October 5 2015
Hola mi familia y mis amigos!
¿Comó están? Todo bien? ¿Qué están pasando en los Estados Unidos?
LOL ok enough Español! I hope everyone is doing well! Here is what happened this week!
-biggest news first...FRANCISCO PASSED HIS INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENTE RASMUSSEN AND IS GETTING BAPTIZED THIS THURSDAY!!! LOL if you cannot tell i am a little bit crazy excited for him! He was my first lesson in the field and now he is going tobe my first baptism! And what is even more cool is that Presidente Rasmussen is going to perform the ordinance! We have a multi zone conference here in Talara the same day, so he will be here and Francisco asked him to do the honors! Guys, this is such big news!!!! :)
- Tuesday I had a real powerful manifestation of the Spirit. Hna. Maria Aguilar came with us to a lesson and she shared a story about her daughter getting lost when she was little and then praying for help, all on her own. Then she was able to find her way home with the help of a kind old man driving a moto. This was a testimony that this Gospel truly is such a blessing in our lives, teaching children to trust God! the Spirit was so strong!
- So, wednesday was my three month mark! I have been out for three months guys! Time really does fly. in the moment it may not seem like it, but i swear yesterday was June 30th and i was saying goodbye to my parensts and Brielle at the airport!
- we are now teahing a recent convert that moved into our ward. his wife is a member and they have two adorable kids, one is 7 and the other is lik3 almost a year. I love them! they are so fund to teach, and they have some of the most inteesting qustions!
- Friday i got mail!!!! :) Early birthday :) THANK YOU MOM!! American food, a cute mug, a beautiful necklace, cards, decorations, and a USB with NEW MUSIC! Love it! :)
- For General Conference we had a bit of an English party LOL thats what the photo is below! Us 6 Americans sat in front of the computer in the secretary office and listened in English. Elder Richards brought his stash of Sklittle, Star burts, Sour patch, and Laffy Taffy and we pigged out and were inspired in our native tonuge! it was awesome! :)
- Speaking of General Conference, here are a few things that stuck out to me and i want to share with you all...
1- Take the ponder-ize challenge. pick one scripture to memorize and study for one whole week. learn all you can of that scripture, be spiritually edified. its a great challenge!
2- remeber and learn more about the Plan of Salvation, but most specifically, keep your eyes focusd on te eternal prize. With an eternal perspective, life is better and we are able to face all the challenged thats come ou way!
3- Forgive! also sing Let it Go (or Libre Soy in Español!) :)
4- ACT everyday to come closer to Christ, its not a passive thing!
5- go to church! and partake of the sacrament every week!
6- tell your moms THANK YOU!
8- Ask yourself What mattes most? Then reevaluate your life to fit those goals! Eternal goals!
Well, thats been my week! I love you all!! Be good! :)
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