Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Baylee - BIRTHDAY!!!

October 26 2015

Hola mi familia y mis amigos!! :)

First off, thanks to all you wonderful people that sent me a little note for my birthday!! You are all so fantastic! :) Love ya!
This week was pretty good! Heres what went down...

- Wed. we taught a less active member that we found knocking on doors named Susannah. She is a young mom and was baptized 3 years ago, just her. She hasnt been to church since her one year old was born. During the lesson, we were talking about going to church, and i found the opportunity to ask Susannah what was her testimony, her beliefs. She told us what she knows about the Gospel, and it was powerful. Simple, sincere, and powerful. Thats what the Gospel is: simple, sincere, and powerful! How amazing of a blessing! :)
- Wed. night we taught a new family that lives just up the street from us. The mom and 29 year old son listened in to the lesson. We actually had contacted the son one night knocking doors. He is named Jean Andrew, an American name LOL Hna. Salazar had a hard time with that name and now she understands how I feel with all the Latino names! The lesson was interesting because they dont have a ton of background with religion like most other people here in Peru. We gave them the most basic, talking a bit about the Restroration but also about the Plan of Salvation because they were very interested in where we go after we die. Oh LOL The son, Jean Andrew is a chef in Trujillo and he made us these tasty little pizza sandwich things, so that was also cool!
- After the new fam, we had a FHE with the Family Talledo, the husband is a recent convert. It was a lot of fun! we read the Famil, a Proclamation to the World and each of us drew our family! :) Family, you all looked real great in my little drawing, stick figures and all! :)
- Thursday, Hna. Slazar and i did some service, helping a 17 year YW cook since her mom is sick. It was a lot of fun. Maria, the YW, is learning English so she was practicing with me! Later in the evening, we came back and had some of the yummy food we made!
- Thursday night we contacted a man. it was his birthday and he called our message a gift from the heavens!
- MY BIRHTDAY!!! :) LOL that was a lot of fun! in the morning, Hna.s Ziegner and Echegaray came to watch our weekly planning, then we had a little mini fiesta before lunch where we decorated the room, had a balloon fight, took some pics, listened to music, just being silly. The most crazy part came at night. We had a ^FHE^ at Hna. Lilianas house. Really it was just a little party for me. They bought me cake! A Frozen cake! With Elsa! :) LOL and the cake ended up in my face, eggs and flour all over the rest of me, with lots of fun singing going on! I even got real candles!! :) I was a complete mess, my hair drenched, my skirt beat up, my nametag with egg whites, LOL it was so fun! I am adopting this tradition, everyone beware! when i come home and it is your biorthday, you are getting egged! :) I had to head back to the room like that! it took about half an hour to get it all out of my hair! The cake was so tasty! Such a fun night! Hna. Liliana is so great, and her family, and the new YW converts, and the other missionaries! Such a good day! 
- The Paiba family, Francisco our new convert, are so great. They have kind of adopted us and they were so excited to hear about my birthday and love me and make me feel special! I love them! :)
Yesterday, we were supposed to watch a big broadcast in church for all of Peru and Bolivia, but the power was out frm 4 AM until 2 PM LOL so we through together a little sacrament meeting!
- We have a new investigator names Tito, and he came to sacrament mweeting of his own freewill yesterday! We also taught him a lesson yesterday! Hna. Liliana came with us, and the lesson went reallly well! Tito is a 21 year old that served in the NAvy for two years and is now living with his mom here in Talara going to school. We found him knocking on doors, and he is very interested. In the lesson yesterday, we taught the Restoration, towards the end of the lessons, i felt the Spirit strongly in my heart, a burning confirmation and i could tell in Titos eyes that he felt it too. So i asked him what he thought about our message and how he felt. He told us that he thinks it is a call to change his life and he felt good, that he wants to keep learning more about Christ. The Spirit was wonderfully present, and i couldnt help but smile. It is moments like that which remind me why i am here!
- We had a Hna.s sleepover last night with food, Chocolate fondue, White Elephant gifts, and talking with Hna. Ziegner in English for along time! it was fun! 
-Today was a day for photos and sight seeing. we went to the giant Cristo statue, the TALARA sign, and to the lighthouse in Negritos. LOL in was a day filled with lots of walking in the sun, and i am tired and sunburnt because i am dumb and forgot suncreen, again! It was a good time! LOL in the carride to Negritos, the whole zone road in a giant van together. We sang church songs, specifically one Christmas song that is in Spanish that David Archuleta sings with the MoTab. We also played a fun rhyming song like who stole the cookie from the cookie jar but in Spanish. We were so silly and loud and it was great! :)

Well, that is my week! Another week in the service of the Lord! The Gospel is true, Christ lives, and we can be saved through his Atonement! I invite you all the share these truths with everyone around you! Truly, this is the most important work we will ever do! :) Love you all!



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