October 7 2015
Thursday octubre 1 we went to La sirena (walmart) and they had put the Christmas deco out. That morning we were all merry Christmas it´s october!! And it really is here. Woke up and I had formed a blister on my arm from my arm band but not where my burn is on my arm on the other side of my arm on normal skin. It was a nasty looking blister. We ran into the office to talk to The Burn Center again because I got a package of my compression socks but they are all still wrong. I picked up each one hoping that one would be correct. I am a bit frustrated. So we went in and we called got things figured out, hopefully, and Hermana Grange let them hear her frustration with the situation. Then we dressed my arm with some gauze wrap so my blister wouldn´t get worse. Then we ran to the house because I can´t remember anything anymore because I was suppose to bring my compression socks with me and I did not do that and we drew on one sock where I need the extra compression so they would REMEMBER because they know where it needs to be. They also sent more supplies to help with the scar on my heel. I am excited for that because that scar hurts. This day we met with Andreina and talked about the 10 commandments because she had questions about that. She is so awesome. Please pray for her that she will recognize that the Spirit has touched her life.
Friday we met with Italia and invited her to read the Book of Mormon and paint what she sees in her mind while she is reading to see if that will help her understand better. We had planned to talk about 3 nefi 17 and awesomely she had been reading in that chapter so we talked about it. It is when Christ is visiting and healing all the people with afflictions and blessing the little children we thought that would give her some ideas. so we´ll see what happens.
Saturday and Sunday CONFERENCIA GENERAL!!!!! Yeah we were really excited the day before we bought snacks so we were prepared to sit and listen and take notes. I loved all of conference. Picking my favorite part is hard to do. Keep the commandments, read the scriptures, pray, Keep the sabbath day holy, be kind, be an example, do the simple things. For lunch on Sunday we had lunch with Famila Bretón and we had chicken wraps and they were going then we played some silly games to waste time until it was time to go back. Andreina was there for the first session and we invited her to go with us to their house for lunch but she was fasting. She is awesome. We brought her a chicken wrap for her to eat later. She stayed with the missionaries while we were gone watching the World Report in English. Then after conference we stayed at the church and we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and we understands it all the next time we are going to tell her the baptismal questions to help her know what is expected.
Monday we had a zone conference in the morning and then we headed back to the house for lunch. We contacted all day and ended with a FHE with the familia Noble and with Andreina! It was awesome we shared things that we liked about conference. And andreina could participate because she was there. She loved President Monson´s talk. Felipe bore a sweet testimony that made me tear up. He was talking to Andreina, telling her that we, Hermana Clove and I, were prepared to teach and prepare her for baptism. It was really awesome and special. Then we got a taxi ride home.
Tuesday we contacted all day. Walking and walking. Then we had our meeting with the ward. Before we had our meetings we went and visited a member whose dad just passed away then we came back to the meetings. We hope we can get some activity going in the ward.
Today!! Since we walked all day yesterday my ankle is SUPPPPPERRRR tired and sore!! But we listened to music, washed come clothes and then the dryer part of the washer blew up and then we went to Sweet Frog a Frozen Yogurt place and that was good. Last time and only time I had Frozen Yogurt from there was when I was in the hosptial here and Hermana Harden snuck it into me because I wanted chocolate ice cream. Then we went to the office to take our broken DVD player and to buy a few things for Alejandro and to talk to Hermana Grange and then we left and come to the computers.
We need to continually be doing those little things to help us prepare to talk with our Father in Heaven.
Love you all!!
Look at these beautiful sisters..we love em both!!