Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Baylee - HOLA mi familia y mis amigos!

October 12 2015

HOLA mi familia y mis amigos!

How is everyone?? I truly hope all is well, i wish more of you would right me and let me know whats going down in the States, in your lives :P LOL 

Here is what happened this week...
-Wednesday was room checks. Presidente and Hna. Rasmussen came with the Zone Leaders to check our room, making sure the room was good enough to with stand any rain. I guess now is a good time to mention that this year is one of the freak years here in this region when giant storms come through. LOL we are preparing for the worst. We dont actually know is El Niño (as it is called) will come, but if so we need to be prepared. When the prophet tells you to do something, you do it. The directions are coing to us from Salt Lake, so we are prepping!
- Wed. was also a day of preparation for us. We had to clean the baptismal font and the room adjacent to get ready for Franciscos BAPTISM Thrusday!
- Thursday was a crazy day, filled with tons of stuff. The morning was a multi-zone Conference, our zone of Talara and Zone Sullana. They all came here to our capilla, also Presidente Hna. Rasmussen and the assistants. it was a good day, fun  and spiritual. And i got to talk with Hna. Rasmussen a bit one on one which i love. its as close as i can get to talking to my mom....
- FRANCISCOS BAPTISM!! :) That was a wonderful experience! Almost all his family was able to attend, and quite a few of the members came also. Presidente Rasmussen completed the ordinance. Also, the talks given by Franciscos wife Krimilda and Hno. Seminario were so moving, so spiritual. Guys, my first convert!! He was my first lesson in the field!! The fruits of this labor are real! :) Yesterday, in sacrament meeting, Francisco was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints and received the Holy Ghost. How cool?! :)
- Friday, I had intercambios with Hna. Echegaray. She is really great. She is actually 25,  but she doesnt seem any older except that she is so much better at teaching and talking with people. The best part during Intercambiso was when we taught a new investigator, Litisia. She is amesome! She understood everything weel, our purpose, everything! and she agreed to be baptized if she learns more and receives an answer from God. Also, she gave us a reference, a friend, and she is going to go with us to visit her Wednesday! :) Wow, miraculous! 
- Guys, i am getting better and better at experimental cooking! LOL I have been trying different thngs at night for our LATE dinner, and  they have turned out pretty good! I hae never been able to do that before! :)
- Today for Pday, our zone went to Negritos again but this time we played sports inside an arena, a giant court thing. we played some soccer, vball, bball. it was really fun! Of course, im still not very good at soccer, but i play and it is fun! 
- Also, today our zone ate lunch together at a little restaurant in Negritos. It was so fun to have a giant long table with all of us sitting together laughing anf talking. The food was pretty good, but the best part was the company! :)

Well, that is my week! Now, i would like to take a minute to bear my testimony in SPANISH!!...
Yo sé que este Evangelio es de Dios y es verdadero. Sin duda, yo puedo decir esto. Este Evangelio es mi gozo, mi roca, mi razón. Yo sé que las familias pueden ser eternas por medio del Sacerdocio. ¡Que bendición! El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios y nosotros podemos encontrar respuestas a nuestras preguntas en las paginas de este libro. La oración es muy poderosa! Es milagrosa! Nosotros tenemos un profeta viviente se llama Thomas S. Monson, y él es un hombre de Dios quien puede recibir revelación por cada uno de nosotros en estés días. Mi familia es la más importante cosa en mi vida, y este Evangelio es la razón nosotros podemos superar nuestras desafíos y continuar! Yo amo este Evangelio! Jesucristo es mi Salvadar, y Su Expiación es real! 

:) thanks everyone for being there for me and supporting me through this giant thing in my life! Love you all!



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