Hola Mi Familia y Mis Amigos!!! :)
How is everyone this fine Monday? I hope all is well! I hear it finally snowed in some parts! About time! LOL I am still waiting on my snow ;) Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Baylee - CAMBIOS - the first!
November 2 2015
Well lets start with the biggest news and get going with the week...
- CAMBIOS!! It is official, i am no longer in training. I am now a full fledged, real life, normal missionary. Saturday night we received the call with our transfer info. But to celebrate, Hnas Ziegner, Echegaray, Salazar and i all went out for pizza! It was tasty and delicious and a lot of fun! Then came the Cambios. Hna. Salazar is now in a trio! In Paita! And my new Comp. is Hna. Bazan! She came this morning and Hna. Salazar also left this morning. Bitter swet moments, watching my field mom leave...But Hna. Bazan is really great! She is from Lima, but she lived in Virginia for ten years when she was a kids so she is fluent in both Spanish and English. We get along really well, basing that off of the few hours we have been together today. LOL She also really likes music, musicals, all that. She is more willing to talk with me, and its been good so far. I am excited for this change!
- ok, with the rest of the week. Padres, be shocked. I ate shrimp and LIKED IT! WHA?!? :)
- In our District Meeting Thursday, we gave Hna. Echegaray a giant card since she has now ended her mission. It was filled with pictures of the after mission goals like being faithful until then end, temple marriage, family. LOL we had a good time with that.
- Friday i completed 4 months as a missionary! How crazy?!
- We have an invesigator with a baptismal date set for Dec. 5th! Her name is Carmen and she has received lessons before. She told us that she knows the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet. Now we get to help her develop that faith and prepare for Dec. 5th! So exciting!
- Friday night we had a mission night activity. we watched Mormon Messages, played some games, and ate mircowave brownies that Hna. Ziegner and I made. LOL Making those brownies was stressful since the time here in the mission is so limitd! but they were tasty! and the activity was really fun!
- Yeserday was Dia de Los Muertos! Day of the Dead! LOL such a weird tradition to put litle sweet treats on the graves of family members so they can eat them....But tons of people do that here and the streetes were really crowded with people buying those treats )angelitos).
- For Halloween, I celebrated in my own little way by wearing orange and Black, adn then at the pizza place with the Hna.s they had Halloween decorations, so it wasnt all in vain!
- Domnigo we spent a good chunk of the day going to visit members so that Hna. Salzar could say goodbye before leaving. Almost everyone gave us things to eat....Goodness gracious!
- Hna. Echegary left to Piura a day early to say goodbye to her old areas, so Hna. Ziegner spent the night with Hna. Salzar and I. We had a little mini slumber party and it was silly fun. LOL Hna. Ziegner was definitely slap happy!
Well, that is my week! You all are so strong and such grand inspiration for me. I love you all and am so grateful for your support and love! :) Este Evangelio es verdadero! El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios y es las más verdadero libro en todo el mundo. Las familias pueden ser eternas por medio del poder del Sacerdocio. Estoy muy agradecido por este conocimiento y la oportunidad para compartir con la gente aquí en Talara. Por, siempre recuerden que ustedes nunca estan solos! Dios es nuestro amorosa Padre Clestial, y él nos ama. Jesucristo entiende cada dolor, miedo, preocupación, TODO! La oración cierto es la manera para comunicar con Dios directamente. Yo invito cada uno de ustedes para orar y preguntar a Dios si este Iglesia realmente es las Iglesia verdadera. Yo testifico de esto, y sé que ustdes pueden saber por sus mismos por medio de revelación personal a través de el Espirítu Santo. Yo sé que es la verdad!! :)
Love you all!
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