Wed. night we taught a new family that lives just up the street from us. The mom and 29 year old son listened in to the lesson. We actually had contacted the son one night knocking doors. He is named Jean Andrew, an American name LOL Hna. Salazar had a hard time with that name and now she understands how I feel with all the Latino names! The lesson was interesting because they dont have a ton of background with religion like most other people here in Peru. We gave them the most basic, talking a bit about the Restroration but also about the Plan of Salvation because they were very interested in where we go after we die. Oh LOL The son, Jean Andrew is a chef in Trujillo and he made us these tasty little pizza sandwich things, so that was also cool!
- After the new fam, we had a FHE with the Family Talledo, the husband is a recent convert. It was a lot of fun! we read the Famil, a Proclamation to the World and each of us drew our family! :) Family, you all looked real great in my little drawing, stick figures and all! :)
- Thursday, Hna. Slazar and i did some service, helping a 17 year YW cook since her mom is sick. It was a lot of fun. Maria, the YW, is learning English so she was practicing with me! Later in the evening, we came back and had some of the yummy food we made!
- Thursday night we contacted a man. it was his birthday and he called our message a gift from the heavens!
- MY BIRHTDAY!!! :) LOL that was a lot of fun! in the morning, Hna.s Ziegner and Echegaray came to watch our weekly planning, then we had a little mini fiesta before lunch where we decorated the room, had a balloon fight, took some pics, listened to music, just being silly. The most crazy part came at night. We had a ^FHE^ at Hna. Lilianas house. Really it was just a little party for me. They bought me cake! A Frozen cake! With Elsa! :) LOL and the cake ended up in my face, eggs and flour all over the rest of me, with lots of fun singing going on! I even got real candles!! :) I was a complete mess, my hair drenched, my skirt beat up, my nametag with egg whites, LOL it was so fun! I am adopting this tradition, everyone beware! when i come home and it is your biorthday, you are getting egged! :) I had to head back to the room like that! it took about half an hour to get it all out of my hair! The cake was so tasty! Such a fun night! Hna. Liliana is so great, and her family, and the new YW converts, and the other missionaries! Such a good day! 
- The Paiba family, Francisco our new convert, are so great. They have kind of adopted us and they were so excited to hear about my birthday and love me and make me feel special! I love them! :)
Yesterday, we were supposed to watch a big broadcast in church for all of Peru and Bolivia, but the power was out frm 4 AM until 2 PM LOL so we through together a little sacrament meeting!
- We have a new investigator names Tito, and he came to sacrament mweeting of his own freewill yesterday! We also taught him a lesson yesterday! Hna. Liliana came with us, and the lesson went reallly well! Tito is a 21 year old that served in the NAvy for two years and is now living with his mom here in Talara going to school. We found him knocking on doors, and he is very interested. In the lesson yesterday, we taught the Restoration, towards the end of the lessons, i felt the Spirit strongly in my heart, a burning confirmation and i could tell in Titos eyes that he felt it too. So i asked him what he thought about our message and how he felt. He told us that he thinks it is a call to change his life and he felt good, that he wants to keep learning more about Christ. The Spirit was wonderfully present, and i couldnt help but smile. It is moments like that which remind me why i am here!
- We had a Hna.s sleepover last night with food, Chocolate fondue, White Elephant gifts, and talking with Hna. Ziegner in English for along time! it was fun! 
-Today was a day for photos and sight seeing. we went to the giant Cristo statue, the TALARA sign, and to the lighthouse in Negritos. LOL in was a day filled with lots of walking in the sun, and i am tired and sunburnt because i am dumb and forgot suncreen, again! It was a good time! LOL in the carride to Negritos, the whole zone road in a giant van together. We sang church songs, specifically one Christmas song that is in Spanish that David Archuleta sings with the MoTab. We also played a fun rhyming song like who stole the cookie from the cookie jar but in Spanish. We were so silly and loud and it was great! :)

Well, that is my week! Another week in the service of the Lord! The Gospel is true, Christ lives, and we can be saved through his Atonement! I invite you all the share these truths with everyone around you! Truly, this is the most important work we will ever do! :) Love you all!



Thursday, October 22, 2015

Brielle - Wednesday 21 Octubre 2015‏

October 21 2015

Wednesday again, 
There really isn´t to much that happened this week that hasn´t bee said before. Sunday we ate with the Familia Castillo and on Monday night we had FHE at their house as well. Monday we spent a good portion of our day in the office trying to figure out things with doctors and how to pay for certain things and such. Got to talk with dad first because mom wouldn´t answer her phone. Freaked dad out when he saw the call from the Dominican Republic, he answers "yes this is Shawn Buchanan" all formal like and I go "hey how are you!" and then he shouts "Bri, what are you doing!" It was really funny. Then I talked to mom when dad finally got her to answer her phone. Hope we can get things figured out.
Tuesday we had intercambios and all of our appointments fell through I was with Hermana Nauca she is from Peru. Told her about Baylee and she was all NO WAY THAT IS AWESOME!! Then we had our meetings with the ward and I think we may be getting more help with us Hermanas here soon . I think they are starting to realize since it is close to the end of the year and they aren´t close to their goals that they made for the year. So we will see what happens.
Today we went to Calle del Sol and shopped around I got some earrings and a pin and this cute owl thing for Baylee. Like shopping for her birthday since it is on Friday but she won´t get the actual gift until more than a year later. Then we had lunch at La Sirena and we were going to buy somethings and this guy stops and talks to us and he had a Bible in his hand but was trying to talk in English and i was all you know spanish because you can talk in spanish we understand and then he began grabbing the things I was going to buy and was being rude so i said God bless you and take care and we left and he started to follow us but we went in and out of aisle and lost him. That La Sirena lost some business this day. Then we got a really yummy smoothie and then we attempted to beat Elder Grange to the house becasue they were going to put in a new smoke detector and we didn´t organize our things today and right before we left I was searching for something like a crazy person so things are everywhere. But we didn´t make it so we said oh well and came to write.
Please pray for Andreina she needs encouragment. She is awesome!!
I am not good at taking pictures lately. So ya just get our smoothies from today.

Love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Baylee - Hola mi familia y mis amigos!! :)

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!! :)

October 19 2015

How is everyone this week? I hope all is well! Here is what happened this week...

- I have been asked to play the piano for the youth in the Branch here to sing Army of Helaman...LOL they have way too much faith in me. Anyway, Tuesday night, i practiced with them. LOL i felt bad for the leaders as they tried to wrangle in the youth. It didnt go too bad, my piano playiing. i think i am getting better at simplifying music and playing to my is just hard because it is not like i ever have time to practice! LOL 
- Thursday after our District meeting, i taught my first English class. One of our assignments as North Americans is to teach the Latinos English. I taught them words and phrases to use when buying things. LOL it was fun and silly, and they told me I was a much better teacher than Elder Richards! :)
- Thursday night we had an apponitment with Erica, but it turned out to be her son Sebastians birthday! LOL she invited us in and we awkwardly sat in the party. LOL at first it was just her parents and her husbands parents as Erica and her husband went to pick up the cake. We chatted with them a bunch! it was so fun and a lot like our family get togethers at Grammys house! But them family friends started showing up and we got awkwaredly left out LOL they offered us cocktails...LOL of course we said no! but it was a fun, silly, awkward experience!
- Friday while we were kncking on doors we came across a guy living here from Japan! he is here on a 2 year governmental mission, similar to the mission of the elders. I unederstood his pain as he searched for the words in Spanish. We taught him a little bit. He also knew a bit of English! LOL that was kind of cool!
- We found anew investigator this week names Zenobia. She has an aunt and cousins who are members. We taught her our first lesson, and let me tell you the Spirit was there. She has doubts about God and about her Catholic religion, and we are trying to help her develop her faith. In the moment it was so powerful, the Spirit testifying of the power of the Gospel. The Gospel is true, guys!
- Sunday all of the meetings in church were about temples and family history work! It was kind of cool because now every member is super excited about finding family members and sending the names to the temple! I love that! :) It makes me think of my Grandpa!  We taught Francisco Sunday, and before our actual lesson, we sat with his wife Krimilda and talked all about family history, and she showed us all the info she has and the things she still needs. How cool of an opportunity to serve our ancestors! Do your family history work, everyone! it is truly salvation!
- Last night, I made pancakes for Hna Salazar and i with eggs. a little bit of home! I even tried a new recipe and i was super tasty! :) and we listened and sang along to the wonderful Disney music mom sent me! Love it! :)
- Last night, we talked with a family that lives ust up the street from us. I was very impressed with our ability to listen and apply the Gospel to the things they said, the problems they faced. Truly, this Gospel is the solution. The Gospel is joy and light to help us overcome challenges and live better, happier lives with our families! and the Spirit helped us convey this truth. I am so grateful for the Spirit to teach, because i am so not a great teacher of this Gospel. The Spirit is the real maestro! :)
- Today we didnt have a zone activity. Instead, Hna Salazar and i went to the room and Hnazs Ziegner and Echegaray and we cooked tacos and brownies! :) It turned out pretty darn good even though we were kind f making it up...we listened to Disney and Hna Ziegner and i talked in English! LOL it is always a good day when i have someone to tlk with in English! :)

Well, that was my week. Ups and downs, all arounds! I love you all, and I pray for you al daily! Be strong, and faithful! The Gospel is true!



Thursday, October 15, 2015

Brielle - miércoles 14 octubre 2015‏

October 14 2015
This week has been a good week not awesome but not bad either, just good.
Thursday we had a lesson with Andreina and she had been watching the conference sessions that she missed on Saturday when she was at school. She showed us the one by Elder James B. Martino. It is titled Turn to Him and Answers will Come. At the end she was all yeah I liked that one. And me and Hermana Clove were like um yeah we think you liked that one becasue it is giving you an answer. But we didn´t actually say that. At the end she asked us if we like malta morena and I was all no I do not like it and niether did Hermana Clove so she was all well would you like to try it in some milk. I was VERY much like NOO NO WAY i hate malta morena. but we said ok. It wasn´t bad but I wouldn´t choose it if there were other choices. She asked us how it tasted and hermana Clove goes, No tiene sabor, it doesn´t have any flavor before I was all fine not bad. We all started laughing because Hermana Clove was sick we were sure that is why it had no flavor so funny.
Friday we had a lesson with Italia and she is struggling with reading and understanding what she is reading so we are trying to think how to help her understand and retain what she learns.
Saturday we passed by the Familia Gomez´s house to see if they were still there and they were they are in the process of moving so we talked with them and they tried to give us ice tea so that was the topic that we talked about the Word of Wisdom and they understood. Then we went to see if a less active named Aurturo was at home but he wasn´t but Riany was sitting outside and she was grateful that we came by because she didn´t get the right key from her mom so she had been sitting out there looking at her nails for an hour. So we talked about the importance of the scriptures and one of her friends showed up just as we were finishing and she was a member and Riany and the friend remember Hermana Clove from when she was in the MTC and they were trying to get them to say silly words or phrases. It was funny that they remembered because Hermana Clove didn´t. Then that night we went to the Adult session of Stake Conference. Andreina came and it was a good meeting they really stressed the goals that the area presidency has put for the Caribe area.
Sunday we went to the church building at nine so we could be there when Andreina showed up we waited and waited and more people where showing up but we never saw her come in. Come to find out that there was another room full of people and that is where she was.
Monday we had a distirct meeting in tamboril and we were in charge of bringing cookies so we (Hermana Clove) made some no bake cookies (finally) and they were good. Hermana Clove and I gave trainings and they turned out pretty good. Then we finally got home about one ate something quickly and then we left to contact. We were unsuccessfull then we had a lesson with Charly and Angela. They both need jobs and Charly needs to stop smoking. So we talked about goals. Then we had a Family Home Evening with a member named Wendy and her three kids. Fernando, Diego, and a cute little girl whose name is to hard to remember. She fed us food and we talked about the Holy Ghost. It was a good way to end a long monday.
Tuesday was a longish day too. We went to the church and helped fix the hymnbooks at the church because there are a lot of sad looking ones. We thought that would be good since that is something everyone uses. Then we had lunch and headed out to contact. We had the list of members and literally not a single one of the people on the list live at the address or have the phone number listed next to their name. It is really annoying. Now those members are just lost. People don´t be like that. Then we went to visit Andreina and the first thing she says is I have bad news and good news what do you want first? I said the bad and she was all are you sure and I was all yes. Her bad news was that she hadn´t read anything from the Book of Mormon since Thrusday we were all oh why not kind of upset we were bot thinking it was going to be the place she is looking for work wants her to work on Sunday so she not reading was ok. Then I was all what is the good news and she was all I want to get baptized on the 31 of October. And we were really excited for her. I asked her why and she said well I was thinking that if i am going to church and I believe in what I am learning I should be baptized then. We were so happy we still are happy for her. So we have a baptism date for the 31st. She wants that one becasue she wants Hermana Clove to be there. Hermana Clove goes home on the following Wednesday. We then talked about the importance to pray frequently and to read/study the scriptures. Then she walked us to the rutas and then we got off at la Sirena and went to go get on the next ruta but there was a line so we just walked. for 20 minutes at a brisk pace so we could get to the church in time for Ward Council and so we could still be there in time for missionary coordiation and we made it. Drenched in sweat dripping off our faces but we made it.
Wednesday TODAY we went and got ice cream from the fancy ice cream store it is so good. Closest thing to a cold stone here. Then we went and looked at a clothes store then we ran home for a few minutes and then we are here to write families!!
I am so thankful for the blessing of the gospel in my life. I know that the principle we learn help us to make our own decisions in the right direction. 
Be Good!! 

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Baylee - HOLA mi familia y mis amigos!

October 12 2015

HOLA mi familia y mis amigos!

How is everyone?? I truly hope all is well, i wish more of you would right me and let me know whats going down in the States, in your lives :P LOL 

Here is what happened this week...
-Wednesday was room checks. Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came with the Zone Leaders to check our room, making sure the room was good enough to with stand any rain. I guess now is a good time to mention that this year is one of the freak years here in this region when giant storms come through. LOL we are preparing for the worst. We dont actually know is El Niño (as it is called) will come, but if so we need to be prepared. When the prophet tells you to do something, you do it. The directions are coing to us from Salt Lake, so we are prepping!
- Wed. was also a day of preparation for us. We had to clean the baptismal font and the room adjacent to get ready for Franciscos BAPTISM Thrusday!
- Thursday was a crazy day, filled with tons of stuff. The morning was a multi-zone Conference, our zone of Talara and Zone Sullana. They all came here to our capilla, also Presidente Hna. Rasmussen and the assistants. it was a good day, fun  and spiritual. And i got to talk with Hna. Rasmussen a bit one on one which i love. its as close as i can get to talking to my mom....
- FRANCISCOS BAPTISM!! :) That was a wonderful experience! Almost all his family was able to attend, and quite a few of the members came also. Presidente Rasmussen completed the ordinance. Also, the talks given by Franciscos wife Krimilda and Hno. Seminario were so moving, so spiritual. Guys, my first convert!! He was my first lesson in the field!! The fruits of this labor are real! :) Yesterday, in sacrament meeting, Francisco was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints and received the Holy Ghost. How cool?! :)
- Friday, I had intercambios with Hna. Echegaray. She is really great. She is actually 25,  but she doesnt seem any older except that she is so much better at teaching and talking with people. The best part during Intercambiso was when we taught a new investigator, Litisia. She is amesome! She understood everything weel, our purpose, everything! and she agreed to be baptized if she learns more and receives an answer from God. Also, she gave us a reference, a friend, and she is going to go with us to visit her Wednesday! :) Wow, miraculous! 
- Guys, i am getting better and better at experimental cooking! LOL I have been trying different thngs at night for our LATE dinner, and  they have turned out pretty good! I hae never been able to do that before! :)
- Today for Pday, our zone went to Negritos again but this time we played sports inside an arena, a giant court thing. we played some soccer, vball, bball. it was really fun! Of course, im still not very good at soccer, but i play and it is fun! 
- Also, today our zone ate lunch together at a little restaurant in Negritos. It was so fun to have a giant long table with all of us sitting together laughing anf talking. The food was pretty good, but the best part was the company! :)

Well, that is my week! Now, i would like to take a minute to bear my testimony in SPANISH!!...
Yo sé que este Evangelio es de Dios y es verdadero. Sin duda, yo puedo decir esto. Este Evangelio es mi gozo, mi roca, mi razón. Yo sé que las familias pueden ser eternas por medio del Sacerdocio. ¡Que bendición! El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios y nosotros podemos encontrar respuestas a nuestras preguntas en las paginas de este libro. La oración es muy poderosa! Es milagrosa! Nosotros tenemos un profeta viviente se llama Thomas S. Monson, y él es un hombre de Dios quien puede recibir revelación por cada uno de nosotros en estés días. Mi familia es la más importante cosa en mi vida, y este Evangelio es la razón nosotros podemos superar nuestras desafíos y continuar! Yo amo este Evangelio! Jesucristo es mi Salvadar, y Su Expiación es real! 

:) thanks everyone for being there for me and supporting me through this giant thing in my life! Love you all!



Thursday, October 8, 2015

Brielle - miércoles 7 octubre 2015‏

October 7 2015

Thursday octubre 1 we went to La sirena (walmart) and they had put the Christmas deco out. That morning we were all merry Christmas it´s october!! And it really is here. Woke up and I had formed a blister on my arm from my arm band but not where my burn is on my arm on the other side of my arm on normal skin. It was a nasty looking blister. We ran into the office to talk to The Burn Center again because I got a package of my compression socks but they are all still wrong. I picked up each one hoping that one would be correct. I am a bit frustrated. So we went in and we called got things figured out, hopefully, and Hermana Grange let them hear her frustration with the situation. Then we dressed my arm with some gauze wrap so my blister wouldn´t get worse. Then we ran to the house because I can´t remember anything anymore because I was suppose to bring my compression socks with me and I did not do that and we drew on one sock where I need the extra compression so they would REMEMBER because they know where it needs to be. They also sent more supplies to help with the scar on my heel. I am excited for that because that scar hurts. This day we met with Andreina and talked about the 10 commandments because she had questions about that. She is so awesome. Please pray for her that she will recognize that the Spirit has touched her life. 
Friday we met with Italia and invited her to read the Book of Mormon and paint what she sees in her mind while she is reading to see if that will help her understand better. We had planned to talk about 3 nefi 17 and awesomely she had been reading in that chapter so we talked about it. It is when Christ is visiting and healing all the people with afflictions and blessing the little children we thought that would give her some ideas. so we´ll see what happens.
Saturday and Sunday CONFERENCIA GENERAL!!!!! Yeah we were really excited the day before we bought snacks so we were prepared to sit and listen and take notes. I loved all of conference. Picking my favorite part is hard to do. Keep the commandments, read the scriptures, pray, Keep the sabbath day holy, be kind, be an example, do the simple things. For lunch on Sunday we had lunch with Famila Bretón and we had chicken wraps and they were going then we played some silly games to waste time until it was time to go back. Andreina was there for the first session and we invited her to go with us to their house for lunch but she was fasting. She is awesome. We brought her a chicken wrap for her to eat later. She stayed with the missionaries while we were gone watching the World Report in English. Then after conference we stayed at the church and we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and we understands it all the next time we are going to tell her the baptismal questions to help her know what is expected. 
Monday we had a zone conference in the morning and then we headed back to the house for lunch. We contacted all day and ended with a FHE with the familia Noble and with Andreina! It was awesome we shared things that we liked about conference. And andreina could participate because she was there. She loved President Monson´s talk. Felipe bore a sweet testimony that made me tear up. He was talking to Andreina, telling her that we, Hermana Clove and I, were prepared to teach and prepare her for baptism. It was really awesome and special. Then we got a taxi ride home. 
Tuesday we contacted all day. Walking and walking. Then we had our meeting with the ward. Before we had our meetings we went and visited a member whose dad just passed away then we came back to the meetings. We hope we can get some activity going in the ward.
Today!! Since we walked all day yesterday my ankle is SUPPPPPERRRR tired and sore!! But we listened to music, washed come clothes and then the dryer part of the washer blew up and then we went to Sweet Frog a Frozen Yogurt place and that was good. Last time and only time I had Frozen Yogurt from there was when I was in the hosptial here and Hermana Harden snuck it into me because I wanted chocolate ice cream. Then we went to the office to take our broken DVD player and to buy a few things for Alejandro and to talk to Hermana Grange and then we left and come to the computers. 
We need to continually be doing those little things to help us prepare to talk with our Father in Heaven. 
Love you all!!

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Baylee - Hola mi familia y mis amigos! ¿Comó están? Todo bien? ¿Qué están pasando en los Estados Unidos?

October 5 2015

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!
¿Comó están? Todo bien? ¿Qué están pasando en los Estados Unidos? 
LOL ok enough Español! I hope everyone is doing well! Here is what happened this week! 
-biggest news first...FRANCISCO PASSED HIS INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENTE RASMUSSEN AND IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS THURSDAY!!! LOL if you cannot tell i am a little bit crazy excited for him! He was my first lesson in the field and now he is going tobe my first baptism! And what is even more cool is that Presidente Rasmussen is going to perform the ordinance! We have a multi zone conference here in Talara the same day, so he will be here and Francisco asked him to do the honors! Guys, this is such big news!!!! :)
- Tuesday I had a real powerful manifestation of the Spirit. Hna. Maria Aguilar came with us to a lesson and she shared a story about her daughter getting lost when she was little and then praying for help, all on her own. Then she was able to find her way home with the help of a kind old man driving a moto. This was a testimony that this Gospel truly is such a blessing in our lives, teaching children to trust God! the Spirit was so strong!
- So, wednesday was my three month mark! I have been out for three months guys! Time really does fly. in the moment it may not seem like it, but i swear yesterday was June 30th and i was saying goodbye to my parensts and Brielle at the airport! 
- we are now teahing a recent convert that moved into our ward. his wife is a member and they have two adorable kids, one is 7 and the other is lik3 almost a year. I love them! they are so fund to teach, and they have some of the most inteesting qustions! 
- Friday i got mail!!!! :) Early birthday :) THANK YOU MOM!! American food, a cute mug, a beautiful necklace, cards, decorations, and a USB with NEW MUSIC! Love it! :)
- For General Conference we had a bit of an English party LOL thats what the photo is below! Us 6 Americans sat in front of the computer in the secretary office and listened in English. Elder Richards brought his stash of Sklittle, Star burts, Sour patch, and Laffy Taffy and we pigged out and were inspired in our native tonuge! it was awesome! :)
- Speaking of General Conference, here are a few things that stuck out to me and i want to share with you all...
 1- Take the ponder-ize challenge. pick one scripture to memorize and study for one whole week. learn all you can of that scripture, be spiritually edified. its a great challenge!
2- remeber and learn more about the Plan of Salvation, but most specifically, keep your eyes focusd on te eternal prize. With an eternal perspective, life is better and we are able to face all the challenged thats come ou way!
3- Forgive! also sing Let it Go (or Libre Soy in Español!) :)
4- ACT everyday to come closer to Christ, its not a passive thing!
5- go to church! and partake of the sacrament every week!
6- tell your moms THANK YOU!
8- Ask yourself What mattes most? Then reevaluate your life to fit those goals! Eternal goals! 
Well, thats been my week! I love you all!! Be good! :)



Thursday, October 1, 2015

Brielle - 30 septiembre 2015‏

Septiembre is almost over!!! Let Christmas begin!!
This week was a good week. We are working hard and trying to find more people. Good thing Hermana Clove likes contacting because it isn´t my favorite but it is necessary. We are helping each other.
Thursday was a long day sort of but cool because we were contacting because all of our lessons fell through and it was cloudy and thundering and it has done that a lot lately so we didn´t think anything of it and we didn´t have our unbrellas. We passed a lady walking a dog and we was American and she asked us it is safe to be outside with the lightning and we were all yeah oh yeah it is fine it hardly ever doesn anything and no sooner had we kept walking in the same direction and she in her direction than it starte to rain HARD. Hermana Clove and I hudled undera tree and tried to get in the house we were in front of but no one answers and then the American comes running back and lets us come in. We sat in her house with her husband for 2 and a half hours talking. They asked questions about our faith and we answered the rain didn´t actually stop when we left but it was lighter so they gave us an umbrella and an excuse to come back and visit them. 
Friday so thursday night we got a call from the church saying that a girl came by and gave her info so that the missionaries could come by and teach her. She pretty much referenced herself. So we called her and set to meet with her. We were in our first lesson and we went to leave and we were outside the apartment door to walk towards the street and then it started to rain hard so we went back into Italias house and talked about her artwork with her. We did have our umbrellas this time so it died down and we left to go to the hospital HOMS to meet up with this investigator who referenceed herself. Her name is Andreina. She is 26 and had all the lessons taught to her REALLy fast in Santo Domingo when she was visiting her cousin who is a member. We know she will be baptized really soon. She has read all the folletos and is reading the book of mormon. she came to a baptism on saturday and stayed for the womens conference and then can to church on sunday she will be a strong member.
Saturday we had a service project at the house of the familia rodriguez in tamboril. I love that family!! There is always a welcoming hug from hna miguelina when I see her. Me and hermana clove just played with the two little girls while the elders moved dirt. Then we ate lunch and went home. We taught a few lessons and them we went to the baptism for an investigator of the elders and then we got some ice cream with Andreina and showed her the church and then we watchd the Womans conference in English!! It was so good!! Loved it all!!
Sunday we went to church and Andreina was there and sitting with members I was so thankful for those members to be friends to her. Then after churhc we taught her a the whole plan of salvation and she understands is all. She is awesome! Then we had a few other lessons later that day. We ran by the house to make a notebook for a less active named Ambar and when we went to leave there was a lot of lightning and black clouds but we left making sure all the windows were closed and that the bed was away from the windows and that we had our umbrellas. We got to the house we planned to go to and the person we were going to visit wasn´t avaible so we were were going to leave and then the wind and the pounding rain came so we stayed for 20 minutes and talked. Then we left and walked through a few rivers and went to the house. 
Monday we had a zone meeting and then for lunch we had panckes. They were really good. Then we had a few lessons for the day and ended with a FHE with Ambar, Riki, their uncle and their cousin, and a bunch of their friends. A bunch a of boys it was a good time. We read the scripture in matthew7:13-14 Which way do you want to and then we asked questions. This whole activity was one the spot because we had planned to go with the uncle becasue there was a lessactive near that he wanted us to visit but her forgot until we had finsihed. Thery really were involved with the lesson and activity.
Tuesday I got sunburnt in the morning trying to find a lady that we didn´t find and then we had one lesson and then contacted for the rest of the day and then had our two meetings in the evening.
Wednesday TODAy we woke up prayed and studied a little and then we took a nap walking all day is hard work. Then the elders called and wanted a teaching record from our area book but they never came to get it. I washed some clothes then we got ready and here we are writing!!
I know that there is a purpose to all things even when we don´t understand in the moment. I always use the example of my accident. I feel like I shouldn´t that I should have an example in the mission but one doesn´t come to mind. Why did I have to get hit? Why was I the only one who got hit so bad that I had to go home? Why? But I don´t know why exactly and I never will until the end. I look forward to that day and I hope to do my best to I can get all the blessings that are mine and so I can understand.
Love ya´ll!! 

Todo Bien!!!

Hermana Buchanan